15 December 2023 11:41
Pretty sad when they kick out the elderly people from the hospital to make room for street junkies who sell drugs in front of the main entrance

Something needs to be done either by the hospital or people need to start taking matters into there own hands.
11 December 2023 14:30
I have been there for about 3 months. I have no complaints, everyone worked hard. That meant they were having hard days too. So it is totally understandable that they respect patients because most of them served me with a smile on their face, also respected privacy of others.
16 November 2023 4:01
Went to the emergency at 330 AM for a chest cough and phlegm build up that's been growing for a week. I cant sleep because I'm choking on it and I have no family doctor. After waiting 2 hrs, and I was the only one in the waiting room. I asked a nurse when the doctor would be around. She said there is only one doctor on night shifts for the whole emerge, so I won't be seen until the day staff start at 7am! Unbelievable. I am going to line up at the only walk in clinic at 6: 30 AM now.
04 November 2023 14:33
Can you tell me what is the purpose of the slanted entrance at the front of the hospital?
Pushing a wheelchair into the front door is exhausting. Also using a walker takes a lot out of us old people. Bad planning in my humble opinion.
13 July 2023 7:47
The nurses were incredibly helpful and friendly to my wife while she spent a few weeks there, and they always offered me a snack and gingerale while visiting.
09 June 2023 1:42
Three of my four babies were delivered at NGH and I am so grateful! Their staff was amazing—so positive, attentive, capable, and caring.
08 June 2023 0:36
All staff was very prompt. My sister in law, Debbie Jonah, was fantastic. She is an LPN there. DR Rumball was so kind and thorough. He was terrific! I was very impressed with the great care and prompt service. I dont like hospitals but this one is top notch in my books THANK YOU TO ALL
Bev Evans (stroke)
April 27,2023
30 May 2023 2:23
The pyschward needs a overhaul for the staff. I had to bring a friend in multiple times over the last few weeks and most of the nurses and doctors blew her off. One nurse even said "many others have it worse than you" before even knowing her history or trauma. I believe it's because she is a woman who is young and pretty they just threw her to the side. The same nurse was truley aweful and I will be making my way to make formal compliments.

I have worked with mental health for over 10 years and I cant begin to imagine telling anyone thier pain and trauma isn't valid compared to other's. This woman needs to be fired. I will be finding out more but hope you don't ever get assigned to a pychward nurse named Cynthia. This girl tried to kill herself and was feeling lost. I am just shocked she still said this even knowing she was physically assaulted and didn't not know how bad the rest of it was.
27 May 2023 6:42
Myself Helene and My Husband Peter Davey had Colonoscopy's on Monday May 1& May 3rd respectively, We wish to acknowledge the Quality of Service that we received from every Hospital Staff Member that we interacted with as soon as we entered Ambulatory Care, to when we left the Hospital. This includes Front In Service, Check-in, Nurses, Preparation Room, Operating Room Doctors, and Nurses.and Recovery Service. Thank You!
25 May 2023 11:51
Dirty waiting room, rude nurses and doctors. I asked for help getting changed because I couldn’t stand and was denied 4 times before a nurse finally helped me. Was given very little information for post op care and was rushed out of the recovery room. Fainted in the elevator from pain on the way down and was told that was normal. Over all a horrible experience. Shockingly bad.
17 April 2023 18:53
I have been waiting in the emergency room for nearly 3 hours tonight, I have 5 people ahead of me and only a single person has been called so far, this is completely ridiculous.
27 February 2023 7:15
Just spent 5 days there after having a heart attack. The ER Doctors, Nurses and Internist were very caring. Also the Nurses and Care AIDS on the Ward were very attentive and caring even though they were short staffed most shifts. So fortunate to have a well equipped hospital to go to in time of need.
11 February 2023 14:14
Shout out to Tara & Kati the nurses who were busting their butts off all night in triage wow! They worked so hard with so many paramedics coming and going! They did it with a smile on their face and not grouchy! Thank you for your hard work!
