12 November 2023 6:43
I gave birth to my baby boy here, This place is heaven, Martnity ward is so nice, everyone is works there angel to me, All RN r so humble, kind, Family, helpful, friendly, and alot more.
Nurse luise susan charllote and all nurses helped me so much, loved the exprience.
Doctor Rick did my surgery and everything went to well, I’m happy I was redirected to this hospital.
Definately choose to give birth here again.
Love all angels work there:)
06 November 2023 17:41
My father spent most of the last 2 months of his life here the nurses and care aids were some of the most uncompassionate people I've ever met they made receiving pain medication so painful that he chose to live with the pain from his tumors and bed sores he formed from not being moved in bed I wouldn't wish my worst enemy have to be treated there DO NOT have your family admitted there if possible
04 July 2023 15:09
Hospital should learn first what is the emergency depart is what is the emergency is. We were waiting for 6 hr and still not number came. We pay tax so we can have better facility and service totally unorganized.
30 June 2023 9:33
I fell off my horse a few weeks ago. I didn't go to the hospital at the time, but my pinky finger was not improving, so I went to Emergency. Though busy, the Staff was professional, friendly, and kind. While there were times I was waiting, I got triaged, X-rayed and seen by a Doctor in less than 3 hrs. Pretty amazing considering how busy they were, and what a low priority my 'injury' is! I left with peace of mind and advice, time well spent.
29 June 2023 1:11
Cannot thank enough the emergency dept doctors and nurses for their support yesterday when I reached with my two year old girl. She had a minor head injury scary enough, but they did best to help us. I could see them struggling to get an ambulance to bc children’s hospital. But they took good care of her primary needs.
14 June 2023 8:03
Would literally drive to any other hospital rather than risk seeking care here. Went in to emergency for extreme stomach pain and was left in the waiting room for over 4 hours, then was told “Oh you’re still here? We thought you left”. Staff shortages are understandable, but I have never known anyone that has had a positive experience here.
23 May 2023 13:32
My son went in to ER for a quick check after not being able to get into any walk in clinics or to our family dr. He was in and out in 2 hours and everyone was super friendly and helpful. Dr Kim was great and took the time to really explain options and answered all his questions. From the sweet woman at the very front handing out masks to the dr visit-the entire experience was very easy! Thanks to all the friendly staff!
16 May 2023 20:33
I just wrote a good review about this place, but I have to apologize for saying ignorant ppl always seem to post the negative comments.did tht comment ever turn around n bite me in the butt, as I just left there today in tears. I was there for blood transfusion, my hemoglobin was at 52 and I left after only receiving the second unit of blood (had 2 more to go) but the male Filipino nurse who came on duty near the end of my 2nd unit, was SO mean to me, for something he thought I was doing to make the machine alarm.when he discovered he was wrong, no apology, nothing, then he came back over n was snarky to me, AGAIN. I hadn't even said a word to him. No idea why he had such n attitude w me? I said tht I was nauseous n thts y I wanted to leave, but he was the reason. I didn't complain bcuz they're so busy there, n I didn't want to b tht difficult whiny patient, I know nothing would happen anyways, if I did. Thank God for karma tho, I know THAT will eventually get him. Other than that evil little man, everyone/everything else was great, as usual.
03 May 2023 2:35
Maple ridge hospital is One of the best hospitals in all of bc.thank you to the kind nurses and doctors who work so hard to treat clients! I hope we can get more funding for the hospitals as we need them more than ever as we all deal with serious health aliments.
07 February 2023 12:32
This hospital isn’t good. I’m a 15 year old girl and I’ve only had horrible experiences here. They couldn’t even cure my constipation and sent me home with pain. Staff are very stand-offish and there’s a serious shortage with doctors. Wait times are about 8-10 hours on average. A woman literally came in and couldn’t breathe and they didn’t even send her in, they kept her in the waiting room. Like, it’s despicable. Ridiculous. What an absolute joke of a hospital. They don’t have beds, so they send people home like they’re a nuisance. There was a child about my age that was yelling and screaming out in pain because of his chest, and he was vomiting everywhere. They didn’t care. I’m going to be brutally honest, people in that hospital just don’t have time for you. Literally go anywhere else. Healthcare in B. C.is suffering right now, and this hospital is living proof. Honestly, you’d be better off driving to Vancouver General Hospital. Just go anywhere that isn’t here. Surrey Memorial is horrible too. Don’t go there either.
All in all, this hospital isn’t good. It’s horrible. Especially the ER unit.
29 January 2023 13:46
Took my 9 year old in Thursday Nov 24th after being sick a week because his fever wasn't going down and he was getting sicker. The Er doctor was already annoyed when I came in as I heard him In the curtain next to us telling a grandmother in an annoyed tone that it's flu season and there's nothing they could do.
Told me it was the flu and I was under dosing him and sent us on our way barley checking him out. I was upset but he's the doctor and I convinced myself I was looking to far into it. A few days later he got even worse so I packed him up in the middle of the night and brought him to Surrey. They admitted him in minutes. He's been here ever since with double pneumonia and hooked to oxygen and not doing well at all!
I've been a mom nearly 18 years of 5 kids and was treated as if I were annoyance backing up their hospital with a minor flu. Just because it's flu season doesn't mean every person that comes in with similar symptoms has the flu! Imagine if I didn't trust my gut and take him for a second opinion!
I'm angry and looking in to other ways to deal with this!
30 December 2022 11:11
I visit my sick Mom everyday, find that everyone in her room is neglected because of staff shortage.
Yet they have people with time on their hands to ask stupid questions at the main entrance whether or not I am sick or I am vaccinated.

