10 January 2024 20:31
McKenzie Vet has been taking great care of my 14 year old Frenchie Hilo since he was a puppy. Front desk staff are always friendly and accommodating. Dr Fuller is very professional and knowledgeable, she took the outmost care with my Frenchie. I highly recommend McKenzie Vet for all your pets needs!
14 December 2023 10:29
I am writing this review with lots of emotions (unfortunately). I wish I can give zero stars but I can't. Now to start off, I would say that my beloveded dog was.yes that's right was, no spring chicken. She was 16 years old

I brought her in because she wasn't able to walk properly, and had one seizure, and wasn't able to keep water or food down. The veterinarian said that she was suffering from arthritis in her hind quarters. I haven't been to years and years of schooling, so I took her word for it

She said that she would give the dog RX for the seizures and arthritis. We was going to put her down but she talk us into" keeping her just one more night". I thought that was strange that she'd say " you'll be able to have her for one more night". She gave her anti nausea RX and a injection for the arthritis. Then they sent us home with RX.

At ten in the next morning we gave her, her first and last dose. I think you know we're I'm going with this. She was ok at first, she moved around in the bed and even drank some water. So we thought that the Rx was working fine. But then all hell broke loose.
She had a couple of seizures in the morning. We called the clinic to see what we should do. They said come in later in the day paying an additional fee. We didn't wanted to do and instead hope to speak with a Dr. They took down my information and told us that they will have a Dr call us. Called us back to say that a Dr wouldn't be available that day, and will call us tomorrow. It is 11: 16pm the next day and still no call back.

Hindsight I forgot to mention that during the examination, the Dr.said that the seizures were due to old age, even tho she was just getting them. She continues to get seizures one after another to a total of at least seven. Asked for the Dr call us a could of times to no avail.

Her condition gotten worse and worse to the point she was brain dead. We rushed her to the vet hospital and the nurse with only seeing her not less than 5 minutes said that she has a brain tumor. And that's why she was having seizures, not because of old age. How do we go from arthritis, to a brain tumor? If we had known that from the get go, we would have put her down long time ago. By the time we put her down, there's was no difference in her except that when she was put down she stop breathing. She was like a vegetable more or less most of the time. And that's why we decided to put her down

In conclusion, I'm not impressed with the quality of care and support I was given by this clinic, and will never ever go to it again

It's been more than three weeks since I've left this review, and still haven't gotten a response from anyone yet. Not a reply, email, or call. This should tells you how much they care about their customers (or former customer for that matter)!
12 November 2023 14:38
We ended up at the Emergency Vet again.: (

Our dog (Lola) went to the clinic this week to receive her annual check-up and vaccines. As she is sensitive to vaccines (which we learned the last time we ended up at Emerg Vet in Nanaimo), my husband asked if it is a good idea to give her all four vaccines at once due to her history (which is noted in her chart) and the fact that she is pretty tiny. The vet replied that they were small doses and that she should be fine. So, trusting her professional opinion, she administered all four doses. A few hours later, Lola's face was terribly swollen and we were told to take her to the emergency vet right away. Of course, because it was an emergency, we had to pay 300 dollars to cover the cost of the visit and shot to calm down the allergic reaction. We were told to buy Benadryl and give it to her twice daily for the next 48 hours. Luckily, she seems much better now.

What upsets me is that this information was noted in her chart and that my husband brought up that she is sensitive to vaccines, which is why they have only done one vaccine at a time previously. Why was this not taken into consideration? Not only did this annual appointment cost 400 (check-up, vaccines etc), but because of this negligence, we had to pay 300 at the emergency vet, not to mention poor Lola's suffering.

