23 September 2023 17:32
Great dojo with super nice Sensai's and friendly instructors, they give importance to discipline while learning Karate! Very nice atmosphere for learning Karate, specially for young kids, definitely recommend it to anyone who want to learn Karate!
06 September 2023 19:29
For future students and to parents interested in possibly taking Martial Arts - I would highly recommend you do your homework and look into the most desirable Dojo in the lower mainland, in the province. KimNik Shotokan Acadamy is the best choice to make. This Dojo is stellar in it's achievements, province and country wide, know for kindness, sportsmanship, professionalism and dedication.
It is known for it's outstanding and Elite Athletes. We take pride in raising the bar and attaining goals whether it be personal or professional. The level of training is challenging & satisfying -
you will understand if you take the time to attend and observe any one of the classes offered from Tiny Tigers to multi-level Black Belts.
10 December 2022 9:21
Our son has been going to KIMNIK for over 2 years. Kids don't just train here they also become a better person in many aspects of life. We are greatly thankful to Sensei Ali and Kamelia for being so dedicated and such amazing teachers/mentors for our son and all their students!
07 November 2022 14:04
My five years old little girl has been going to KimNik karate for three months since June. She has spent the first two months in Tiny Tigers and then graded to White Belt. Now She remembers most of the routines and we are glad to see she is getting more focused, self disciplined and confident in sporting. Sensei Ali and Kamelia are very professional and nice, polite and helpful. Senpais are also nice and skillful. I will absolutely recommend KimNik to anyone who wants to practice martial arts and who wants tobecome a black Belt.
30 October 2022 8:47
My daughter recently joined the dojo and is having a lot of fun so far. Everyone is so nice, friendly and very welcoming. I hope my daughter continues to be interested in learning karate. ️
10 September 2022 6:59
Anyone considering taking martial arts should definitely come to the Dojo and meet Sensei Ali and Senpai Kamelia. They are the heart and soul of this awesome organization. They provide a safe environment for everyone, no matter your challenges. They are amazing instructors and Mentors …. Not only showing us self defense but teaching us respect, confidence, discipline, drive, courage and giving us an opportunity to build life long relationships, form the ability to set and attain goals - not only within the Dojo but in everyday life.
When I joined KimNik Academy, I was training to become more fit, have structured but varied exercise, over 8 years later, I had no idea that I would be drawn to what has become a second family and home.
Thank you so much for all you do.
01 September 2022 6:32
Sensei Ali Najafi holds a distinguished status of 8th Dan in Shotokan Karate. His expertise in the field is unmatched through his collection of skills and knowledge from decades of experience teaching karate classes. The dojo specializes in both fields of competitive karate (Kata and Kumite) with many of their athletes being represented in both National and International competitions. The classes themselves are welcoming and open to people from all physical levels and backgrounds. The most important factor however, is that over the years I have watched Sensei Ali and Senpai Kamelia improve their dojo and classes tremendously to endure tough circumstances such as going online during the COVID pandemic. I would 100% recommend this dojo to anyone in the Fraser Valley region.
28 August 2022 6:42
I would unreservedly recommend KimNik Shotokan Karate as a professional and well run dojo. Sensai and sempai are knowledgeable and accomodating, and it has been a pleasure practising here.
12 July 2022 20:18
Wonderful place! Inviting and friendly. Both Sensei and Senpai are wonderful instructors and teachers. Patient, inclusive, they make it fun and genuinely care about their students Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend!
05 July 2022 10:55
We are so happy to be part of this Academy. Our kids have learned so much and have gained a lot of confidence which is being applied to all areas of their lives. The owners are professional, passionate and really care about everyone in the Dojo. We highly recommend!
16 April 2022 15:31
So many great things to share about this wonderful place! I received a call from Ali shortly after I filled out my inquiry online. He was very helpful and got us set up right away with a trial class. My four and a half year old now has so much fun every class! Kamelia takes time every class to talk to the students about other important things as well like respecting your room at home and keeping it tidy, brushing your teeth, healthy foods and so much more. Ali and Kamelia are so kind greeting us every time we walk into the dojo. They really enjoy what they do and it shows. They also have parent involvement sometimes and that is so much fun as well.
09 March 2022 10:49
We have been taking our grandson to KimNik Karate for over 1 year. We have been in organized sports with our own children and our grandchildren for over 30 years, which i feel makes me qualified at saying the following:
Sensai Ali and Kamelia are very skilled at karate, but what makes them special is that they are very kind. They teach kindness, they understand people very well and treat everyone with respect. As Sensai"s (coaches) i have found them the most caring people I have met. Their calm nature, and positive nature makes it easy for people to want to be with them and learn from them. They offer a very family oriented method, but is structured so the students learn at their own pace.
My Grandson, was very shy at first attending, but has grown to wanting to go and be with his friends. With some older and some younger students, my grandson is very relaxed as everyone is friendly, but also there is no direct competition between them so they all help each other and praise each other for their accomplishments as everyone is at different levels of skill. My grandson is learning Respect towards the other Dojo members and is happy with the respect he gets in return.
I don't usually write reviews, but i feel Sensai Ali and Kamelia deserve the recognition as being extremely good at inspiring students.my Grandson has been a recipient of this inspiration and he keeps maturing into a wonderful person. A lot of this growth goes to Ali and Kamelia and all the other dojo members as it feels like a large group learning effort.
I totally recommend this Dojo to everyone.
03 November 2021 12:21
I enrolled my son last month and he absolutely loves it. Sensei Ali and his team are highly engaging and the facilities are top notch. My 4 year old looks forward to Karate every week!
23 September 2021 19:27
Last month we enrolled our son at KimNik for karate training. Sensei Ali and Sensei Kamelia are so patient and kind.
We have been impressed with the welcoming and supportive atmosphere. We feel lucky to have found them.
We recommend them to anyone interested in karate.
31 July 2021 2:46
Our family has been with Sensei Ali since for almost 8 years now. The dojo is at a really nice new location that is easy to get to. The new location is very spacious and airy. The students are a very friendly community, they are very helpful, and approachable. There is always someone willing to help another student with learning new Katas or to improve on something that I am working on. Sempai Kamelia is a gem, she has made the online classes easier to follow, she is an amazing instructor. Sensei Ali and Sempai Kamelia also to focus on self improvement and there is a course for children to learn life skills. The dojo family has made our experience enjoyable as we continue to grow and learn. Thank you Sensei Ali and Sempai Kamelia for running such a nice dojo in a professional manner and for being awesome teachers.
25 July 2021 17:01
I rarely make recommendations unless I’m confident that the business is excellent. The KNSKA dojo is beyond excellent. It has exceeded all expectations.