31 January 2023 4:54
I was released with blood pouring out of my bladder into a bag. They tied the bag to my leg and told me how to empty it and sent me home, i was readmitted that same day and the nurse said the doctor should never have released me for bed space.the nurses there are excellent and seem very dedicated to helping.
30 January 2023 6:50
In spite of all the chaos and being short staffed every person I met during my 6 day stay was professional and helpful. Thank you for being such a great group.
12 January 2023 7:35
I am a Veteran with PTSD and other mental health problems going back 6 years with NRGH. All the times I have showed up in significant emotional distress many times in need of stitches because I have hurt myself, I have ALWAYS been treated with
great care and compassion. Never have I been made to feel like I did not matter or was a loser or not a real human. Respect is something very important to a Veteran with MH problems. The ER Drs have always been great. I recall a few by names, but will keep this generic. I so much apricate the nurses and the ER Doctors. My latest was being brought in under a mental health check when in extreme distress over the death of my sweet little dog. Wonderful human beings. They all have a hard job to do and I really hope each time I see then that they take care of their mental health as best they can. Thanks folks.
09 January 2023 20:56
This hospital is one of the worst you can go to unfortunately that’s the only one we have close by Took my daughter to see a psychiatrist took him five minutes to determine there was nothing wrong with her instead of observing her for about a week to see what’s going on they kicked her back out the next day after a five minute visit what a joke. How can you know somebody in five minutes and you call yourself a professional go back to school. There’s so many bad reviews about this hospital it’s so sad I wish they would have somebody that monitored these people
09 January 2023 2:38
What a overwhelmed joke of a hospital, takes hours to get any service and they fail to prioritize life threatening conditions
30 December 2022 2:00
On December 19,2022, between 7: 00pm and 9: 00pm I had to go here for a dislocated shoulder, I slipped and fell, I was driven there. I am disabled and walk with a cane. Now before the details the doctors and nurses were completely professional.

When I first arrived, the admitter was laughing at me, stating you don't need to see a doctor.after the doctors did their procedure, the doctor stated was going to get me a sling, a perscription, and call me a taxi, at this point I was not released. So I proceeded to get dressed.

Three security guards entered my room saying I needed to leave NOW. They escorted me out of the hospital, outside I explained I am not released, I was waiting for the doctor to return, and needed a taxi.the security guards told me to leave the property.

I lit a smoke and exhaled, the tallest of the three security guards violently pushed me to the ground wrecked my right shoulder almost re-dislocated my left shoulder. I had to walk out of the hospital. In a snow storm. Go to a veterinary doctor it would be safer, than to go to the NANAIMO hospital.
20 December 2022 18:10
Terrible conditions patient rooms are cramped and unclean bathrooms, sub standard care ie care aids don't have any patience for the elderly. Even 2 years before Covid. No Excuse for abuse!
10 November 2022 9:00
I had to pick-up a discharged patient from this hospital recently, absolutely no empathy whatsoever with all of my initiatives from any of the nurses. Upon transporting the patient they disclosed they were still emotionally distraught & still suicidal. I immediately contacted my dispatch who empathized with the situation & contacted the discharging department at the hospital as well. You seriously need to do better! Does this pour struggling soul not deserve something more than a body bag! As someone who’s a mental health advocate & struggle even with personal experiences you seriously need to get some training over there! This was the bald guy in Emergency! I was looked down on & talked down to because he was a righteous nurse & I’m only a peasant driver - unreal, I called him out on it too! Train your staff!
17 October 2022 7:51
I would give less then a star if I could. This hospital lied and treated my brother like a piece of garbage. My brother was suffering from a mental illness due to chronic pain they wouldn’t treat. After Years and years of suffering in pain that they wouldn’t treat he completed suicide.