The vet did call and apologize for her mistake. While we appreciate that, it does not change the situation. We do our absolute best to take care of our sweet little girl, but we do not exactly have money lying around to drop $300 on an emergency visit that could have been avoided.
07 November 2023 16:06
The vets and staff at McKenzie Vet are the cream of the crop. So kind, so so so good with animals, so patient, and just make me feel at ease every time even when the appointments bring some difficult emotions. I'm so grateful for these humans.
26 October 2023 22:31
Everybody who works at Mckenzie Vet are absolutely amazing My partner and I got 2 kittens (brothers) about 5 months ago, and everything from their first check up, shots, and their upcoming neuter, has been nothing but amazing. I am a first time cat owner and both the veterinarians we have seen here were very informative, non judgmental, and seem like they generally care for our little guys. Shout out to Brianne who is the most lovely person to chat with both over the phone and in person. We are so happy we chose Mckenzie vet and cannot wait for them to watch our little guys grow up!
26 October 2023 2:29
Helped me and my pup when we needed it as my regular vet was not available. Great after care. Thanks
21 October 2023 15:36
The vet called back and thoroughly explained the problem with my cat. However, I only understood the importance of special food for the cat to prevent problems in the future after talking with a knowledgeable cat friend.
15 October 2023 5:39
They were super friendly and helpful and able to squeeze me in a pinch when I had an urgent need end of day! I had called a few places and they seemed to be the friendliest and have the most fair pricing! I find some places take advantage of the fact that you’re having a pet emergency and make you have to choose between rent or your pet that day, similar to US health care McKenzie was great and although it was still pricey, it was worth it and reasonable with great service!
13 October 2023 21:01
I am incredibly upset with the treatment my little chihuahua received at this clinic. This was his first time here to treat something that he suffers from a couple times a year - ear infections. He also was in for a look at a bump on his eyelid. His usual vet that treats his ear infections quite easily was unavailable so I decided to come here for the first time. My dog is snappy with strangers and terrified at the vet so he can be difficult to manage, but he was always in and out when being examined for his ears in the past with no issues. This time, during the appointment they had placed a towel around his neck to stop him from turning his head while they were trying to apply the medication. They choked him so bad he was grasping so hard for air and pee’d because he was so terrified. It was only when he shot out pee that they stopped restraining him so hard and he could finally breathe. Later that night he began aggressively coughing around 11pm and coughed all through the night, extremely loud and was grasping for air. He has NEVER had an issue with coughing in the past. I called my usual vet the next morning and explained what happened and wondered if the coughing was from the meds he was given but they told me he probably has a collapsed trachea… this is obviously due to how hard they choked him. I had to come in today so they could try to treat him for his ears after giving him more sedatives the day before (I’ve never had to do 2 appointments for any of his ear treatments in the past because of him being difficult). He still didn’t take to the sedatives and was very alert during the second appointment; despite this, the vet assistant today (different one than the day before) had no issue with his ears and did not need to restrain him at all like they did the day before. So this was clearly not needed. He now has a collapsed trachea due to excessive and unnecessary restraint due to this veterinary clinic. When I asked if they could take a look they said they were booked up and I should visit an emergency vet. I begged them to do something and they finally agreed to monitor him. They are now saying I have to book another appointment with them to have it checked out and pay AGAIN for a third appointment to now have him checked out for something they caused. He went in for his ear and eye and now he has a completely different issue. They tried to convince me that this is a pre existing issue… my dog nevet even wears a leash/collar because we have a big backyard for him to run around in. His throat was perfectly fine prior to this incident. The vet told me that if it goes away then it was likely caused from his appointment, if it stays then it was pre existing… doesn’t make any sense but ok. She also told me that it was pre existing because when she pressed on his throat he would cough and that it was inflamed… he was coughing all night and all the way in the car to the vet, OF COURSE it’s going to be inflamed. He has never ever coughed before and I have poked him in every spot on his body before, never had him cough. I’m now having such bad anxiety leaving him in their care since it seemed like they just wanted to get the job done and not actually stop and think that this is too much for his little throat. They should have tried a gentle approach like the way the different assistant did today before resorting to choking him. She was able to treat him without any restraint as per usual. Every time I think about him being choked with that towel I burst into tears. I should trust that you will cater to his needs instead of using excessive and unnecessary force that didn’t even work anyways, it created a new issue. I do not recommend this place. I am distraught and I want some accountability and action taken for them injuring my poor dog. What is usually a one hour, one time vet visit, turned into now needing three visits and a completely new issue.
12 September 2023 12:51
Great vet with tons of parking. Dont judge the place from the outside. Its clean and really nice inside.
23 August 2023 15:42
Always super helpful and I appreciate so much that they make us feel like family. They genuinely love the animals and that's what counts!
04 August 2023 4:24
Great service, efficient and knowledgeable and friendly staff. Great with my cat, that has special needs.
31 July 2023 3:07
As much as my dog hates going to the vet, I find the doctors and staff to be wonderful caring toward the animals that visit.
30 July 2023 14:06
Vet and receptionist and assistant were all wonderful and kind and knowledgeable. Very good with handling my animal.
15 June 2023 12:35
Just started, so limited experience with them. Still, they were organized, on time, had good systems in place, and left a good impression. Did a fine job of speaking towards the pros/cons of options for my cat. I'll be back
11 June 2023 1:30
McKenzie vets are kind professional and compassionate. They were excellent in caring for my best friend during his last year
08 June 2023 1:01
This clinic is extremely profit driven. I invite you to read the other one star reviews as they detail sharp price increases, complete lack of empathy and lack of common sense.