While there are so many aspects to share- I strongly recommend for you to reach out and book a time to come and see for yourself everything this dojo has to offer.

How we started? I was researching a pursuit that we could do together as a family- but that would also satisfy our individual needs- with 3 young high- energy kids under the age of 5, a husband that is a high performing athlete with a high pressure career, and myself- who can get highly stressed balancing work and life daily - we needed something simple and sustainable to work in with our busy schedule.

I had inquired into other martial arts styles and dojo’s in our local area. Within moments of coming across KNSKA, and hearing Sensei Ali speak about his family and dojo, I just knew this was the place for us.

Our first experience? Well let’s just say that we were 20 mins late, stressed and about to call it quits before it even started.as the 4 of us walked were in - we were at our limits. Instantly Sensei’s and Senpai’s smiles put as ease, they guided us to how to respectfully enter the dojo and we began training. The kids listened intently 100% engaged, i could see the mental and physical gears appealing to my husband - me (this early on), I was just relieved we made it.

Where are we now? We are all in and try to never be late again. Training with school age kids kicking your butt is a humbling experience. Leaving our stress of life and work outside the dojo and focusing and soaking on the training and Sensei’s lessons- invaluable. This dojo was everything we needed in our busy lives, and MORE. My husband, eldest son and I have graded together. My daughter is obsessed with her tiny tigers class and asks each week if she is one class closer to getting her first stripe. In this current covid era- having an outlet in a safe and distanced manner where we get to participate with our kids (no watching from a livestream feed or waiting in the car) has been a saving grace.

At home, when the kids get ‘wild’, we start practicing our karate, and calm resumes. Learning Shotokan karate connects us all on a stronger and deeper level. The older two have already started our todder’s training. We’ve see them teaching and sharing the values of karate with their peers too.

My fitness and flexibility has improved - each week feeling stronger than the last. The sense of purpose and goal building has also benefited me a great deal personally and professionally. I went from being grateful to getting us there- to hey I think I’ve made good progress on that Kata. Let’s practice together in the backyard after dinner.

My personal fav- just watching Sensei and Senpai in action is nothing short of inspiring. These are two incredible humans doing amazing things for our local community. All of their students, from all walks of life and ages, are great people and meeting and training with everyone under their guidance sparks joy.

Where are we heading? Black belts. It’s a long term goal but we are invested. There is a even a group of us that would love to travel together to Japan with our respective families too. Family goals!