Just a few months ago I took him to get help at the Nanaimo hospital and he was admitted for under a week or maybe just over. When he was released I was promised that certain services would be put in place. They were not. He was passed onto Nanaimo community mental health and substance use services. Managed by Rand Thompson. Lots of word to describe this guys leadership but it wouldn’t be appropriate for this venue. There was one service that my brother begged Randy’s employee to put into place. The one service I made the hospital promised me would be put into place before he left the hospital. I was given this assurance! I told my brother over and over again this was coming and to be patient. Threw my brothers texts I found out the paper work wasn’t even submitted for over two months. My brother completed suicide days after receiving this news. He wasn’t able to deal with the pain he was in. DO NOT SEEK MENTAL HEALTH FROM THESE @&$$” they will help facilitate the death of your loved ones.
31 August 2022 0:45
This review is based SOLEY on the ambassador at the door in the emergency department. We brought my daughter in, and I said we needed to speak to child and youth mental health as soon as possible. This was highly suggested to me by the Vancouver island crisis line. After two hours, we let the ambassador at the door know that we were going outside to eat. We did not want the smell of food to trigger anyone (as we are well aware, that some of the patients aren’t able to eat). I went back inside shortly after, to ask where we were in the lineup. She said with a very snarky attitude, “oh sorry, we already called your name. ” I said “we told you we were going outside to eat. ” And her response was “oh, we don’t go outside. ” If we had known this, one of us would have stayed inside at all times. Our five year old daughter has been threatening SUICIDE. She told us we had to put our names on the list again. And wait for hours AGAIN just to be registered. No wonder suicide rates are so high right now. This lady needs a serious attitude check.
25 August 2022 14:49
I have absolutely nothing but good to say about the care I received at the hospital last week. The nurses, the imaging technicians, the staff, food services, and of course the doctors worked extremely hard under overcrowded conditions to perform their work not only professionally, but in a friendly manner. I’ve experienced hospitals in Vancouver and around the world and NRGH outperformed them. Congratulations! And once again, thank you for saving my life!
24 August 2022 17:45
If you want to be talked down to by doctors and snapped at by nurses, go here. Not once in my adult life have I ever had an experience where the doctors and nurses were nice. It's always one or the other.
12 August 2022 17:51
I had major surgery middle of April this year. I woke up in an area that was close to the check in desk for day surgery. It is like a wide corridor and there were about 12 other beds occupied with overnight patients.curtains ran around the bed a small side table and chair. I was there overnight only but was told I'd be in a room for 2 nights. I was very uncomfortable and had a lot of dried blood on my abdomen and legs. The practical nurse was the only nurse who cared for me and the others and I think there was only one on each shift. As said before here the RNs were not approachable and sat behind desks or talked to each other and ignored me. I could barely walk and was never cleaned up. My care was just iv antibiotic and iv pain medication. I was discharged without a catheter after 1night. It was a horrible experience. A few days later I had to make the first of 3 visits to the ER. The wait each time was 6hrs and I could not sit due to pain. I needed a catheter for a few days just as I had read in the information for post surgery. I had a bladder infection which is not unusual and I had terrible pain which was uncommon. The nurse in emergency who showed me how to change the collection bag left the clamp on the tube and fortunately it was only an hour before I noticed. It was on the third visit to the ER that the infection was diagnosed.
16 July 2022 3:04
I ended up staying at the hospital for a bit of time and I got in through emergency pretty fast, and my stay was good thanks to the amazing nurses on Floor 3 ╰ (*´︶`*) ╯
21 June 2022 4:24
A hospital that won't release information on a daughters father's condition his own daughter should have every right to know what's happened this hospital is very unprofessional.
