21 January 2024 10:36
I am not happy with ICBC when someone dies and you have a car to be put in your name, they make it very difficult to do. I had to get the Will and Death Certificate and legal papers stating it was my car. Then all that was not good enough I had to pay to have it certified by a Notary.
15 January 2024 3:44
Insurance rates are again increasing this year, time to stop this monopoly, stop robbing British Columbians, enough is enough
21 September 2023 14:56
Took longer to get checked into security and get a badge. Then it did to have the envelope I was there for, handed to me.

"We don't deal with parking"
Convenient way for them not to worry about not being handicapped accessible.
05 September 2023 3:16
ATTENTION: ICBC tampered with the claim information we submitted without permission! If anyone from the media sees this, please contact me and I will be willing to share the details. We need to expose the shady operations behind this company on a larger platform! Otherwise, more people will be treated unfairly!

Throughout my interaction with ICBC during the claims process, there were concerning instances of wrongful treatment and unfair practices by ICBC staff. Initially, they altered my information to place the blame entirely on me for the accident. When I discovered these discrepancies and requested corrections, they did make adjustments but continued to assert that the fault lay entirely with me. They even provided reasons to support their decision, which appeared biased! What a joke?

I also have particular concerns regarding the communication and responsiveness of ICBC staff members, specifically Jimmy Gill and Kelly Marles. Their communication with me has been notably lacking in terms of timeliness and accuracy. Jimmy Gill sent me a few emails to which I responded, but regrettably, there was no subsequent reply. Furthermore, he has not engaged in effective phone communication, resorting only to leaving voicemail messages, and he has not responded when I attempted to return his calls. Another instance is Jimmy Gill's manager, Kelly Marles, who emailed me a report detailing ICBC's work on my claim case. However, the information in her email appeared to be inaccurate. Which means, ICBC staff made wrong records and wrong notes in their system, to make them look like still work in normal. This can be allowed in Canada? Is this legal?

Regardless of whether I should bear 100% responsibility for this car accident or not, ICBC's treatment of me has been highly inappropriate. Their actions subjected me to a distressing experience, leading to both mental stress and additional physical pain.
17 August 2023 15:31
HORRIBLE experience with ICBC. Been over a year and still fighting them over an accident I was not at fault for. They lead you on and waste all your time. My whole life has completely changed for the worse due to the lack of care and follow through from ICBC and their whole team. The day this cruel monopoly ends in BC will be a spectacular day.
25 July 2023 0:30
5 months with absolutely no help for my injury claim. I have had absolutely no help from ICBC. I have phoned in multiple times, with people unable to help me.

I was advised the recovery team would email me last time I phoned, and I never received an email.

At this stage, I have been unable to undergo any treatment due to the lack of communication on how I would do so.

This is not the first time. When I was a passenger in an accident, my adjuster disappeared for 6 months due to a back injury and I didn’t get help from anyone else. My claim was essentially put on a back burner until she returned.

As I’m sure you know, the longer your injuries sit the worse they become.