Other comments? I’m an expat, and through attending classes- I have found a second home. I was not expecting this. Connecting with a community of great individuals who have become good friends. Who can say that in this covid pandemic? ! For those concerned with the price, I completely understand especially for a family membership. We had to change our budget to make this work too. But the classes are unlimited each week and the psychological, physical, spiritual (list goes on) benefits makes this an all-in-one fitness and wellbeing pursuit that provides EXCEPTIONAL value. We look forward to seeing you in the dojo and I’m always happy to answer any questions you may have.
22 July 2021 18:15
Our 7 yr old grandson Ryder is attending KIMNIK Karate in Langley. He has always been enthusiastic about sports but when it comes to actually going to the practice or game, he chooses not to go. However as for Kimnik Karate, he wants to go every time, usually twice a week. We never have to remind him, he is ready and wants to be early. He likes being early as he has time to talk to the Sensai Ali and Sensai Kamelia.and then practice with his fellow Dojo members. His attitude towards KIMNIK is impressive, we as a family are amazed at how he wants to learn and be part of the group. Kimnik Karate has made him feel important and being part of the group has made him understand that some people are good at some things and some not so skilled, but we are all one, and we learn from each other and treat each other with respect. He is very happy being at Kimnik. His self esteem has really improved, he just gets out onto the Dojo mats and he always wants to be in the front row.

I think this wonderful personal development has happened because of the leadership of Sensai Ali and Sensai Kamelia. When you first meet them, you know they are special people and you know you are at something special. They always have time for the student and his family. Their tone of voice and compassion makes it easy to understand the Karate experience. They take the time to talk to every student in a gentle but informative and learning way. They know what they are teaching, and you can tell by being around them, they treat people with respect. The atmosphere they display is very comforting, and as a result my grandson wants to come to every class and is always ready and early. Their daughter, Nika, is also a black belt and she is often at the Dojo. She is very pleasant and willing to talk to the students and help them. My grandson, has learned lots from her. She has a very comforting personality and also is extremely good at Karate.

We feel privileged to be around Sensai Ali, Sensai Kamelia and Nika at their Dojo KIMNIK. They have created an excellent environment and my Grandson, has grown in his own personal comfort level, both physically and mentally.

