04 January 2024 14:03
Woman at checkout sarcastically said "I wish! " When I brought something that was stacked up in the wrong place with a cheaper price. It was humiliating to have to cancel the purchase with a line up behind me. I ended up bringing the other perfumes up to another cashier and told her they might want to move these from that spot. I overheard the first woman telling her it doesn't matter that the perfumes are there.
25 December 2023 13:19
It was the first time that I was kind if shocked by the staff behaviour as I was communicating with 2 personels but they were not as helpful as they are supposed to be!
31 October 2023 19:05
I had a visit today at Sephora and I had a amazing advisor helping me finding my stuff that I need. She was super helpful and kind and patient. She take her time to show me all different product and compared all the prices.
If you go to Sephora and want to find a product you need go and find her her name is Danica.
31 October 2023 15:20
I went into Sephora looking for help. I always struggled with colour palates that work with my face, like foundation. I could never find a good product. Therefore I originally went into Sephora looking for mascara because I never had confidence in applying face makeup. As I was approached by Danica for help she was so nice and helpful in choosing my mascara. She was very knowledgeable and passionate about products that they sell in Sephora! Her trustworthy presence made me confide in her and tell her my bad experience with foundation. She showed me many different products and matched certain foundations to my face so perfectly! She cared so much to fulfil all my needs that i always struggled with in finding the perfect foundation. She was patient with all my demands and I couldn’t be happier! I finally have the foundation of my dreams - Armani Beauty (Luminous silk perfect Glow foundation)! So happy!
23 September 2023 2:23
Everyone was so incredibly helpful at this location. I got everything I needed, especially due to Morgan! She was the best - so knowledgeable and also SO personable. This girl works hard for her money - she deserves a raise!
16 September 2023 1:55
Friendly and considerate staff, especially Karina, who helped me patiently and gave me a lot of cool tips!
06 May 2023 10:43
I had a very bad experience here. The worker were rude and had a bad attitude. Would not be coming back.
09 April 2023 21:42
So my hands were super sticky, because I had tried some products on my hand. I saw a sink there near the mirrors, so I just went and washed my hands. This worker came up to me very rudely and told me I was not allowed to use the sink? !? But my hands were dirty and I needed to wash them and she wouldn’t even let me use the sink for a few seconds … I mean terrible customer service … she also gave me a super dirty look.
07 April 2023 14:38
Went and got my new solde jenaro perfume and on my way home I dropped it. It cracked now I am angry.
08 March 2023 16:32
I came in looking for some Urban Decay primer potion and was able to get some great advice about what else to get to piece together a look after not packing any makeup. I didn't catch the person's name, but I really appreciated how helpful they were with answering all my questions about what brushes to buy and what kind of mini pallet would be good for both the look I had planned and for use in the future.
I also found it helpful the explanation I got about the in-house make-up appointments, as I was shown how to make the reservation within the app and what information to include.
05 March 2023 9:47
Terrible customer service. Manager is dismissive and judgemental. Really disappointing. Would definitely suggest a different location.
05 March 2023 5:32
I had THE best experience today with Troy. I was like “ugh I need help but don’t want to talk to anybody”. Troy was engaging, so helpful & made knowledgeable recommendations. Wow, so much fun…he went above & beyond. Thanks muffin!
28 February 2023 12:19
Kash is the very helpful… she helped to choose the right foundation to cover up my bruises. She is so nice and patient.
15 February 2023 0:26
There’s so much stuff and everyone is super nice, if you need something they help you find what’s best for you, and even help you look for the best deals, plus I got a freebie which is always nice.
06 February 2023 12:25
Found everything I needed, which isn't always the case in other Sephora stores in the lower mainland
06 February 2023 9:05
The retail associates are simply accommodating and nice. However, I just wish they have a system where they don’t have to approach customers a million times. Most of the time I just want to try check things out on my own and shop in peace! Still the best Sephora store in the lower mainland imo!