14 June 2022 21:30
I had a very bad accident with a skill saw to my right hand last November seriously cut all fingers except thumb and little finger was almost off. To date the service I have had at the hospital is unbelievable great. Very caring and punctual always explaining procedures to me it made me feel cared for when going through the operations I had and the appointments were quick and very helpful. I agree we are short on staff but I didn’t notice that at all so count ourselves lucky to have wonderful hospital and staff taking care of us when needed
07 June 2022 6:07
My brother is a patient in the hospital on 5 th floor. I have called several times to get an update and I’m either told to call back or no one answers. When I finally got to speak to the nurse she stated your not on the list. I told her my brother had put me on the list three times now. I live in Texas. I asked her to go to my brothers room to get permission again because he wanted me to get updates so he could understand his plan of care. I am an RN. The nurse stated no she was busy discharging a patient and told me to call back in a couple of hours. I asked if the charge nurse could get the permission again from my brother and the nurse stated no she doesn’t have time either and I don’t have time to talk to you bye and hung up. I called back to switch board and asked to speak to an administrator but she stated no one is here and started to raise her voice and said I don’t have time we are at 250 capacity and I’ll take your name and number which I gave and she hung up. What dreadful customer and patient experience service.
25 August 2021 15:06
EXCELLENT ER Care & Protocols at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
Aug. 11/21
My daughter (27) lives in Nanaimo; we live in Ontario. Regardless of a child’s age, parents worry when they are unwell. For a few days our daughter, who is generally in excellent health, had been ill with fever & abdominal pain. The day before she’d gone to the walk-in clinic but unfortunately, the Dr.she saw gave her no definitive explanation nor any remedy/ treatment/ diagnostics or RX. Less than a day after that ineffectual walk-in appointment, the pain & fever grew far worse. Thus, on Aug. 10/21 she went to the EMERGENCY department of NANAIMO REGIONAL GENERAL HOSPITAL.

Straight away, the ER admitting R. N.at NANAIMO GENERAL realised that urgent care was required. After blood work, an IV & diagnostic imaging the Dr.found that she had a very bad kidney infection. She received IV antibiotics, was allowed to go home but the IV shunt remained in so another course of IV antibiotics could be administered this morning at the E. R. & to allow her status to be reassessed.

We are EXTREMELY grateful for the EXCELLENT care given by the nurses, Dr.and all staff involved in helping our daughter. NANAIMO REGIONAL GENERAL HOSPITAL offered exceptional care; efficient, effective diagnostics along with responsible immediate treatment. Today, approx. 12 hrs.since her diagnosis, she feels remarkably better. The fact that she must return for another course of IV antibiotics & have her vitals checked are clear evidence of the skilled, accountable & extraordinarily professional ER staff.
THANK YOU to all the HEALTH CARE staff at NANAIMO GENERAL. You have our greatest gratitude & respect.
K & M Lenahan
21 August 2021 18:46
Despite the shortcomings of being a naturally dirty environment with the number of people served daily I was as well cared for as could be expected. Emergency was typical people thinking emerg doubles as a walk in, cranky drunks and a few random patients.
You cant expect instant service after 4 hours I finally saw a nurse. But the one Dr.on shift was run ragged before RCMP bringing patients and scared parents with toddlers pushing triage list back over and again.
The staff work hard to care for everyone.
08 June 2021 7:26
This hospital isn't very friendly towards female patients, I went to this hospital Five time in February 2019 because I was spitting up blood and other problems, all the (male) doctors said I just had a cold and sent me home even when they saw me spit up blood, I had H- pylori when the doctors in Victoria found what was wrong a YEAR later they were surprised that I was ok, the male doctors aren't likely to believe a female patient when they saw something is wrong
01 June 2021 10:13
Had a mental health issue, was there for 2 nights. They sent a report to the ministry of public safety to have my license taken away. Kind of wish I didn't phone 911. My whole life has been turned upside down and put on hold because I had a breakdown. Now I'm stuck trying to find a family doctor and specialists to help me get things back on track where as the doctor who had them take my license away does not have to help me get it back. So if your feeling down and out.maybe don't asked to be taken to nanaimo general
17 May 2021 10:47
Wife taken in for urgent surgery. Day staff from reception downstairs to day care waiting area, preop, contacting surgeon, OR staff-all excellent. Consideration for two rather slow elderly individuals confused by hospital procedures-exemplary especially in this COVID-stressed time.