ICBC is an absolute joke. The “Enhanced Care” is nothing more than them trying to save billions on lawyer fees. It is most certainly not to the public’s benefit. I am now having to explore my options with lawyers. Your “No Fault” system is destroying the lives of British Columbians.
31 May 2023 12:47
The ICBC Enhanced Accident Benefits Program was created to maximize the interests of the ICBC company itself, not the Patient, by blocking the Lawyer's Mouth
16 January 2023 9:27
They have a mistake on the address of 2 of 5 insured vehicles and refuse to change it unless I pay for it. Of course there is no person to speak to directly and no name on email replies. What are they trying to hide and why. They are owned by the taxpayers and their customers and should respond to us as such.
20 November 2022 5:29
Not help. Rude ignorant, guy by the name MICHAEL, WARING CAMO PANTS.
10 November 2022 9:56
It's absolutely pathetic how long it took me to get through to someone at ICBC. Going through a menu that took me to another menu that took me to another menu, on and on infinitum. It's so bad that there is an additional recording at the end saying that they expect callers to be kind and respectful to their employees or they will hang up. I understand why they have that warning now. I'm sure by the time most callers eventually get through to someone, they are so angry that they start yelling at the person on the other end just out of sheer frustration. What an incompetent organization. Absolutely pathetic.
24 October 2022 18:44
I would like to say that Linda in account services was so helpful to me today I owe a amount to ICBC and she was very considerate to my situation and gave me an extension she was so helpful to me and she put a smile on my face ICBC Corp should give this lady a raise for going above and beyond for us people here thank you very much Linda!
13 October 2022 19:49
Horrible wait times, sat on paperwork for weeks while pending insurance status was either renewed or cancelled without any notification from customer representatives.
29 September 2022 10:44
Absolute buffons. They had my license for 2 weeks and didn't even bother calling me that they had it. For some reason, Canada post returned it to them. Still, no one bothered to pick up the phone to let me know. Unprofessional clowns.
21 September 2022 20:00
Scums of all sorts working in this cesspool. Extorting money from customers. That's what happens when so called company controls 100% of all insurances in one location
19 September 2022 17:54
Absolutely abysmal experience with them. I do not live in Canada and I was traveling in British Columbia for leisure and I get rear-ended by another individual, which made my vehicle undrivable. My auto insurance told me to contact ICBC to file a claim and make arrangements to them. I had to rent a vehicle ASAP at the moment of the accident because I needed to go back home to file my claim and after I left multiple messages with ICBC and my designated adjustor, they respond to me TWO weeks after the accident occurred. Also, they told me that their replacement vehicle coverage was relatively low, which they did not tell me directly the first time I contacted them. It is ridiculous because I was not at fault for my accident but I am paying the full price for this incident as I am waiting for any meaningful coverage or responses. They do not give you the facts up front and they respond extreme slowly to you. Also, I incurred serious back problems after this incident and my insurance adjustor was super dismissive of my pain. As someone who is low income, this type of poor response and coverage is extremely frustrating. I am still waiting for them and the wait times are completely unacceptable. It is rather hilarious to say this but I will never travel back to Canada after this experience.
24 August 2022 14:56
This corporation is the most incompetent organization around - especially when it comes to getting a motorcycle licence. They give you only one year to get your entire license. Doesn't sound like a issue until you find out once your learners expires you need to redo the entire process again. It's a joy paying for another knowledge test then needing to redo a mst, then you get the chance book a road test. This wouldn't be an issue if you didn't need to wait three months for a mst and six months for a road test!
14 August 2022 3:25
These people are unbelievable. When you owed anything it is the first thing they mention. I have registered a RV. And found out the registration was for a convertible 1960! These are the sharks and merciless that Rob the widows and orphans. This people hid the mistake they made and even accuse me for signing in good faith. I have to wait again and sended the paper required again. They paid only for they bou bou. Which is deplorable for the fact that for any offence they make me and other pay dearly. Even without finding the cause! God judge these shark of widows and orphans.
28 July 2022 10:11
Had MVA while visiting the USA in Dec 2021 and my experience dealing with ICBC has nothing but stressful. Shortly after I paid my deductible, ICBC has since stayed silence. One day, they assigned a new adjuster without telling me, how's that for courtesy? When they do respond about my case inquiry, I get the same old answers each time, "We're still waiting. {blah blah blah}". We're nearly into half a year on this claim, it seems they can't get their act together and settle on who's at fault even though I had provided them with dash cam footage and all relevant pictures and documentation. What a freakn' joke! HELLO ICBC.wake up and do something. I don't pay good dollars every year for your laziness!
22 July 2022 19:26
I would give zero stars if I could.

ICBC is by far, the worst and most unethical company I've ever had to deal with. Their business practices are unfair to their consumers, they have a monopoly over basic vehicle insurance, and their customer service is deplorable.

I've been on the short end of the stick with no recourse other than to hire a private lawyer a number of times in the 23+ years of insuring vehicles with them.

Fortunately, I do not personally know any of the employees that call ICBC their place of work as I'd highly question their choices and ethics.
18 July 2022 13:08
I was rear ended (100% not my fault) and my car was supposed to be fixed at my local mechanic but two weeks later ICBC decided it was write off. I was told by multiple adjusters that I could submit receipts for any non-regular maintenance I did on the car in the last two years.

