21 January 2022 3:30
Life-changing. I tried so many styles of meditation before this. Nothing worked for me like Lightwork. I've done all the program levels including the teacher training. Give it a try if you're seeking a brighter life!
13 May 2021 6:32
I’m so grateful to have found Lightwork meditation. The tools I have learned have been instrumental in my life, and have definitely come in handy during this past pandemic year. This mediation practice has helped me to manage stress, feel more grounded, and find a sense of peace in the midst of so much change and conflict on the planet. Highly recommended!
30 April 2021 9:57
After several months of frequent practice in the school, my practice of Lightwork became a strong contributing factor to me nearly losing my life to suicide; I have never been in this circumstance before.

I’m writing this review of Lightwork with compassion for the practice, and good wishes to those who are interested in it. Taught well, Lightwork has great potential to positively impact people’s lives. However, I believe sharing my experience will motivate Lightwork to take healthier approaches to their teaching, which they have thus far stated is unnecessary.

Over the span of about 10 months, I took classes up to level 3.5, including several private classes and readings. Before my suicidal episode, I practiced meditation in Lightwork’s style (outside of class) for 100+ hours.

Understanding that energy work as Lightwork teaches it addresses how freely one can navigate themselves and the world (and I learned later, essentially how our bodies are held; i.e. Nervous system work), I entered Lightwork wanting to learn more about this, and trusting the wisdom of my instructors. Entering this practice of course, my own nervous system had its own way of operating. Within my classes I experienced shaming directed at me from an instructor in response to my positive sharing about myself; they would make emotional exclamations at me, discourage me, or bar my progression. Likewise, I was offered the ultimatum that if I didn’t change the way I did energy work (i.e. The way I regulated my nervous system) that I would not be allowed to continue with the practice. Granted, this negative experience was only with one instructor; I had positive experiences with three others. Notably, these three all had backgrounds in human services and had great interpersonal skills.

Being offered the ultimatum that I was and trusting the benevolence of my instructor, I exercised the tools of the practice to change how I did energy work, which really flipped my world and nervous system upside down. Likewise, the shame I received incorporated itself into the practice I did outside of classes, which added to the stress of my experience. Essentially, the practice broke down the supportive ways I knew how to engage with myself and the world. I gather that students often have a similar experience of destabilization in level 4, with the key difference being that in this program they are offered adequate support to move on to something more positive.

I wrote that Lightwork played only a strong contributing role to my experience of suicidality as I was concurrently experiencing other big changes in my personal life. Nonetheless, I have previously experienced changing circumstances like these without suicidality, and so for me the distinguishing factor was the destabilization experienced through the practice, and the judgement/pressure that brought me to do that at an unhealthy speed. When I complained to the school, their response was to gaslight and deny my experience, and deny me assistance within their modality, which I strongly could have benefited from (indeed, in my recovery I have adopted much of the way of being which Lightwork advocates for. Nonetheless, getting there without support was often hopeless and daunting, and much more time-consuming than it could have been. Months later, I am still recovering). I am aware that for varying reasons, other students have been kicked out or had limitations placed on them in Lightwork. They say that sometimes a spiritual practice just isn’t a fit for students, but here I disagree; this speaks more to their incapacity to see where one instructor’s teaching could improve, and further to their inability to receive critical feedback from their students.

I hope that Lightwork continues as what they teach can be truly helpful. But, I also wish they would adopt a healthier approach to their pedagogy and be more open to supporting their students. I hope this has been helpful to you, and I wish you blessings on your path.
10 April 2021 0:37
I have been practicing Lightwork Meditation for over 15 years and have found it extremely supportive - helping me maintain a calm, grounded approach to life.
31 March 2021 5:07
Lightwork has brought so much simplicity and light into my life.
It has taught me how to love more deeply than I ever thought possible. I have practiced this meditation for over 15 years and I now teach levels 1 and 2. It also helps me every day be a positive force with my work in health care. I now know how to send out big love even in the face of negativity on the planet and this is so dear to my heart.
23 March 2021 6:15
Lightwork meditation techniques work really well for me, it's a part of my life every day! When things feel chaotic, I value being able to cultivate a place of inner peace, thanks to the meditation tools I have learned at Lightwork. I started classes in 2005 and I still take classes now. I love it!
07 April 2019 8:25
A simple and powerful style of meditation, designed to work for busy minds! Life transforming.

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