07 May 2021 8:47
Wife had surgery today and nothing but glowing reviews from the nursing staff and the doctors. Dr Don Wilson was phenomenal.

Thank you for giving us some hope in a difficult time. This was the exact opposite of the VGH hospital which was a horrible experience in January.
06 May 2021 1:38
Sad the patients are left to deal with those refusing to wear mask. The greater allowed him to sit inside as he was eating candy to sit less then 2 meters from my son. Even supervisor dismissed concerns "he does not have covid". The individual who was apparently just hanging out not even waiting for care. The hospital was extremely busy and heard the nurses complaining there was no clean sheets The ER doctor did take the time to explain things better then most.
02 May 2021 10:26
My name is Shali and I just home after spending over 2 days at NRGH in Orthopdics on the 6th floor. The hospital staff were nothing less than spectacular! Superhero spectacular! From the time I arrived at the emergency room to discharge, the staff and Doctors who looked after me were at many times ~ earth angels! Thank you all so much. I wanted to keep track of all of your names but in the foggy haze of pain I was in, I hope you understand how grateful I was for your amazing, amazing work! Tuesday March 9,2021 Mid~Afternoon. Emergency Room: Blonde hair. Kind eyes. "Melissa" maybe. The team that worked together to make me feel so comfortable and safe until they could secure a bed for me. For those of you who had to cut off my Lulu Lemons LOL! I remember you but not your names ~ I'm sorry. Ortho Floor: Lynne, Felly, Elaine, Luisa, Holly and Esson (sp) of course. And to those ones in the darkness and fogginess who checked in me when I didn't even know they were there. Surgical Team: Christina, Brynn, Dr. Woo and of course the brilliant, Dr. Birchard. The support workers, the food service people ~ all of the people were all amazing! Your people did you proud NRGH! I am definitely going to become a donor!
28 April 2021 13:21
This hospital is terrible, pray you don't get sick. They don't know how to treat people and quiet frankly I don't know how these employees got their jobs
27 April 2021 13:39
Least caring hospital I've ever attended, every time I've needed help. Would almost rather die driving out of town to a different hospital if it meant I got some respect.
24 April 2021 22:41
Serious lack of communication. And you feel rushed of the door. After checking up on a few facts I will update my review accordingly.
16 April 2021 9:22
Staff is super friendly. However they did not record any of my information. After 2 weeks of waiting to hear from a doctor (which I was told was going to contact me) I finally contacted my family doctor. She had no idea I was injured. Nanaimo hospital was absolutely useless in tracking down my information. WCB also did not receive any information. How does a hospital completely loose all of a patients information. And then not even attempt to try and help them.
13 November 2020 15:30
Iv been here for only a week and they can't even clean nice clothes. The food tastes like prison food and visiters aren't allowed to bring hygein products. That all for now but trust me there's more!
13 July 2019 21:23
My wife went in yesterday for knee surgery and I have to say they have treated her like freaking royalty! Couple minute wait for something is no big deal when you realize how many people these ladies and gentlemen are dealing with in a day. Thank you all for taking such good care of my girl everyone, you have no idea how much I appreciate you all!
05 July 2019 0:51
The most unfriendly, unkind and laziest nursing staff. Care aids and nurses were dressed very unprofessionally and gossiping in the halls while the patients listened from their rooms. I guess there is a reason this place has such a terrible reputation.
15 June 2019 12:47
I've had both good and bad experiences.