Who hell would visit a sick loved when they are sick themselves? Or come to the hospital.a cesspool of COVID-19 if they were not vaccinated?
Better use would be hire people to actually help the sick patients, and provide better care to them then the hospital is doing right now.
30 December 2022 7:40
Had to visit the Emergency Room today. Very friendly and kind staff. Was in and out in one hour with assurances that I would be fine in a few weeks.
19 September 2022 9:09
Don’t know how one rates a hospital. Spent two separate instances here and had to wait close to 4 and half hours here. Maybe they are understaffed? On one instance a guy was brought in with a nail in his knee. When asked abt treating him immediately the nurses response was “since it isn’t life threatening he would have to wait”. Might be the norm for them but it was jst painful listening to him scream. Docs in the ER were polite and helpful. Hope things improve here
03 September 2022 20:50
One of the nurses is absolutely abysmal. She was just short of yelling at me for "wasting her time by being here to confirm something I already knew". She is one of the nurses that takes your vitals when you get called, like behind that big door. I was there for over an hour and left sobbing because the compassion in that place is beyond atrocious.
19 August 2022 12:07
I gave birth at Ridge Meadows this weekend and the nurses, staff, doctors, and ObGyns are AMAZING. By far my best birth experience, despite the trickiest circumstances of my three. I'm so grateful. Excellent excellent care. THANK YOU!
27 July 2022 8:50
I brought my girlfriend in due to severe pain. Was there for 5 hours with very little care or respect from the nurses (the Dr was very good and professional). After going to x-ray the Dr told us to come back to our same spot in the ER. The nurse told us to sit back in the waiting room instead. When I asked them why and tried to explain that my GF was in too much pain and what the Dr told us; they accused me of being aggressive and had security ask me to leave. I was shocked and we were both very upset. This was our 3rd trip in 1 week. Every time the nurses were short, unresponsive, and seemed miserable to everyone. In my opinion, they should be a lot more compassionate. It was a hard enough situation. And they didn't seem very busy. A chaotic shift change. Very much felt mistreated.
16 July 2022 5:47
Made me wait 6 plus hours in a plastic chair for an appendectomy after spending a night even though there was recliners available.
15 July 2022 22:20
If you’re going to the emergency, good luck.
Minimum 5-6 hours wait.
You will be going back home with “I recommend you to go see your family doctor”.
I feel bad for all the nurses and doctors who are working non-stop with no breaks due to the staff shortage.
01 July 2022 18:46
My mom had a tumor in her colon removed and was forced to wear one of those bags until her colon could be put back together 8 weeks or so after her operation. One night in the recovery ward her bag was leaking and needed to be fixed and, incredibly, not one single nurse on that floor knew how to fix it - I kid you not - and she had to wait until the next morning to have it fixed by the on-site specialist.totally unacceptable and embarrassing for the Hospital.
22 June 2022 22:26
Iv therapy for a couple weeks. Came in through emergency and was sent to specialist. The staff care. It's busy so people get quite frustrated but my experience was great. 5/5
14 June 2022 3:06
