25 July 2023 21:49
Luna encompasses the meaning of being a holistic care provider. Her trauma-informed, neuro-affirmative, person-centred care approach makes it so all your individual needs are considered and discussed to ensure you feel safe and supported during your treatments.

As someone with complex health and long-term chronic pain, I wish I had come across Luna years ago! Historically my experience with health care has been that of "just another patient" and never finding long-term success with treatments. Working with Luna has truly been transformative for symptom management and supporting my physical, neurological, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. To receive meaningful treatment from someone who listens and meets you where you're at is incredibly refreshing. She never makes me feel like I am a problem patient and is also happy to do the research and further her understanding if she doesn't have an immediate answer.

If you are looking for someone who is incredibly knowledgeable, considerate, kind, and professional, I couldn't think of anyone else I would recommend more!
17 May 2023 18:45
My experience of the three month Alignment Healing Journey at Moon Medicine has been transformational, healing, and positively life-changing.
There have been many wonderful and unexpected benefits from this journey. When I began- I was feeling frazzled, depressed and frustrated. I was looking for holistic healing to help, and after one session with Luna, I could tell I was in good hands.
Positive changes began to happen right away, and continue long after.
I discovered how amazing & beneficial Acupuncture & TCM can be!
My inner state is more positive & calm; I feel more balanced emotionally; my relationships with myself & others is better.
My relationship with food is more informed & much improved; my digestion is calm & nourished; I stopped drinking alcohol; I am trimmer & feel emotionally lighter.
I include more self-care & self-kindness, and use Luna's positive mindset & self-care rituals in my day.
I am meditating & doing yoga daily; I am sleeping better.
I feel clearer, more confident & peaceful; I feel more able to take on life’s challenges being in a much better state, mind & body.
My cycle is milder, and chronic physical pains are gone.
I feel healthier & more in tune with my body & life.
I found the deeper mind & heart healing I was looking for.
I am deeply grateful to Luna for her knowledgeable insight, kind touch, refreshing & holistic approach to healing.
Thank you for holding space for me, helping me find my way forward, and offering this treatment.
02 February 2023 5:27
Luna is truly such a blessing to me in my life. My physical, mental and spiritual health has never felt better since I started seeing Luna.
I have been going to see her for the reset program and had the opportunity to take part in a Full Moon Retreat, where Luna guided me with 5 spiritual rituals. It’s really hard to even put into words what happened to me that day. I was able to release some very deep rooted sadness and limiting beliefs I held onto so deeply because of my past experiences. Some of which I didn't even realize I was holding onto. I had the most peaceful visual that really helped me come to terms with some of the things I have been struggling with and left me feeling incredibly rooted and unshakeable. It was a release that was so profound I felt like I left that day a much stronger and loving version of myself. Luna is a doing exactly what she should be doing in life and I'm so happy to have found her. It is rare for me to trust and let my guard down, but the moment I met Luna I felt “safe” and knew this was someone who will genuinely hold space for me and really nurture me through my healing. She is as kind and knowledgeable as she is spiritually gifted. I look forward to many more sessions.

Luna, your authenticity, warmth, support and ability to help me love me, is so appreciated and I'm forever grateful.
07 September 2022 2:14
Luna provides a truly unique experience. She is wise and caring, and helped me connect dots from multiple aspects of my life. I feel empowered by Luna to move through my healing journey with confidence and kindness to myself.

ALSO as an acupuncturist, she has the most gentle touch when needling.
26 May 2022 2:14
I had pretty much learned to bottle up and suppress my health problems before a friend shared with me her experience with Luna. I am so thankful for her help in allowing me to open up and heal unapologetically. Every appointment I had I felt unrushed and important. I would recommend Luna as a starting point or a revitalizing refresher in anyone's healing journey.
16 May 2022 4:39
I saw Luna in 2020 and I did the 3 month alignment journey. I found it very easy to open up to Luna. She is an amazing healer and I would recommend her services to anyone. Thanks Luna for all your help!
09 December 2021 21:54
I've received many treatments from Luna this past year and all my experiences have been very positive. Luna is a thoughtful, caring and competent acupuncturist and a gifted energy healer. Luna has developed the knowledge, skills and abilities to integrate and individualize her practice offering a variety of treatments to promote health and healing. Thank you Luna from the bottom of my heart!

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