Thank you so much for being such great people and you are great leaders and promoters of respect and compassion.
25 June 2021 9:05
Our 13 year old son started at KimNik in February and loves it! The instructors are so welcoming and encouraging. We have noticed such an improvement in self esteem and awareness already. We’re excited to see him grow even more and would definitely recommend it!
15 June 2021 17:23
I joined the dojo early this year.
Great training atmosphere and perfect for all ages - including adults.
Sensei Ali and Senpai Kamelia are very positive and encouraging to all students which makes it a great learning environment.
I have taken advantage of the online classes (via zoom) a few times as well, it keeps me going in my karate journey even when life gets busy. Thank you!
07 June 2021 17:28
My son has been learning Karate in this Dojo for the last 5 years and every moment of the time he has spend in this dojo has helped him to be a better person. Sensei Ali and Kamelia has been so good and are so talented in coaching the students to excel in Karate. Their experience, their patience, their hardwork, their honesty and their willingness to accommodate makes this dojo different. The dojo atmosphere is so welcoming and builds a sense of commitment in students when they are performing Karate. COVID times has been difficult but the Sensei's has adjusted to the situation very well by extending online classes and added additional classes to accommodate all the students. Personally for my son i feel he has achieved focus, gaining self confidence and continuing to respect others. I would recommend this dojo to any parents or anyone who wanted to learn Karate from a set of super skilled instructors who is at the same time humble and rooted to their purpose. I am very confident that my son is getting the best coaching he can on Karate and I am waiting for the day when he grades for Black Belt. THANK YOU SENSEI ALI AND KAMELIA AND THANK YOU FOR HAVING US IN YOUR WONDERFUL DOJO!
10 April 2021 12:33
We love KimNik Shotokan. My children have been going for almost 3 years and it has been more than a dojo, it is a safe, high moral, educational frame for them.
27 February 2021 4:28
Beautiful and very large state of the art dojo. Friendly owners. Currently following Covid protocols for in person instruction and have online options as well.
23 July 2020 14:39
The best karate academy that I’ve ever seen!
Coaches who teach classes works professionally, and always help to new students individually. Strong physical and mental training. My son likes this lessons. Highly recommend to all ages.
16 July 2020 18:55
My daughter and I have been attending for a year and we've found our second family! Sensei Ali and Kamelia have been wonderful to learn under and now that we are in the midst of social distancing, we are thoroughly enjoying everything they offer online. They even host social events to keep the community alive.
My 9 year old daughter and I do it together. There is a good mix of beginners from very young right up to old guys like me.
I'm so glad we found this family.
13 July 2020 13:54
I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to know so many wonderful families in one little community at KimNik Shotokan Academy. Friends and families come together to practice and have fun. It is amazing to watch the kids grow and learn so fast and have fun while working hard! Love this group at this karate Academy️
We continue to grow in this family even during COVID-19. Stronger together!
05 July 2020 4:42
Sensei Ali and sensei Kamelia are so patient and kind. They really do love what they do, and it shows in how they teach. My son is learning a lot. The zoom lessons work well!
01 July 2020 11:07
Both my boys are having a great time with the online classes. It’s actually working very well and we are happy about it.
01 July 2020 7:18
Great training. We love the way he teach and attention to each student. My daughter love it. Now, they are running online training which is pretty amazing.
19 June 2020 17:59
We've felt welcomed from day one and truly appreciate everything the Dojo and KNSKA have to offer. The instructors are very kind and provide great encouragement and support. I've always felt like they will do whatever they can to help us achieve our goals.
08 June 2020 0:24
My daughter and I stared studying karate here together a few months ago both brand new to it and it’s been an awesome experience because of sensei Ali and sempei Kamela, they make it feel like a family along with with the other instructors and students no judgments everyone’s there to learn and better themselves.
02 June 2020 1:31
My boys and I have been training with Sensei Ali and Senpai Kamelia for just over 3 1/2 years and I have always been so impressed by how Sensei and all of the instructors support and encourage each of us as individuals and by doing this, builds a strong community. This has never been as evident and important as it is now during the Covid-19 crisis. Without missing a beat Sensei and Senpai gathered the community together and offered continued support through online classes so we can connect while respecting physical distancing. We are now training more then ever, feel connected to our karate family, and each other. Thank you Sensei and Senpai your support and connection are so appreciated.
26 May 2020 17:00
This is a home away from home. It is a family-based dojo with instructors who genuinely care for their students. The focus is all about people challenging themselves and achieving personal goals within a safe and caring environment. Now, more than ever, people need to feel good in being a part of something. Be a part of this dojo, you wont' be disappointed. Everything about this dojo has changed my daughter's life. It has given her self confidence, problem solving skills, empathy, self discipline and the drive to always do her best. What more could a parent want. Thank you Ali and Kamelia.
06 May 2020 2:45
Been taking my 5 year old daughter here for a year now and she just got her second stripe on her white belt. It is a great dojo, Ali and Kamelia are very engaging and supportive of the students. I would strongly recommend this to anyone of any age.
04 May 2020 15:21
I have been attending this Dojo for nearing 6 years. I am so blessed to be a part of this Academy.
The Dojo is a “Family” in every sense of the word. Sensei Ali, Senpais Kamelia, Kimya and Nika are the essence of Karate. They are the most caring, supportive, compassionate, considerate and genuine beings you will ever meet - the finest examples of genuine Karate as a way of life. This Dojo provides a safe place filled with support and encouragement. Here you learn to set goals.and achieve them. Besides learning self defense, you also learn discipline and respect, build lasting friendships and you will find a true sense of belonging. My only regret is that I wasn’t exposed to this Dojo sooner.
29 April 2020 21:18
KimNik Karate has been fantastic. Ali and Kamelia sensei are kind and caring people who command respect in the most patient and gentle way. It’s been a very positive experience for us.
27 April 2020 3:15
My son has been attending karate sessions with Sensei Ali for about a month. I am so impressed with the overall philosophy of the school and the care and attention given to each student. My son has already gained more confidence and self respect.
22 March 2020 18:22
My son, Jack, has been training at this dojo for a few months and we have been so pleased with his progression and the welcoming atmosphere. Sensei Ali and Senpai Kamelia really take the time to meet each student's individual needs. They are SO kind and patient! The students not only learn karate from these talented instructors but they develop character and discipline that will help them succeed in all areas of their life.
11 March 2020 3:21
My daughter is nine and she really loves this class and
she loves to go every day. The teachers are knowledgeable,
friendly, and welcoming.
03 March 2020 19:25
My son joined the dojo over a year ago now and he has loved his experience so far. My daughter was reluctant to try it but eventually gave it a go and is so happy she did. They have both improved physically but most importantly their confidence has grown greatly. They feel very comfortable with both sensei Ali and Kamelia. The classes they provide not only include great instruction but also important life lessons all within a warm, non intimidating, friendly environment. We definitely feel like we are apart of a family when we attend classes. We would recommend trying a class!
23 February 2020 12:05
When you join Kimnik karate you’re not just signing up for a martial arts class, you’re subscribing to a membership in a community. The atmosphere is always encouraging. As you progress in your skills you are further encouraged by fellow students because you are not competing with your peers, you are competing with yourself. Sensei Ali and Senpai Camilla create a family friendly environment where students learn discipline, gain confidence and self esteem as well as learn a life long skill. My family is grateful to be members at Kimnik karate.
30 January 2020 6:10
Excellent program! Very beneficial to young children and it is not just a contact sport as one might think - I personally find watching the students perform (the non-contact) Kata very enjoyable. It is artistic, athletic and challenging all in one. The teaching environment is very respectful and sensei Ali and Kamelia are wonderful and encouraging. The school gym they teach out of is actually very well suited for Karate. It allows for a good number of students at a time without being too large and is still intimate enough to get one on one treatment (it would be considered a small school gymnasium by most). Has been a very pleasant surprise at how much our daughter has taken such a keen interest in Karate and look forward to her continued progression at KimNik Shotokan.
03 January 2020 20:00
We have thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from being a part of this karate dojo/family. It has been wonderful to watch our children grow in self-confidence, and learn self-discipline and respect in a safe and challenging environment. Highly recommended!
02 January 2020 7:27
I really love the atmosphere in this dojo. It is a great work out. Sensei Ali is a fantastic tutor. I have had many good experience there and sensei is very reasonable. I have improved my character and health by a lot through karate. Especially in this dojo. I have been in other dojos but by far, this one is the best. I have been shown the meaning of self restraint, control, and respect for others. When I have off days at school and I walk in to the dojo, my worries drift away. There is always high energy. I often count down the hours until I leave for class. Thank you sensei.
03 August 2019 7:42
Fabulous place to send your kids to karate to, My kids absolutely love it here, sensei and his wife are the kindest people you could ever meet. Love the friendly atmosphere.
11 June 2019 8:19
I have been training at the dojo for a number of months now and really enjoyed it. I like the focus on power, control, and technique. Sensei Ali is welcoming to all, and challenges each student based on there comfort and skill level. I highly recommend this school.
08 June 2019 13:21
My experience being part of the KimNik Shotokan Karate Academy Dojo has been awesome. I came to Karate in my late 40s, and not in the best of physical health, but from my first lesson I was welcomed warmly and friendly, not only by Sensei Ali and Sempai Kamelia, but by every member of the Dojo I encountered. This atmosphere of community, friendship, and encouragement is one of the reasons I enjoy training there so much.