Tried Calling booking for Ultrasound, first thing in the morning at 830 when they open for calls and got hang up because their call capacity has been reach i dont know how that happens.
11 June 2022 11:37
I don't go to the ER often, but the few times I have had to go I felt well taken care of, the doctors and nurses went above and beyond, and the wait times were not bad at all.
18 May 2022 9:17
If it's the emergency room you need you might as well keep driving to Royal Columbian hospital.your service will be much better and quicker turnaround.if its iv antibiotics you need stay away from here.lots and lots and lots of unnecessary wait times.some of the staff are great while others are not.just saying.
08 May 2022 4:15
A close family member who is battling cancer, has lab work every 2 weeks at minimum. He makes an appointment for this blood work and almost always has to sit there for an hour…with an appointment. He had a cat scan in early April that his oncologist in Abbotsford requested. 2 weeks later in his appointment with the oncologist, and was told still no CT scan results. Another week and a half at same oncologist for yet another appointment and still no response from RMH. Just brutal!
14 April 2022 5:25
Had breast cancersurgery removed, the surgery went horribly wrong, leading to a second surgery, with gangrene staphylococcus aureus and Mrsa positive, which, the day I was discharged, the wound broke wide open and a fellow resident took me to another hospital and I was asked who butched me, my life has changed dramatically, one diagnosis after another's for almost a year now due. Just a heads up it would be advisable to be seen veterinarian. See photos.
07 April 2022 20:01
I have no hip. Unable to stand or walk. Needed to use the potty. Waited an hour unable to hold it anymore I tried to use it myself. Failed, rather than helping me the nurses tied me down saying I was trying to escape like I was a prisoner. Resulting in a permanent scar that splits and cracks constantly on my arm. I am now wheelchair bound. That’s s is not right! A violation against my human rights. If you can help it go to a different hospital. Thank you for your time.
29 March 2022 4:07
I spent 9 days, going twice a day to get IV treatment for an infection. All the nurses were so accommodating with my fear of needles, professional and patient with me. I had to see a Dr on 3 occasions. I did feel rushed at times but the overall experience was good. I have found that the wait times have been really long at this hospital in the past but I was fortunate to be moved through fairly quickly on all occasions.
23 February 2022 1:20
I finished my right eye surgery in under 2 hours today including preparations. The nurses were nice, experience and very professional. I am specifically appreciative of Winnie one of the nurses who personally attended me, she is awesome and caring. To Dr. Colten Wendel my surgeon and the anesthesiologist who is friendly, warm and keep me informed of the process. My heartfelt thank you.
23 January 2022 23:54
Had to go to emergency and staff were great did x ray shortly after i arrived. Staff were fast efficent doctors were great very fast cant figure why they get such a bad rap
Just moved to maple ridge and if all my visits are like that I'll be very happy
08 September 2021 5:57
I try not to write bad reviews as I would never want to affect someone's livelihood, but there are people that work here that shouldn't even have medical licenses. I'm thankful my son was born and they delivered him, but honestly you should expect that from a hospital. That's the bare minimum.

