18 December 2023 22:53
10 years ago, I was homeless in downtown Victoria. I felt alone and afraid. It was Christmas time. Our Place was the only place I felt safe and welcomed despite my circumstances. They provided food, clothing, shelter, showers, lockers, kindness, and community. They didn’t push recovery on addicts but if you wanted help they made it a priority and it moved quickly (which is what we need when we decide we’re ready). I wish I had a way to show the whole Our Place staff and organization how much they changed my life. I’ve been sober for 10 years as of yesterday and I honestly believe I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for their help and support to connect me with my family and recovery services out of town.
20 November 2023 19:20
I have a offered to volunteer my time for Christmas dinners in the last 3 or 4 years. Yet to receive a response regarding a yes or no. I guess a no means a no thank you without respecing to those who have offered their time off to volunteer with those needed at "Our Place" and a simple thank you. If you need a reminder, I had raised 2000$ for those needing vet care a while ago. Shame on you and your organization for declining able help offering, respecting those who HAVE donated in the past and now losing out due to your ignorant care and acceptance

Perhaps reality needs to be made aware to the disrespect when it comes to help and to those who have donated money to your Vet Care

Shame on you "Our Place" Such a hard cry when having a hard cry for anyone and everyone's help. I will no longer be sending donors in your direction.

Beggars can't be choosers. Chooser are offered a luxury of supplies who the beggars can't choose

Sorry red head daffodil whatever your name is, you are only harming your want to be reason to gain donors. You've lost my support
21 September 2023 20:27
Great Service. Nutrition. A+ / Awesome Staff & Volunteers!
Stop By And 'Chat & Greet With A SMILE '. (You Can Make A Difference In (Some-Ones Life) 'A SMILE Is THE BEST MAKE-UP')!
28 August 2023 1:42
This is a essential service In my opinion. The staff are so helpful and friendly, especially the custodians and front desk.
22 June 2023 16:37
Places been going downhill for last year. Today was half a sandwich so you have update two meals to make one
25 April 2023 18:14
I have been volunteering here for a couple of months now. The staff and other volunteers are lovely and easy to talk to. Everyone I've met has been so unbelievably kind and thankful. It saddens me to see the effects of homelessness on people. The kitchen makes delicious meals. Safe place to eat and be.
07 April 2023 9:45
Very grateful but compared to any other shelter I've been to this is the worst one. Little empathy or compassion towards anyone. Upper management is a joke. Donations are hoarded by staff and upper management. Washrooms are full of junkies 80 percent of the time. Horrible place to rely on comfort or safety. This is a place to come and slowly kill yourself and get your possessions stolen at the same time. This place has made me realize why people would rather sleep out in the cold. Disgraceful excuse for a shelter. I guess that's why it's becoming a community center. I pray for everyone in this city whole heartedly,
18 February 2023 8:07
Three hot meals per day = 3 stars. I don't bite the hand that feeds me.
Quality of the meal depends on who is working in the kitchen. The kitchen staff that don't say hello back to you put out garbage, and never a salad, as compared to the kitchen staff that aren't holier than thou, which put out nice meals and salad. The budget remains the same, yet attitude towards the clients differs.
WHY TAKE ANY POSITION "HELPING" STREET PEOPLE IF YOU DON'T LIKE STREET PEOPLE? The same could be asked of many of the volunteers and general staff. Us homeless get treated like garbage everywhere, regardless of what we look like, or what we live in or don't live in; to be treated that way at a place that's supposed to "help" you not be displaced, is a disgrace, and causes even more displacement. I'm supposed to be able to go to these people for help.
They're also anti homeless people having dogs. My Aussie Shepherd nipped an employee when he didn't stop to pet him. The employee walked away just fine. Animal Control arrives, who are now known to the courts for the mistreatment of the animals owned by the homeless (Look up Death Row Dog), and tries to tell me Macc broke the workers skin through his jeans, that they took pictures, and they have proof. Well, I was right there, and I've seen people who have had dogs actually break skin, and they're not walking perfectly fine after like the employee was. The feeling of them judging me living in my SUV with my dog is strong, they don't even greet me when I go through the gate.
Another note. I witness financially stable citizens bring hundreds of thousands of dollars of brand name clothing into Our Place and next to none of what a rich person wears makes it to the clothing room for clients to pick from. A woman couldn't even get a winter coat yesterday, and every single client at Our Place knows damn well they've been given hundreds.
These are NON-RECEIPTABLE DONATIONS. When you ask where these donations go, they tell you they get crated up and sold over seas by the crate to boost funding. Yet, when you look at their CRA statement, you'll see they say they receive ZERO dollars of non-receiptable donations. Yesterday I watched an Indian duo bring at least $300 of really nice groceries into the front entrance. I guarantee no receipt was issued for that. As well, they claim to spend money on a nutritional and coffee bar in between meals, but they only provide coffee. The Dandelion Outreach is an absolute joke run by a self-serving, holier-than-thou "reverend" who helps you only if he thinks you need help. I apparently don't look rough enough to receive help from that outreach program.
People living on the street that want to volunteer must take a volunteer course, and when they do, they're never called upon to volunteer, all of the sudden they have enough people. More disappointment. More displacement.