Don't go here.
01 June 2023 19:56
Good service at this location. Our dog got the diagnosis and overall experience was good for the limited visit.
17 May 2023 21:49
Such knowledgeable veterinary providers. I feel taken care of and heard when I visit this vet for my little pets. Not something I've experienced at a clinic before!
30 April 2023 13:23
Finally found my new favourite vet, after, telling them what was wrong, they got me in right away, very friendly staff and the doctor who saw Namor was fantastic, highly recommended if you are looking for a vet
28 April 2023 12:57
*Very kind staff
*Easy appointment set up and pet registration
*Cute crafts for sale/donation
*One of the only places that also takes Rats

Honestly love this place, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a new vet!
27 April 2023 18:59
Caring, informed, and compassionate. Less expensive than some other clinics because they can do blood work in-house. Discounted rates for nail trims if your kitty is non-combative.
21 April 2023 20:47
Our first visit was amazing. Our beagle had a great environment and felt comfortable. Dr Bailey Fuller was incredible. We have been to many veterinaries in various provinces throughout Canadá but she was outstanding. I would highly recommend Dr. Bailey Fuller. Unfortunately I cannot say the same about my second visit, where a vet technicians helped us but the experience was the oppossite of the first one.
05 February 2023 2:32
I should start by saying that our experience with McKenzie Vet while our kitty was alive was really good. They were kind and compassionate, and they did house visits for our older kitty, which I really appreciate.

The issue I really have is with their end of life care. Our poor cat needed to be euthanized at 20.5 years old. It remains a difficult and painful experience but the staff that came out to our home to help with this were kind and gentle.

When they took he away I was comforted a little knowing that they were going to give us an imprint of her paw and we could keep that as a memory of our very long friendship. They said they would contact us when it was ready.

Except they never did. We waited and waited and waited and I didn't know if I was supposed to call instead of them? When I did get fed up and email them in April (a month after the pandemic started) they said it was there. I couldn't get out until July - I think this is reasonable since it is a global pandemic. After all, who would throw something like that away when you know how hard it is for people to leave their homes right now?

They tried to confirm contact information that wasn't ours (baffling since our contact information has been the same since we moved to Victoria and they managed to contact us before). They couldn't find it. The woman I spoke to said someone would call me.

Nobody called (again) so I followed up. 'it will be two days'. Nobody called. I followed up AGAIN 17 days later. They finally admit it's gone. They threw it out. They disposed of it like it was garbage after not even telling us it was there to pick up to start with.

I'm hurt and angry. It's bad enough that their policy says they would throw these out without even telling the owner. After I emailed them in April, they could have warned me of their six month rule. They could have emailed me at any time and instead just didn't. They dragged me along for weeks instead of just being honest.

This vet is great while your pets are with you, but I would never again trust them with any future pets just because of this. I know it's just a pawprint but Ivy was in our family for 18 years and we loved her. I'm absolutely shocked an appalled that they'd do this.
09 January 2023 20:39
I’ve been going to McKenzie vet for about 20 years. Maybe more. The technicians are amazing, kind considerate. Dr. DurMuller is the BEST. She’s smart and even follows up if necessary. Truly she’s outstanding actually.
Unfortunately, I was in today to try and order or pay for something that is I guess only avail on webstore or warehouse. The woman who helped me couldn’t have been less helpful. I stood and waited while a social exchange continued and I was interrupting. Then a mildly annoyed dreadlocked lady spoke so fast and was so unclear as to how I can order the product.
I will probably order from my old vet all the way in alberta. That’s ridiculous.

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