Lessons are structured, pushing everyone to learn and better themselves, but not in an “army sergeant” manner that could easily put people off. Sensei Ali takes the time to get to know each member – what their reasons are for training, what their limitations might be – and factors this into individual training, in a group context.

Since I joined the Dojo my Daughter has also begun training there, in the Tiny Tiger classes. She has so much fun there! Every morning she asks if today is a Tiny Tigers day, and when she is there she loves the training, the play, the friends she has made, and the paper she can punch through!

I thoroughly recommend the KimNik Shotokan Karate Academy to anyone considering training, and I also recommend not to let age, or current fitness levels put you off. Start today! No one will judge you! You will be made to feel welcome, you will not be forced to do anything you physically cannot do, but you will be trained, encouraged, and motivated to push yourself to a better self in an atmosphere of friendliness, fitness, and fun.
30 May 2019 1:07
My wife and I decided to check out Sensei Ali in November at KimNik and are loving it! I had spent about a year in karate about 20 years ago and had always been eager to return, but my wife was brand new to it, and I have to say this dojo is even much better than my old one. I love the family atmosphere, the great community, and helpfulness of everyone. And its a great workout. I highly recommend it!
02 May 2019 15:38
Karate is a very worthwhile activity to participate in and KNSKA is a great place to either get started, get back into, or continue training. The dojo consists of people of all ages and abilities with amazing teachers and students. The environment is very friendly and focused. With everyone making you feel at home as soon as you walk in the door.
23 April 2019 12:28
My boys use to go to a different dojo for about 10 months, however, I was not happy. Then I decided to try KIMNIK Karate in Langley. It was one of the best decisions I have made for my boys. The level of improvement is through the roof and I even joined the family classes. Great environment, great instructors and would definitely recommend this school.
01 March 2019 2:35
My husband and I LOVE KimNik Shotokan Karate! While he already had experience in Karate classes from a number of years ago, I was brand new, and this dojo is a fun and encouraging environment to be a newbie. Sensei Ali and his family are incredibly kind and we are having a blast. We attend the family classes which are a mix of adults and kids which I love. It's low pressure but still very structured, informative, and challenging. If you are in the Langley area I HIGHLY recommend you check this out!

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