ICBC towed my car away from North Van out to there lot in New West. When I called an adjuster and said I had things in the vehicle they said no worries we can have those brought to an ICBC location close to your home. Weeks later I was finally contacted by the vehicle settlement adjuster, Christine Strother. Immediately I knew she was a very unpleasant woman. She refused to accept any receipts and said the adjusters were wrong. I asked her to please call me so we could discuss it and she completely ignored me. She did tell me to contact the ICBC yard.

I called the yard and the guy who answered the phone was equally unhelpful and rude. I told him I am emptying my car and I am taking my brand new key fob which I had to pay $600 for. I asked if he could please have them moved to north van and he said no we don’t do that. The whole time he had this condescending tone and kept arguing with me about why I want my key back in exchange for the original fob.

After hanging up with him I emailed Christine and asked her to call me. Finally, after again asking her to call me she does call me very early the next morning. She was immediately rude and standoffish saying that I told the lot people that she said they would mail things to me (I did not, I said the adjuster said that). She was very mad about that and when I said I did not do that she basically inferred that I was lying. After that she was no help (not that she was helpful before) and when I told her I have no way to get out to New west she said you have a rental. And I said yeah but the yard said I can’t go out until next week after my rental has to be returned. And then she didn’t say anything. After that I knew she was going to be no help so I ended the call.

I emailed the complaints department and still have not heard back.

Overall, I am very unimpressed with how ICBC has been handling this. I basically would have to spend hours in transit to go get my stuff (something I am not doing with COVID).

Additionally, after have my back injured from the crash and me not being able to resume normal activities for over two months, the new “no fault” rules mean I get zero compensation and the lady who hit me gets the same bare (basically useless) medical coverage as me. I should be able to receive compensation so I can at least afford to go to physio.

As everyone in BC knows, ICBC sucks and eventually (hopefully) we can get rid of this cash hoarding monopoly.
17 July 2022 23:39
This service is deplorable! Called Head office to speak with manager. As adjuster doesn’t reply to emails. Out of office reply. Phone messages are not returned. It’s been six weeks. No car. How do you all sleep at night. ICBC needs to compete in an open market. Only way to get reasonable prices and good service.
30 June 2022 7:21
Have not reimbursed me in over a year. Response time to emails is 4 weeks. Told me I hadn’t attached the receipts to the email when they were 100% there.
10 June 2022 19:05
No fault insurance is ruining my life. A lady ran a stop sign and I have a brain injury. They have brought me to tears on the phone numerous times. I have never been treated so badly in my life. More than 2 years of suffering and I have been offered $5500. Very insulting as I may never recover. They fight me on the funding for my treatments regularly and I am simply exhausted, depressed, and losing hope. This has to change.
10 June 2022 12:02
Zero star, This company is SCAM screwing my credit over, 2018s i was moved out of B. C before i ended up homeless, they don't care, charge me full yearly instead of my 2 month payment.of stay wracked my credit on 3 hit of ICBC different account, different numbers i gave my plate to them and told them to close the account they still active screw them not gonna deal with them anymore or bother coming back to BC, worst corporations of SCAMS mostly expensive insurance over canada.
08 May 2022 3:49
I Visited this location on Friday regarding few questions about collector plates which i was unable to find the answers anywhere. I Dealt with Mike in the collector plate department, he was super respectful and friendly and gave me the answer to all the questions I was looking for.

Thank you again for the great service
26 April 2021 15:19
Driver Point Penalty Premium Invoice states
Drivers who use cell phones/electronic devices while driving are at risk of accidents. What ICBC should say is civilians who drive with cell phones/electronic devices are at risk of accidents. However police officers who drive with cell phones/electronic devices are completely safe. Since we, the crown corporations are above the law, we can say whatever we want and penalize people however we want. Evidence is NOT required.
The average trades people employed by companies are in their 30's. Once they are in their 50's, they lack physical energy and are easily laid off. However, if they start their own business, they cannot compete with larger companies because they are by themselves, without a dispatcher and need to pick up calls right away when customers call. If they are on the road, then they cannot pick up the calls and need to find a place to park first. After they got off the road and find a place to call the customer, the customer has already called some other companies with dispatchers. Therefore, for trades people, the average age for collecting pension should be moved up to 50 years old when they are NOT easily employed and unable to compete with larger companies. If the Canadian government places obstacles on older middle aged Canadians' survival, then they should find a way to compensate them.i. E.move the standard pension age to 50 years old.
19 April 2021 17:13
I pay higher insurance because I'm in a "High risk" neighborhood, but 9/10 times, a worthless human breaks one window to get $5 to $10. Costs me $200-$300 which is less than the smallest deductible. Thanks for everything.
07 March 2021 14:24
We need a Town hall to ask local citizens what they would wish for in an ideal insurance company