01 February 2023 15:28
Leah is rude and judgemental towards me and my friend who was just visiting Vancouver and haven’t been to Sephora to shop in a long time. She purchased a couple of stuff and claimed her birthday perks even past her birth month because there’s no sephora nearby from where she resides. This time Leah made a fuss about it and made her uncomfortable. Not going back to this location again.
19 January 2023 22:12
Had a fantastic experience despite it being busy, Kayla was super helpful and treated me as if I was the only customer in the store!
11 January 2023 13:24
I was shopping at this sephora last week and had a very pleasant experience with the workers, as many of them asked if i had required assistance.
I had not intended to buy anything that day and had left after browsing, feeling rather uncomfortable as I had the security guard following me around and eyeing me down the whole time. I'm a person of colour and I have a feeling this was because of my race, many reviews had said similar things about the racist security staff.
It was until i was chased down by the security guard (brown guy, average build, not at all dressed like a security guard) and was accused of stealing a perfume, at which point he made me empty my bag which had my own personal makeup products I keep with me for retouches, many of which were clearly nearly empty or half used and many products sephora doesn't even carry, and a new lip gloss i had used only once but had clearly already opened, he confiscated the lipgloss from me after accusing me of stealing and walked away. I was not going to say anything but I told a friend about my experience and she had also been wrongly accused of stealing by the same guard. Stop treating your customers like criminals.
At the very least 20+ people have left a review saying the same thing, in my opinion you should fire the security guard, will not be coming back.
02 January 2023 17:21
Me and a friend were shopping at this Sephora and had a pleasant experience. The workers were extremely kind and helpful asking if me and my friend had any questions or needed assistance. It was up until we left the store and were on the sidewalk we were approached by a security guard around medium build who asked to see inside my friends bag. She complied but I was still confused as to what was happening so I asked to take it inside the store. I repeatedly asked him what was happening and what he was doing to my friend but he gave no valid response over and over. He then proceeded to make my friend take out each of her own makeup products she bought on her own time elsewhere (many you could tell were already half used or opened) but accused her of stealing it nonetheless. No alarms or anything were set off when we left the store. When we went inside the store he pulled out his cell phone and threatened to call the cops. I told the security guard that i had seen my friend use the products beforehand but he told me to “not get smart” with him which is quite inappropriate. He then proceeded to tell us that we could not return to the location or else would be kicked out again. He then confiscated my friends personal makeup items which many had not even been purchased at Sephora, and quite expensive too. The reason i am sharing this is because I see many others have had a similar experience of being accused of stealing
13 October 2022 22:32
I normally shop at the Robson location, but stopped in here for a quick few items and just wanted to give some love to Zak/Zach (sp?) who was working the register when my friend and I checked out. He was super sweet and personable and left a lasting impression of the kind of customer service that stands out from the rest.
I should note that the other staff we interacted with were also lovely, but he was exceptionally sweet. So much so that we made sure to read his nametag before we left.
08 October 2022 13:37
They were all looking at me as if I had a problem and their security guard ran out of the store after me thinking I had stolen something when I had clearly just bought something there. Really rude, really mean and judgmental workers here. They all seemed really racist especially the security guard chasing and running and following
Me around the store the really tall brown security guard, who seems quite rather new at security and racist towards native people they had like none working there…. Seemed as if they had a problem with me even buying a product with their weird security guard.
06 October 2022 1:22
I came here with my wife; a pretty standard occurrence I was reluctant to be a part of, as usual.but a particular server (Liz) was very helpful, and showed my wife where all the products were, allowing us to get in and out in a mercifully short period of time.

