15 November 2023 10:49
Understaffed and backlogged doesn't even begin to describe it. These guys work slower than real time! Currently it's Sept. 1 and they're working on files from early April, and it keeps sliding. If you send them files now they'll get back to you summer 2024 probably. I finally got someone on the phone and he was so condescending to me. These people have the power to ruin your life by cancelling your license and getting it back is an absolute nightmare and they can't even pretend to be bothered. My license was cancelled for medical reasons by the way, got surgery a year ago and I'm well now but my life still on hold thanks to these people.

Edit: End of November and they're working on May 1st. They must have literally one person working there and they're probably WfH. Come on people, a year to review a file is infuriating.
09 November 2023 9:44
Have been waiting for 6 months already and no hope of getting my licence still, can’t get a job, very difficult to see friends and family that lives fun away, thanks roadsafetyBC to ruining people life
26 October 2023 15:51
I called them 6 maybe 7 times throughout the course of one day trying to ask about information regarding my medical that I submitted in June, and not once did they answer. If you have questions about that kind of thing, my recommendation is to head over to the BC Services building in your city/town.
10 October 2023 5:05
Make you listen then pick from 4 options.then enter DL#. Then listen to and pick from 7 more options.only to to be told after 5 minutes that they have (surprise.again) unusually high call volumes so please hang up and try again.why not just say that at the very start? So called professionals are far from professional these days.
09 October 2023 15:59
Another addition to the infestation of ICBC plaguing this Province with their monopoly. RoadSafetyBC is a god damn horrendous, poorly trained group of people slaughtering the quality of life to individuals forced to comply with them. Do not think calling them will ever get you through to a human being. Every call either asks you to phone them back & hangs up, or the only saving grace of leaving your phone number for them to call YOU back. The opening Message machine states that they are backlogged for six months. SIX MONTHS TO SIMPLY RECEIVE A MESSAGE BACK. Who the hell is in charge of staffing for this Office? Do they not have any more human power to help speed up this process? What office in the history of Canada are so backlogged that it requires them six months to process BASIC INFORMATION, as someones QUALITY OF LIFE DEPENDS ON IT? A poorly designed & frail joke of a mind-splitting series of fury inducing & ignorant interactions with this place. My license was cancelled on me just about 500 days ago and I have been having the absolutely most dreadful experience in obtaining it back. The "adjudicator (s) " is/are ruthless in throwing up strict guidelines that illustrate illogical requirements to even begin to climb the suicidal cliff of trying to get your license back. People who have been caught physically & charged with serious offences or a DUI get their license back quicker than this (90 days). This is to the point where legal action needs to be taken against this absurd creation of suits. This a downright travesty to the individuals who have to deal with this painful and completely disposable waste of time.and when I mean time, I mean A LOT OF TIME. Who knew telling a Nurse about something that happened to you in your past was enough evidence for this "system" to rob you of your license for what will soon be two years. Maybe longer? Fax after Fax. Letter after letter. RoadSafetyBC is clear insight to the direction of "adhere or suffer".
21 September 2023 11:00
Canada is dying, they take almost one year to process a medical exam form and these useless people can still keep their jobs, this country has no hope
19 September 2023 20:07
RoadSafetyBC will never answer there phone they give out notices saying you have 30 days to comply with sending in paperwork but they back logged 5 months plus. How does this make sense. You leave countless messages for them and no one calls back ever. I had a friend go there office in Victoria to see how busy they really are and the footage will stun you people are just sitting around doing nothing and dont care about the tax payers that are paying there wages. Oh yes I forgot thats what our government officials do ABSOLUTLY NOTHING and just take from the people. Well RoadSafetyBC be prepared cause the video is coming onto youtube and will be aired in a story with Global & CTV News. You people should be ashamed of your selves.
13 August 2023 17:54
Fantastic, yes my license is suspended however I’m learning how to go to the gym and walk more. I’m looking at myself and my life and realizing how pathetic and fat I become with a license. We all eventually get out licence back but get it back in shape. Feel good about yourself and others. I’m saving money by not paying insurance, gas, useless pit stops purchasing things I don’t need. Yea my work is impacted however I’ve adjusted. Thank you Road Safe for getting me back in shape instead of the blob I was. I might YouTube this. I am also getting into photography and attending massage and physiotherapy to re adjust my back from years of driving.
27 July 2023 0:09
Why is it too costly and not covered in MSP for Drivers medical exam? Any one has any idea
23 March 2023 0:56
Im getting away from roadsafetybc and getting the smartstart canada which will be shorter in months and cheaper as im on disability roadsafetybc doesnt care about there clients it a cash grab for them ive been sober 2 years and respected in not driving when prohibited.no respect to my life style.
08 March 2023 2:11
What a nightmare. My driver's license has been suspended since Sept. 2022! They will not even answer the phone! Useless people. I have met all their stupid conditions and nothing. Meanwhile speeding, impaired driving and distracted driving run rampant in Vernon. I HAVE 45 YEARS ACCIDENT FREE!
26 February 2023 5:01
I was ordered to undergo a medical fitness test to renew my licence. Despite there being a massive backlog of forms to process, they expedited my form as I am moving to a small town with no proper grocery store and need to drive to Kelowna to get groceries and to appointments. They also have a handy call-back feature which they returned my call almost immediately. I was worried what to expect when I had to deal with them (I read these same reviews when I found out I would be dealing with them), but they were very helpful and polite. I sent my form in on November 27,2022, and just got my licence today 03/10/23. They did a great job even though they are totally swamped. Thanks RoadSafetyBC, I can rest easy now I know I can get groceries.
22 February 2023 11:17
This has to be without a doubt the worst run government bureaucracy ever created. Somehow they've got the power to cancel a persons license and livelihood without ever checking Doctors reports, Worksafe reports or answering their phone. Any phone call gets eventually redirected to a automated service that takes your number for a callback that never comes. There is no address to go to if you want to talk to someone or submit a document. There is a 12 week delay in reading any documents! They tell you to fax your information to a fax number that never answers. When they finally gave me a working fax number to send documnts to, I was told the fax would now have to be scanned and sent for an expedited review that will still take 3 weeks! Three weeks to read a one page fax. And who uses faxes anymore when you can send an email that can be delivered and read immediately?
FIRE whoever is running this mess!
13 February 2023 14:38
The amount of people posting here who can't even get a callback from Roadsafety BC, let alone satisfaction and who would like to give them less than one star says one thing to me, dictatorship. This is one result of lack of competition in the auto insurance industry in BC. But for every one person posting, I'm sure there are many others with equally bad experiences from Roadsafety who don't post. The alternatives for the public to turn to can be equally as bad, false front departments, namely the BC Ombudsperson and your MLA. But by no means does that mean that we should just give up and go away. The opposition to Roadsafety is growing and will be made public, one way or another.
I'm another one who can't even receive a callback anymore regarding my driver's license being cancelled under false pretenses. So far my license has been cancelled only on the basis of a false police accident report. My hospital doctor's examination report has been rejected by Roadsafety on the basis that they couldn't read the doctor's writing. Then they tell me to find another doctor to ascertain my fitness to drive. What a joke in today's family doctor shortage situation.

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