All that doesn't change the fact I have a place to use the washroom and a place I can eat at 3x a day, and for that I'm very grateful.
29 September 2022 6:43
This place has a vibe. Provides a safe place for those experiencing homelessness. Thr staff are awesome.
10 April 2020 21:56
The best of times, and the worst of times at times, too! Has helped me many times and been great, but also have had some rotten times there. Most of the time it's an alright place but lately things are going downhill. Staff are either very inexperienced, way overworked, or just lazily going through the motions now. I do feel sorry for the ones that are trying to help, but it's starting to feel less safe to go and chill there like it used to be. Hope things change!
06 March 2020 11:02
Outreach staff are really great and dedicated, hours are good, and there's a lot of services. The services which benefited me the most were oatmeal, storage bins, day lockers, showers and having a sheltered place in the day to relax, socialize, and decompress. The foot care volunteer, Kabir, helped me rehab a foot injury that I had for about 10 years. I was able to start working because of his help. Bin storage also enabled me to start working a couple weeks after the service was introduced.

I generally like the community and culture around here. It is a very welcoming and friendly place!

I do, however, have some serious concerns with this shelter.

One of my biggest concerns with Our Place Society is the lack of soliciting client feedback and the impossibility of making complaints or suggestions. I was a regular client of Our Place for a year, and never once felt like my needs or desires were relevant or listened to.

The shelter is closed some holidays, mostly stats, but also Christmas Eve, which was particularily hurtful. This is a problem because holidays are when there are fewer (or no) alternative places to go

Another difficulty was food + dietary restrictions. I was regularily yelled @ by kitchen staff for asking what ingredients were in meals. I am lactose intolerant and could not eat at Our Place. Eating meals without knowledge of their ingredients meant risking getting sick and not having a space where I was allowed to lay down and throw up. This affected me greatly, as, when I was working poor, I was unable to afford both rent and food. My finacial peers were able to use free meals to afford rent, but I could not, due to the frequency in which dairy was included in meal options, as well as my complete discomfort even asking about food @ OP. Many people transitioning out of homelessness use free meals during the first few months of paying rent to make ends meet, and I remained homeless when my income was high enough to afford rent, but not rent and food.

Additionally, I was forced to leave my work due to PTSD resulting from a sexual assault that occured while I was sleeping at an Our Place run shelter. I had been staying there for six months at the time, which is longer than some leases that I've signed. I believe that negligent policies, lack of staff training, and an unwillingness to respectfully listen to clients led to the conditions that allowed the assault to happen. At the time, staff at both the overnight shelter and the day shelter did not seem to have the training to know how to handle the assault or my report. As I was leaving the shelter, I overheard the man who assaulted me being told to not do it again by the staff.

I was also assaulted 6 monthes prior, in the lunch line. I immediately reported to staff, who intially said there was nothing that could be done, as they did not witness it directly (there was cameras and witnesses) They later told me that the man had done this previously, and they had given him a ten-day bar. Comparitively, this is a VERY short bar, and I was terrified the man would come back in eleven days and assault another homeless woman. I still have panic attacks in crowds and have difficulty taking public transit, which greatly affects my ability to work, find "housing", access medical care, and access services.

I was not the only person with sexual assault or harrassment complaints that were not sufficiently addressed.

I loved the community and benefitted greatly from the services offered, here, however I feel i can not give a higher rating at this time due to the fact that PTSD that I acquired at OP is ultimately, and huge factor in my current inability to work and find "housing".

I am now increasingly concerned that negligence on the part of shelter operators creates "clients for life", and i fear that this is a grave conflict of interest.