8/10, would try to avoid again
05 October 2022 7:01
Fancy location, huge and big collection of mikup brands, skin care, etc, I never see such Sephora in USA
27 September 2022 9:46
I go to this sephora a lot in granville and I can’t believe I got accused of stealing here for the very first time. You guys need to hire new security and workers cause they like to accuse people of stealing when they don’t have legit proof. Never coming here again because of what just happened, it definitely ruined my entire day.
23 September 2022 13:01
I loved the shop with all its wonderful decoration and its huge variety of makeup, creams and cosmetics for hair. Valerie was super nice and knew exactly what I was looking for, she was really nice, polite and in a very good mood. I took a lot of beautiful products with me thanks to her professional recommendations! Thank you Valerie:)
21 September 2022 20:47
The employees at the store looked away from us (the ones by the door did not greet us), looked shock to see us, or with a look of contempt when we entered the store. We had never seen employees who treated customers like this. The three cashiers who were chatting by the counter stretched their hands to direct us to the head of queue while saying 'hi' to us as we were walking to the head of queue. They made us feel as though we did not know how to line up for the cashier.

Moreover, some of them stood in the walkway chatting when we were trying to exit the store. So I said, "excuse me" and one of them looked annoyed and made a noise 'chi' with her mouth as she walked away. Wow. How could she have an attitude on customers like that? Then the employee by the entrance was blocking us from exiting the store with a few customers there. The employees at this location did not make us feel welcomed.
08 September 2022 18:17
I went into the sephora on robson when it wasn’t busy, there were two girls at the front doing nothing just standing there and no one greeted me. The whole 20 minutes I was there no one greeted me or asked if i needed help.
06 September 2022 21:18
The girls at the front counter are not helpful and act like they do not want to be there. Heard them laughing about a customer that was beside me at check out after she walked away. Very terrible customer service.
03 September 2022 1:36
I am a longtime Sephora customer - I'm a Rouge VIB member and have spent thousands of dollars on their products over the years. Today I went into the Robson location on my lunch break, picked up a setting spray and when I saw how long the checkout line was, put it back because I didn't think I could get back to work on time. A security guard appeared and accused me to trying to steal the spray. He searched my bag and made me empty my pockets, totally humiliating me and when all he found was an old lip balm (obviously very old and used and from a brand they don't even sell at Sephora) he said that's what he saw me steal and asked if it belonged to me. I was wearing a mask so I hadn't touched my lip balm. I told him it was mine and he just shrugged and walked off. No apology or anything. And I get it - mistakes happen - but I don't think it's a coincidence that I just happened to be the only black person in the store and I think that if you do make a mistake - especially one that involves HUMILIATING someone in the middle of a busy store - you apologize for it and acknowledge that mistake, you just don't walk off like nothing happened. NEVER coming back here again and will definitely be sharing my experience at this location.
26 August 2022 0:01
Big shoutout to Colby. It’s hard to find a place where they in fact find the products you need instead of upselling costly ones.
29 July 2022 15:46
Online says they are open at 8am - they are not they are open at 10 according to the sign on the door. Needs to be updated.
26 July 2022 17:58
I am writing this review since I had an excellent experience at Sephora, Robson st, a few days ago. It was the first time I showed up in this branch, and Karina, one of the staff, made my experience awesome. I was there to buy a sunscreen, and she guided me nicely. She showed me every option available for my criteria and skin type, and in the end, I could buy my sunscreen happily. Her professional behavior, besides her rich information about the products, made my purchase happy. I will come back again to this branch, for sure. Thanks, Karina!
13 July 2022 0:37
Thank you Sephora for having helpful friendly staff and for having reasonable prices. I found everything I needed for my daughter for her graduation ‍ thank you
23 June 2022 1:33
Probably the worst experience i’ve ever had in any store.an employee accused me of shoplifting and kept antagonizing me by saying “do you want to get arrested? ” over and over rather than asking me to empty my pockets and bags in the first place.i was completely clueless and had zero clue as to why i was about to be arrested and as to why i was even suspected to be shoplifting in the first place.the way he handled it was ridiculously unprofessional and he didn’t even apologize after the false accusation.
19 June 2022 13:08
This store is really big and the staff are really nice. They always offer to help but not in an annoying way. Overall, I always have great experience in this store.
25 August 2021 13:43
I work in downtown and usually go in around my lunch time and I was always find someone to help me. I fine that staff knowledge at this location and super helpful. Definitely recommend this location.
05 August 2021 2:27
Whats with staff & security at this location? They make you feel like a shop lifter, follow you throughout. I have had atleast 10 times the staff coming upto to me to ask if I’m doing ok, sometimes the same staff multiple times. For Goodness sake, let a person do shopping peacefully. Bad customer service.
22 July 2021 0:48
The security guard thought my friends and I were shop lifting and kept following us around the store. At first I didn't notice but every turn I took, he was always behind me. After I payed for my things, he pulled me over to "check" my bag, then my friends', and then when we walked through the door, the alarm went off. A saleswoman came over and got us to walk through the door again, one by one, and this time, the alarm miraculously didn't go off.

If they want customers to come back, they shouldn't be accusing them of shoplifting. I'm never coming back and recommend the Sephora at CF Pacific Center or the one at Richmond Center, as those security guards won't follow you around the store and pull you aside to see if whether or not you were shoplifting.

Also, no hate to the staff, as they were amazing as usual, I just strongly dislike the security. Looking back at the other reviews, we weren't the only ones being followed, a bunch of other people all had this issue.
02 July 2021 0:02
Hire experienced staff please! I have bene here twice and each time no one could help me for skin products.these guys are there to just sell!
11 June 2021 11:59
Went to get JoMarley diffusers and the staff that was helping me wrap the gift was very friendly and helpful explaining about the importance of wrapping the gift nicely
29 May 2021 20:57
Friendly and helpful staff! I had a ton of questions about the point system and how online pick ups work and someone greeting at the front was very kind for answering all of them for me
28 May 2021 5:11
My wife and her friend went to this location to buy some products they needed. They both ended up leaving due to employees circling around them and watching them. Also, the "security" guard was also walking over just to stand and watch them. How sad and pathetic.
Pro tip: don't treat your customers like criminals.
27 April 2021 7:58
I like one stop shops. Their customer service is almost always great! It's great to have them acknowledge birthdays and give little gifts.
25 March 2021 19:48
Some of staff don't even know what is cruelty free and what is the difference between vegan and clean product. She keeps asking me the non-related product and I had to explain why it is not for me for 15min.

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