30 August 2023 2:22
An Epic Saga of Dookie and Dubious Counselors

ACTUAL CIRCUS. A REVERSE CHEERLEADING SQUAD. BANDWAGON OF NAYSAYERS. WHERE MY DREAMS CAME TO DIE. Support? You would have more luck finding a bipartisan agreement in Congress.
Those counselors must have gotten their diplomas in Dookiology instead of counselling (except one). Staff were constantly praying on my downfall and did not support me one flipping bit. Counsellors kept bringing up my sister who attended over 10 years ago thinking I was exactly like her AND THROWING SHADE ON HER NAME YO? However, I've met some incredible individuals who truly flourished in this environment. Anyways I graduated and am doing well now but no thanks to this school.
26 June 2023 21:25
Horrible school. I started going to this school in 11th grade, a lot of empty promises were made to me by staff.
This school pretends to care about you, when they actually don’t. 90% of staff are racist. The art program is horrendous. They pride themselves on being the most academic school in the districts, to which they are but the cons of going here greatly outweigh the pros. As an indigenous student, the district pays more for me attend school, I never saw a single penny of that government fund actually go towards me. This school failed me multiple times and continued to fail me up to graduation. The worst school I’ve ever been to.
02 June 2023 13:03
Pretty cool school Only issue is that there’s no consequence for racism
09 January 2023 7:57
Horrible school. Sent my daughter here thinking it would be good for him, (I have heard good things about this school from friends and familly.) I was wrong. The main gripe I have is a specific math teacher. I will not be naming her but I will call her Ms. H. Now, my wife and I knew that math might be a challange to our child, but I never immagined it would be challanging for the teacher to assign it properly. It was a month ago when I started to hear the complaints from my child, she claimed, "the teacher assings too much work. And, "This is absurd that they expect this of us. " I told her to calm down, and that these types of things were expected for grade 10. As the months go by, the complaints never stop. So I did something about it. I wrote an email to Ms. H, asking about the work load, and if other teachers gave the same ammount of work. Ms. H got back to me after 3 days. She claimed the ammount of work was reasonable for people in grade 10, and my son was not studying enough. She also felt the need to add that "my daughter is unatentative. " With, "Your daughter is not a good student. " I was, and still am, appaled at such words. Yes, we should all strive to improve, and yes, my daughter may not be the greatest students in all aspects, but that is unnaceptable to call anyone's child "not a good student. "
I consulted my wife about on how we shoudd go about this, and she said we should just wait and see. And so I did. It is now nearing the end of the first semester and Ms. H did something unbeliveable. Because Ms. H is unorganized, she did not assign the proper pieces of work throughout the first semester. As a result, she is now assigning 32 hours worth of math packages to all students within her grade 10 math class. This is unacceptable, and totally unprofessional on her end.

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