20 October 2023 5:13
No major complaints about this location - there’s usually a pump available and they offer premium 93 which is good.
08 October 2023 23:50
Tried editing a review from 5 years ago but it updated to a brand new review.

I haven't been here in 3 years though because of the rude cashier attendant that is probably the same guy everyone is talking about

But it has been years, so maybe I will give this place another chance. If he is still there, then hopefully he has changed his ways in the last 3 years. Otherwise I am OUT for another 3 years
29 September 2020 2:54
Whatever you do don't use the carwash. Waited over half hour and then it died half way through and still soapy
14 March 2020 8:42
The person working 16 Feb 12: 02 am is a very bad employ. We told him to fill gas of 15.15 CAD dollar and handed the money to him but he filled 14.30 dollars and when when we asked him about it, he was very rude. His name was patel and initially he was not accepting the change by saying that he didn’t want to count. I request to take action against it.
21 August 2019 18:34
Very rude employee. Went into the convenience store for some cough drops, told to "hurry up" when choosing which kind to buy! Came up to the till to pay, employee did not return my pleasantries, yanked product from my hands to scan them, and pretty much shooed me out of there.
11 June 2019 6:03
Another Samuel encounter

Wow I came here to tell Shell about my terrible experience with this person and it looks like I'm not alone.

I cannot believe how unreasonable and obstinate this person is. Every Sunday I come to this gas station to clean my truck. I vacuum it 3 times and buy a deluxe wash. The first time I came here with my truck, the cashier gave me a small wrench that's kept behind the front counter to remove my antenna to drive through the wash. I can't get through the car wash without it! Anyway I say this to point out that I probably spend about $100 a month on cleaning at this station.

This has been my habit for the past few months. Yesterday I went on a Saturday and Samuel was working. I left my truck at the front of the line and went into the station to get the wrench. Samuel tells me that she'll does not lend tools to customers and the tool doesn't exist. I tell him that I come every Sunday and every other cashier lends me this tool and I can point to it's location. He refused to check. I tell him that I absolutely need it and can't go through the carwash without it. He tells me that he has never heard of this tool and that I should leave.

I'm a seven and a half month pregnant lady. I was asking for a very small wrench! He was throwing his hands up in the air saying it is Shell policy not to lend tools to customers. Does this make any sense at all? Why wouldn't he just check? It's not as though I was alone in the store at this point.

I drew him a picture of what it looked like. I told him I wasn't leaving without that wrench.

The whole situation was so unreasonable I stood my ground. How could a human be so irrationally focused not being helpful? It's not as though I was asking for something unusual in a gas station. When he finally understood that I wasn't going to relent, he called a colleague to discuss the matter. God knows who he actually called because he didn't speak English. It could have been an aunt. At this point I had been standing at the front of a lineup with three people in the station and a lineup of cars behind me at the car wash. After he hung up, he opened his cupboard and I pointed to the small manual tool that is routinely leant to me by every other Shell employee. This is after delaying about a dozen people and telling me to leave and come back another day, and that I should just drive through the car wash without getting my car washed.

This person is mean and irrational and shouldn't be in customer service. I can't believe how badly he treated me over the matter and that Shell continues to retain this person. He treated me with hostility, acted like I, a 7 months pregnant woman was some type of threat, and told me I was lying. All over a small tool needed to remove an antenna.

Shame on Samuel and shame on Shell.
02 May 2019 5:13
Terrible customer service every time from the one older cashier. He is such a rude man for no reason, you should have customer service skills if you’re working with customers.
29 January 2019 16:42
Cashier was extremely rude, I politely asked, after paying with my debit card for a chocolate, if I could get cash back to use the air pump, he says "No, go to save on! " Very rude to begin with, I grab a bill and ask if he can give me change instead, he freaks out and for no apparent reason starts yelling "Im telling you go to save on! I dont want any trouble" and some more stuff I didnt quite get, I told him there was no need to be rude about it, really calmly and he just kept yelling.literally screaming while I was walking out the door. An employee with anger issues maybe I dont know, to me the worst service I have had at a gas satation.
30 October 2018 12:25
Don't use the Vacuum at the site, its slow and barely sucks anything up. Other than that its a fine place for gas and a wash.
12 October 2018 1:08
Service by Samuel. He was not exactly what I would call friendly, but he was helpful. Helped me make sure my vehicle was clean when the ultimate wash failed to do so.
02 October 2018 5:33
Customer service was terrible. Last minute changed my mind on an item and the employee denied service.
18 May 2018 2:19
Even though at the time I went the station was quite busy, the process of me getting gas was still fast.

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