I find that If your in extreme pain, they are quick to help you. But if you are in alot of pain but are able to manage it, they ignore you and have to wait long times. I have 2 medical conditions that prompted me visits to the emerg. Well my last visit was told they could see something but come back in 2 days if the pain doesnt go away. 2 days later. Go back in. Docs claim I was never formally diagnosed with my issues (which I have been but they couldnt find the right medical records) just to have them diagnose the same issue I've had for 7 or 8 yrs with lots of visits to emerg (again no records for it oddly) and send me on my way without any answers. And now no family doc as the clinic closed without telling anyone. I'm still left with pain and no answers.
13 June 2019 11:05
Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
I am very disappointed in the treatment of my family
If you think things couldn't get any worse my father who has dementia was admitted by ambulance for a potentially fatal illness.
They administered antibiotics which took effect and had a positive response to. Great
A few days before his release the social worker stepped in saying my father's living arrangements are unsafe providing no concerns with what was unsafe.
The decided without the family consulted that he should be placed in long term care.
They would not release him even though the doctor told us there was no medical reason for him being there.
We provided a document showing I was my father's personal directive which was drafted in Alberta.
They told me it was not recognized there.
We spoke with the nurse's, the charge nurse, the hospitalist which told us there where no legal binding holding my father there but it was in our best interest to speak with the social worker at the family meeting.
We told the hospitalist that my father was being tied to the bed and the chair.
We also found him unconscious tied to a chair when he finally came around he wanted to walk because his legs hurt from his arthritis and he had soars from being tied to a chair all day.
He told us this was unacceptable and would not happen again.
He said he would be provided a sleeping pill to help him sleep and that would be all.
We were told if he needed anything else we would be notified immediately.
We had the family meeting with the social worker who completely changed her story and said there was no issue with the living conditions and they wanted to help in any way possible. Great
At the end of the meeting we were told that he would be released at 5pm the next day.
We went to pick him up and found him tied to a chair in the hallway with no pants on but in a diaper surrounded by his own urine.
The nurse's said that he was administer drugs to calm him down because he wanted to walk up the hallway a few times. I guess they were to busy and were scared he would fall so they tied him down and drugged him.
Of course we were unable to pick him up because of his condition.
There is alot more to the story of course but my opinion is that if we didn't have a personal directive in place they appeared to be trying to take over guardianship and have him put in a home.
They asked about my parents finances, if they owned property, what its worth, ask for the T4s, if they had investments ect.
What the hell do you need that information for?
12 June 2019 21:47
2.5 hr wait then the Dr.took 15 secs to diagnose with arthritis and prescribe me with ibuprofen. I felt like that everyone that works here has to try to be nice. I was a nuisance. I didnt deserve care. This Is this Canadian health care.
01 June 2019 22:56
This is not about the medical care. It is more about patient/family communication. I left a message for a nurse to contact me as I am 2.5 hours away from the hospital. Well over 24 hours I finally heard from my husband's nurse, however she was unable to tell me anything about the plan for my husband. I was promised a call from my husband's Dr so that my questions could be put to rest. I have still not heard from my husband's Dr. The excuse is always "we're very busy". I appreciate that but there is an emotional place for every patient in that hospital. As such it's imperative to keep the family in the loop so we can support the patient. How are we to do this if we're continually ignored?
30 April 2019 2:50
Last week i had a CT Scan and a bone scan. The staff were excellent and helped me with my claustrophobia. They were very friendly and professional. Also on time with both appointments. I had four needles and for the first time, no bruising. Thanks to all the staff. Bruce Frey
14 March 2019 20:07
Professional, caring, efficient, positive, etc. I could go on. Deserving of praise.all Doctors, nursing, and support personnel in all departments (that I experienced). We are so fortunate to live here.
25 January 2019 22:18
I have been going to Nanaimo Hospital for many years. All my children were born there. This year has been an exception for my own personal health and have had a couple of operations and procedures. All of my appointments have been an excellent experience with kindness and professionalism.
30 December 2018 11:50
Emergency staff need to help the people in emergency not just sit and chat while the waiting area gets lined up with more people waiting to check in. If they are not going to do their job tell them to go hide in the back.

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