Now we have to decide if we should protest for private insurance and over throw the corporation who is the Grinch and responsible for so much pain to innocent citizens of the province of BC

ICBCs computer networking systems which are integrated with local insurance auto plan providers have been unresponsive, slow and take almost half an hour to load. Thus at a point when you are frustrated and have other priorities such as family kids, volunteer, work etc to take care of and are forced to leave for those reasons.

Secondly, today I experienced the frustration from the Auto brokers and having to wait on hold to speak with ICBC representative regarding my account, after we were passed on to hold to another representative they were unresponsive for 45 minutes and we decided to hang up.

They are paid bonuses and no one is really doing there job per say. It's time for a positive change and a return of a good service which we all deserve

Enough is enough and we want our rights and freedom to choose from good and bad insurance providers
24 February 2021 15:47
Icbc should be dissolved and allow competitive insurance instead of a monopoly as drivers pay too much and how.much are they into the red?
17 February 2021 10:17
If you are dealing with ICBC get a lawyer immediately. If any other company treated their customers the way these guys do, they would be out of business. Took 7 years to get a settlement. I still suffer from my serious injuries. The only people this government service helps out is themselves.
22 January 2021 16:09
I went in to cancel my insurance, it was only 143 a month, I still had 18 days left in the month left on the insurance, and after all the BS I owe them 13 bucks?
This is just a scam of an insurance company, hey we will charge you more in premiums but if its minor, we will only pay a max of 5 grand? How does that even make sence? Don't get me started on the no fault. All British Columbians should March on the ICBC head quarters and Parliament in Victoria and get rid of this legal mafia once and for all.
16 December 2020 11:36
20 November 2019 9:24
It is good in general.people works there are good. But ICBC will bankrupt sooner or later since their bussiness plan is not good
14 October 2019 3:53
Your very poor management, if you dont know how to run a company - you have to leave and let other companies to come
10 July 2019 2:15
Moved from Alberta. Had 35 years of great insurance experiences in Alberta. Same coverage went from $1900 for two cars in Alberta to $$4600 for two cars in BC! That’s an increase in cost of 242% for the exact same coverage. How is ICBC a good institution serving the tax payers?
22 April 2019 18:11
This is the corporate address, not the call centre address. I can not comment the ICBC corporate. But the call centre agent is really good.
10 April 2019 5:49
The customer service I recently experienced at ICBC Headquarters in North Vancouver was excellent. I went to ICBC HQ to drop off a Collector's plates application and related photos. After entering off Esplande, I was greeted by a friendly security guard who suggested I go to the main entrance (facing the SeaBus) and speak to someone in the Collector's plates section. I was surprised, I thought I would just drop off an envelope. Actually see someone in person without an appointment? No way, right? So, I went over and within 10 minutes of walking in the door I was speaking to someone about Collector's plates! He was super friendly, funny and took the time to review my application, which was approved. I told him my insurance would expire in 2 days. He said that he'd complete the application and I could come back in 2 days to get my new plates and insurance at the Collector rate, wow! Yesterday I went in and got the plates and insurance. Again, my experience with everyone was outstanding and everything was processed quickly. I was in and out within 20 minutes. Those providing customer service at ICBC can't do anything about pricey car insurance rates, but they can make customer experiences positive; mine was and then some. Thanks for the seamless and enjoyable experience.
10 March 2019 14:55
This insurance company is the worst i have seen in my life the history of this licensing and insurance company is full of scandals and crooks working for this company and ripping off the public. From scandals of its employees getting access to expensive salvaged vehicles at pennys and reselling them, to over priced crook managment, to selling their drivers licenses to asians for $5000 and the list keeps going and they keep increasing insurance on the public how the hell we can afford this. I hope the go bankrupt and close down.
04 February 2019 0:25
Very pleasant experience. Sara was helpful and knowledgeable. Helped me with everything I was asking for. Problem solved and I know now there is very good people working for icbc.

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