My husband and I were talked down to by a number of nurses and were judged for turning down an epidural by more than one doctor. After telling them I wanted a natural birth, I was harassed about an epidural every hour for nearly 15 hours. Even after continuously denying the epidural I had unrelenting nurses offering me everything from laughing gas to Fentanyl. I was told it was my fault I was in pain, I do understand that yes I chose to be in pain, but that isn't something you say to someone thats been in labour for a day and half. "That i would be way happier if I just got the epidural". Of course I would "feel better" but I had already made it clear a million times that that wasn't what I wanted. It honestly made a natural birth that much harder as I was constantly reminded that i was taking the harder route. The lack of respect for OUR birth plan. I felt inconvenient to them the entire time and disrespected. I did not trust anyone there, which was quite traumatizing to say the least. Being first time parents I would expect a lot more care as we were both scared before even getting to the hospital. But to have to fight for yourself against multiple people talking down to you after being exhausted was honestly ridiculous. I don't think majority of the people I dealt with understand bedside manner. Nor basic human decency. Not only were we treated terribly, I had stuff done without my consent. That I won't go into on the internet.

I am filling an official complaint, but I wanted to write something public as I would hate to hear about another mother having to go through what we did.

Ridge meadows needs an overhaul.
04 September 2021 18:12
BC medical care is a joke overall but this one gotta be the worse. Got injured from work, waited 8 hrs to get stitches at ER while I can hear the doctor and the nurses laughing around behind the counter the whole time. Probably would save tax payers money to burn this place down.
04 September 2021 5:28
Spoke with a lady in casher this morning trying to get information on a bill I was sent.she could not provide me with any one who could give me sufficient answers.when I asked her for her name she hung up.real professional public servant. Non the call was made july30 T aprox. 10.30 am.should get a zero but the program wont let you.
27 August 2021 19:57
4 hour waitroom and no one cares about whats actually wrong with me. I'm about to leave without feeling helped. My arm doesn't even work.
23 August 2021 20:42
My daughter went in today for blood tests. The lab person dropped the blood tube on the floor; then picked it up, and without changing gloves took blood from my daughter. I've never felt more shocked or dissappinted. And now worried that she may have contracted anything as a result of that person's careless behaviour in that moment.
11 August 2021 17:01
Really slow compared to hospitals. I think they need to set some benchmarks in terms of how much the average duration of each walk-in Emergency patient should be. It takes more than 5 hours most of the time, and that's not acceptable in today's world. The management should set benchmarks and monitor this.
04 August 2021 18:10
Absolute human filth of staff works here, entitled liberals who think they don’t need to respond. Not to mention you couldn’t even reach out 911 emergency, waited 20 mins on the line nobody picked up
04 August 2021 14:56
In my opinion this is the best hospital around. I have always received fast and friendly service. My most recent experience I was going into anaphylactic shock from a bee sting and they saved my life. We have been using this hospital for 16yrs, my son was a severe asthmatic and has turned blue on us twice. They knew us by name and always where very accommodating to our needs, smiling the whole time:)
Stay awesome!
03 August 2021 9:47
Absolute worst hospital to go to. If you like long wait times and ER doctor rushing you out then this is your hospital. I went in with severe lower right abdominal pain, called 811 and nurse she advises to go to ER ASAP as it could possibly be appendix. Went to ER, waited EIGHT HOURS in pain, tried to speak with nursing station while sitting in triage waiting room to advise or pain getting worse, staff wouldn’t even look at me. Finally after a urine test and blood work, ER doc says “it may be an ovarian cyst” even though my blood work clearly indicated an infection.

Sent me home with 10 days of pain meds, anti inflammatory, and an ultrasound that is “non urgent”.
Hospital finally books me in for ultrasound a month later! Ended up in a different ER with.diverticulitis, which was found on a CT scan that this ER visit took IMMEDIATELY.

Absolutely ridiculous Maple Ridge ER didn’t even question appendix or other possible issues and just sent me on my way. I’m lucky it wasn’t appendix!
27 July 2021 15:34
I have had nothing but amazing experiences with ridge Meadows hospital. Recently was in the emergency room with my daughter and the volunteer at the door was fantastic and gave her a small stuffy to keep her entertained, the nurse who registered us was so kind, the nurse who took our information and details was really nice, and the doctor who saw us had great bed side manor and gave me very clear instructions on what to look for. Everyone had great vibes. (I know that sounds cheesy but it's true!) Thank you so much for everything!
18 July 2021 18:55
I’m leaving after 5h without having talked with a doctor. Run away from this place if you can.

They have signs saying that if you are leaving without seeing a doctor, please notify reception. I went to notify them, she say that she doesn’t need to know.