Donors demanding a record of client feedback and "outcomes" is one way to improve accountability
21 February 2020 18:26
Donated clothes there and the friendly staff are going beyond the call of duty to help the less fortunate or down on their luck in every way possible. Keep up your great work at this all inclusive facility. All others pease help do your part whichever way to support this.
05 February 2020 4:49
This place takes good care of the less fortunate. They have large common areas to congregate with others. They offer showers, meals, and support to anyone who walks through the gate. Many of the people who make this place work are volunteers. They are very friendly and caring people. There are TV and clothing rooms. Snacks are offered along with coffee and tea throughout the day. There are some residencies offered upstairs for those who qualify. There is a large courtyard where people can sit outside. There are smoking sections outside as well. They are a safe haven to many people in Victoria and also help travellers in need. They offer advocacy as well. You can donate clothing and other items at this location.
21 January 2020 20:55
I wasn't there for long, and was just with a friend who had to go there looking for her husband. To my surprise it was quite clean, they offer hot coffee, and water, daily programs, onsite staff, the clients I interacted with were very pleasant, there was a large mens & women's bathroom and possible showers (not 100% sure though). Tables and chairs for the people who use Our Place to sit and relax at, and they were playing a movie for the clients to watch. Like, how sweet is that! I didnt catch the hours, but as far as I know they are pretty good! Whatever your need this may be a place to check out. Its an emergency shelter at night if your homeless and looking for permanent housing, they may be able to help!
21 January 2020 13:05
Our place is the place I place above all places for no place can take the place of our place in the place where I hold our place in that place in my heart.
21 January 2020 6:58
What an incredible service to our community. Compassionate and professional, with amazing services for our vulnerable citizens.
13 January 2020 16:11
Worked maintenance here when they first opened. A good idea for people to get clothing, a meal, other support, but it quickly turned into a drug market and a hangout spot for the undesirable. Every evening after they would close I had to hose a mountain of trash, cigarette butts and garbage out of the courtyard. I won’t even drive by now, that’s how bad it is.
29 December 2019 6:31
Five stars ONLY for the extremely friendly pidgeons. I just had the experience of a lifetime, a whole croud of people from our place watching, and a lady even took a picture of me with them. I had about ten on my arms at one point and more on my handlebars. It was kind of freaking awesome.
27 December 2019 17:13
If you are a recovering addict or alcoholic, steer clear of Our Place. Between the gate at the door, you will encounter ppl using and be approached to buy drugs. I'm sure ppl really rely on the meals there, but if you don't TRULY need to be there, don't bother with Our Place.
01 December 2019 16:32
I went with my friend here and couldnt believe right out front was a woman shooting herself up with a needle! I felt lost and so out of place there
31 October 2019 20:46
Free coffee and hot breakfast early every day! Cheap smokes even if ya only got a few cents, showers, socks, needles, dope, plug ins, internet.
21 October 2019 8:51
Outreach work today, client screening for hearing test. Was there promoting Island Deaf and Hard of hearing Centre and bringing awareness and a free in house hearing test.to those in need.
16 October 2019 4:12
Our Place has helped me in numerous ways. I often eat meals there and am grateful for that. When I was experiencing homelessness, they helped me greatly. The outreach staff have listened to me in a caring and respectful way. It is a great place for me to connect with my community.
06 October 2019 1:15
This place is disgusting! Horrible. Ruined the whole neighbourhood. Shut this place down please. Sorry to be truthful but it needs to go to an quartined area.
27 August 2019 3:07
This place is one of the first places you should stop into if you are new to this city & are homless.or are looking for a loved one whom is out there on the streets.they have a lot people and resources to help you out regaurdless your needs.from hot breakfasts.lunches.dinnerds snacks and movie night.you can also get a hot shower here a locker to store your effects for a few hours.i think its form 8: 30 to 3: 30.as well as hair cuts.foot care.great place to be if you ever find yourself in need.
15 August 2019 12:05
The only place in the world where homeless and below-poverty-line people can access food, showers, support services 7 days a week from 7am to 9pm.if you are trying to remain sober, however, good luck!
19 July 2019 0:21
They provide services for the people who are less fortunate in the community in a respectful manner.
06 July 2019 17:31
Very poor cafeteria, no posted prices, mediocre decor but the smell of feet almost knocked me off mine. Very poor service, "Staff" kept saying it wasn't a restaurant. They were right. I would not recommend and decided to dine and dash.
17 June 2019 8:13
I love how much Our Place Society is there to help all the people in need
They are amazing and always there for you as much as they can be, if need help just ask and some one will be there or will direct you to the eight person, no matter what
They will find some one or some way to help. Big Thanks To the Our Place & All the Staff & Volunters & Special Thanks to Rev. Alen
28 May 2019 21:55
I liked it.
Our Place Outreach Staff are the Best!
From Our Place to First United Met too My Place.
23 May 2019 21:15
The staff are great understanding people the foot care on Mondays and Thursdays is very good
The food is very good too
17 May 2019 2:42
Walk by this dump everyday on my way back from work. Nearly everyday I see drug dealing and stolen property being peddled in front.
28 March 2019 2:23
OP is a very depressing and negive environment because of all of the people (homeless and chronic drug abusers and chronic alcohol abusers and "mental health issues") here!
20 March 2019 4:07
Worse meals in Victoria.
Also not a real safe place to spend time at.
Due to all the drug addicts around. The place is also filthy dirty
25 February 2019 17:17
Our Place has the most beautiful people down there. And the Sosiety itself is a wonderful, unique, place full of caring staff and volunteers. I'm grateful for it.
10 February 2019 5:20
If you need a place to get a bite to eat during breakfast, lunch or dinner it is not too bad you can also sit and use the internet for awhile if you can find a seat. I don't recommend anyone who is against drugs to ever go there but if you need any or a safe clean place to use they have a injection hub on site. If you can donate anything this is the place where you can do that as well and is needed greatly.

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