One doctor at night, that is not worried about people waiting.
09 July 2021 21:11
Plenty if free parking at the moment. Door screener for Covid, helpful staff. A good hospital with all the trimmings.
22 June 2021 0:26
Not a bad experience. Nurses & other staff were very nice & friendly. Only negative is the pay to park at a hospital emergency room.
24 May 2021 21:30
Slow and uncommunicative hospital. Waiting 4.5hrs for my injure.child to be looked at. Very disappointed and will never come here again
10 May 2021 4:40
I had a MRI yesterday at Ridge Meadows and am so happy to say the experience was great thanks to the staff that walked me thru the whole process. I wished I had gotten everyone’s names to thank them individually in this review, they deserve it. Everyone made me feel so comfortable and eased my nervousness. I had had a MRI before but this one had a few more steps to it, intravenous dye and a lot of deep breathing and holding my breathe intermittently. Wasn’t easy to do at times. I was always reassured and received clear instruction thru the whole experience. It really wasn’t bad at all! I have also been to the Emergency on a few occasions and received the same friendly, caring attention each time. I have read a lot of negative reviews and that’s why I wanted to share mine. That doesn’t mean I haven’t heard some staff responding to patients sternly (I have), but all considered my perspective remains positive, given my experience. Thank you to the staff at the hospital and all that you do! Also, big thanks to Ridge Meadows for having an MRI - the wait time for my appointment was only 2 weeks and it is so close to home! When I had my first one years ago, it was an 8 month wait so thankfully my employer paid for a private company to do it. Times have changed!
21 April 2021 4:55
I have been a witness of a horrible incident on March 6th around 2: 40pm. As I’ve been waiting for my turn in emergency, there was a gentleman beside me in visibly excruciating pain, waiting for his turn, he has passing in-and-out and mumbling in pain.
The doctor/nurse have walked out and have called out for the person names J*****
No one had responded. The gentleman beside me was passed out from pain. The doctor/nurse has not made sure that everyone has heard the name and just walked away. After that in a span of 5 minutes two other patients were called in, who were visibly not in pain. The gentleman beside me regained his attention at this point and became very angry by the fact that he has not been taken care of yet. He has approached that same nurse/doctor who has called his name previously and asked him “have you called for J**** yet”. The doctor/nurse said yes I have called for you but no one has responded. The gentleman became very angry and stated that he was passed out from the pain. The doctor/nurse then screamed back at the patient occluding him of not responding when his name was called. And then nurse/doctor just walked off.
The gentleman was in an excruciating pain and it would make perfect sense why he would be so agitated. But seeing this behavior from the staff has brought tears into my eyes. I can’t believe that it’s patient’a fault that he was passed out from pain and was unable to respond to his name being called.
The patient was left in the waiting room screaming from pain waiting for his turn. At that point I have left the waiting room because it was too hard to witness.
19 April 2021 0:56
Horrible! Waited 4 hours and wheni finally got in they just told me to tak advil.meanwhile im waiting in another clinic with horrible breathing;/ do not reccomend
08 January 2021 13:20
My baby was born in this hospital and that was an amazing service. Doctors, nurses and staff respected me and my baby during my visit. I am grateful to Dr Kok and Dr Mentz for making me feel safe all the time.
17 November 2020 7:30
Dr Tang shouldn't make derogatory remarks about a patient, not tell to eat salad when it have the choice.totally no couth, totally unnecessary totally unprofessional!
30 October 2020 9:16
Nurse's and doctors were great. And comforting.
Administration is rude.
Wait times are ridiculously long
29 October 2020 12:04
Doctors and nurses are knowledgable and professional. Great bedside manner, sometimes they crack jokes. Admin staff could be on the serious side depends on the day, but they seem to be competent.

Clean interior, big parking lot.

Overall great experiences here. I live 12 mins away, and I prefer go to this location a lot.

Ps. Only reason for 4 star is the long wait time during pre-covid era. It could be 2 -4 hrs of waiting if they are busy. But I suppose all Canadian hospital are like this.

10/10 Will come again. I mean I hope I do not need to come here.
14 October 2020 0:10
This is by far the worst hospital. RUN fast away from here. Admissions person was rude, did not listen to answers so had to repeat several times, the triage nurse was good. Nursing care was poor most of the time although there were a few nurses that were kind. Worst of all, EVERYTHING they did wrong was blamed on Covid19. Trying to get info about the care was extremely difficult and after two weeks we FINALLY discovered the admitting hospitalist doctor neglected to give her two of her meds that entire time! THEY have access to that info AND we gave a printed list on day of admission. Making contact with our family member seemed to be of no concern to anyone there. SHAME ON THE DOCTOR, I MAY HAVE TO SUBMIT FOR MALPRACTICE/NEGLIGENCE, AND SHAME ON THE NURSES. You signed on for a job that should be your passion, not a paycheque. WHY is there not someone hired to call family members once a day to give updates since we are not allowed in the hospital?
26 September 2020 15:36
Drive elsewhere. Worst care ever. I think this is the hospital where they send the staff no one else wants
25 September 2020 15:14
They tell you if you want to get your kids tested for COVID, you need to call the hospital even though you are there. You call the hospital, and you will get an automatic message saying hospital is busy and hangs up on you.
28 August 2020 2:15
Well I came in there and absolute mess passing a kidney stone. Must-have look the same way.immediately I don't know her name a nurse with Australian accent I think attended me immediately and got me started on the process of recovery. Thought I was going to die. Getting lost and the whole place was spinning paralyzed with pain. Thanks dr. Don Kim for the examination the recognition of the problem nice work mr. I.thx! The greeting lady in the main lobby was most Pleasant also
13 May 2020 16:18
Great surgeons and paramedics. The only complaint I have is when I woke up from surgery and had a seizure based on my condition. I snapped out of it and one of the nurses yelled "Stop faking it! Your faking it! Wow, the people upstairs will have fun with this when I tell them someone was faking a seizure". She didn't take the time to read that I had a condition and therefore, acted like nothing happened when my family came to check up on me. Otherwise, thank you to the rest of the wonderful staff
26 April 2020 21:16
Considering our declining medical system, this hospital gets a great review from me! Even though I was in pain & had to spend nearly 8 hours waiting for the final result, I realized i wasn’t the only person. There were many other sick people waiting for results as well. I appreciate so much the nurses and doctors spreading themselves around trying to attend to everyone. Dr. Vic kept tabs on me & was friendly & ordered the tests I needed. When Dr Heed told me I needed surgery & she would do it in a couple of hours, that same evening, I couldn’t believe how fast they would resolve my situation! She was so kind & informative, I felt I was in the hands of someone who knew how to care for me & she didn’t let me down. She must have done the least amount of intrusion into my body because my scar is small & my recovery was unbelievably fast with very little pain. These people are doing a great job!
24 March 2020 8:37
I have been seeing Dr. Gopinath for years, and he is a great doctor to be under the care of! He has helped me through 2 of my most traumatic life experiences, with great compassion and understanding. He is detailed, professional in his approach and very reliable.
19 March 2020 14:20
Dr. Kotylak and the rest of the team at Ridge Meadows were amazing yesterday. I had day surgery and couldn't have asked for better care.even left with a couple good recipes. Very grateful. Thank you all so much?
13 March 2020 19:33
Worst hospital by far shut them down and save our taxes. Pointless hospital very understaffed. The staff do nothing but sit at their desk and gossip. Doctor was good on this particular night but totally overworked as he was the only doctor in the whole hospital on call. No patients in waiting area and made us wait for 3 hours. Just go to RCH you'll wait the same amount of time at least get proper care.
09 March 2020 14:33
We have had to go here quite a few times for various illnesses and injuries, and the staff in emerg Drs included consistently have been nothing short of amazing.
07 March 2020 12:57
Emergency department is worse I had met before. I got there with my 3 years old daughter. After 4.5 hours while still were waiting to see the doctor start to feel my baby getting extremely hot. I asked the nurse to check her again and give some medication. She checked her and said she is ok temperature 37.1. I left right away home because felt like something does not seems right. I leave 3 min away by car. Checked at home her temperature and got 40.
I'm very disappointed at that point. Looks like to take some body to hospital it is very dangerous.
16 February 2020 17:13
Came in with a knee injury. Staff were friendly, attentive, and capable. We were able to be seen quickly at emergency, got x-rays, and we’re finished in under 90 minutes.
18 January 2020 22:58
Cannot be transferred successfully. Se t to wrong area and then hung up on instead of transferring to the correct area. No common sense. Try asking questions to help instead of making a person call back and HOPEFULLY be directed to the correct area. THANKS.

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