01 November 2023 18:41
Worst customer service. Was standing quite a while to pay in cash at the counter. 3 staff just kept coming back and forth in and out at the counter, and didn’t bother at all, like I wasn’t there.put back the things I want to buy and left.better buy somewhere else.
17 October 2023 21:51
I visited on Oct. 24th around 4am. I planned to get some pharmacy items as well as do some Christmas shopping. You guys have great deals on things I need, however your acting manager and check out associate as well as pharmacy personal were not friendly at all. Since you are open 24hrs there should be no difference in customer service from day shift to night shift. If anything, at night and over night you probably get a lot of sick or ill customers coming in to get medicine to help subside their symptoms until they can see a doctor in the morning which requires your staff to have even better customer service skills. While I understand you may not staff as many people in the overnight shift, it may be challenging to allow the washroom to remain available for purchasing customers but there were more than 3 staff on, a pharmacy associate and a security guard. At one point I was the ONLY customer in the store and was denied access to the washroom. I am a reasonable person and understand from a management standpoint you cannot have people using the washroom if you are short staffed. In addition, I needed to buy some stamps so I could send my Christmas cards I had with me to friends and family overseas. I was informed that stamps cannot be sold before 8am. I work nightshift myself and on my days off I get what I can done, when I can. I hope you choose to see this review as feedback and consider making necessary adjustments to your currently rigid "rules" for your overnight staff to follow. It made for a terrible experience and I will make sure to nit visit on a Tuesday morning ever again.
08 September 2023 3:11
Was discriminated against by the security guard on April 28th at 11: 30pm.

Despite previously going to the store many times after 11pm and not having any issue, this time my boyfriend and I were instructed to leave our bags (small backpacks) at the front while we browsed. I did even though they had no system in place to ensure the security of my belongings. My boyfriend’s backpack however contained life sustaining medical supplies so we explained that he needed to keep it with him. The security guard insisted he leave it at the front. He suggested taking the supplies out and carrying that instead of the whole bag, but we explained that there were too many things for my boyfriend to carry. The security guard was very stubborn and flippant about the issue. He literally asked “will he need it all while being in the store? ” He eventually relented (without actually understanding why this was such an issue) but we were no longer in the mood to stay in the store. Furthermore, he refused to give us his name (which he is required to do) so he could be held accountable for his actions.

[UPDATE: After emailing my complaint to the owner, their response stated that security staff receive yearly training to avoid discrimination and bias, but clearly that was not sufficient enough for this individual. ] My family and I had been going to this pharmacy for years but after this I immediately switched pharmacies.
02 July 2023 5:34
Received call that my prescription is ready … then they asked me that I wait another half hour … because its not ready.
16 May 2023 9:53
Normally I buy and go but last Saturday, I was looking for product in cosmetics section and there was some donation event going on. The henna artist called me and asked if I want henna for free. Completely unaware of what's going on, I said Yes. While I was doing my henna, "Milica" I do not completely remember her name, she came and said- are you buying things? I said yes- I got so many things. Again she came and said rudely- you know- it is not free and you have to donate $5. I said okay but then she asked henna artist that you can not call random people and waste your time. So rude of her saying that! She came to me twice and rudely handed over a product forcing me to spend more money- though I already bought 3 other items. Even henna artist asked me to ignore her. I can't. She gave me so rude expressions that I felt so disrespected. It was not me to ask for free henna, the henna artist offered and I said yes. Please treat your customers with love and do not ruin someone's day with your stupid rude behaviour. I can not stop thinking of her behaviour from that day and thus leaving this review.
14 May 2023 5:05
This Pharmacy is too bad service, the first time I met such poor service in over 20 years in Canada. They shouldn't work as pharmacists because they seem to dislike serving patients. ".
18 April 2023 9:39
Love how they have gone back to 24 hours. Don’t love the late customer service. A major pet peeve of mine is when people play music out loud on their cell phone LOUDLY. This behaviour should not be coming from staff in the aisles. This is shoppers drug mart, unprofessional behaviour. I’d understand this happening in a family owned Punjabi corner store maybe, but not a major pharmacy like shoppers.
25 March 2023 16:56
Other Shoppers I've went to have been fine, but this one has consistently been messing up my prescriptions. I just waited on the phone for 15 minutes with no answer after they made another mistake, so my boyfriend went in and said there was 3 people working, and they are ignoring the phone. He stood there while telling me about this and they didn't even react when he loudly told me they were ignoring the phone. (Today is February 1st and it's around 9pm) Such a waste of money to employ people who are ignoring their jobs and consistently making mistakes. I hope their incompetency doesn't end up making someone ill.

Edit: The actual pharmacist working (today is February 1st and it was around 9pm when all this happened) told my boyfriend that my change in prescription strength was an add-on to what I'm already taking. NO. I am decreasing my medication, not taking this new on on top of my old prescription. If I was elderly or confused, I could have gotten very sick with this advice. Don't give advice on dosage if you don't know! I am shocked.
19 March 2023 2:02
The pharmacist told my husband maybe he doesn’t have ADHD…which he has been diagnosed with multiple times and needs medication for. Unprofessional.
03 February 2023 10:09
This pharmacy is consistently incompetent. My prescriptions are filled incorrectly every time I go there. Today, I asked for 3 months and was given one month. They wouldn’t fix it while I was there and asked me to come back. It was just a box of diabetic needles. They didn’t even have to count anything. I have to go back a second time for every order. It’s their mistakes. Why should I shoulder the inconvenience? Absolutely TERRIBLE customer service.
03 February 2023 9:08
I had to use this pharmacy because the doctor called too late for my normal one. They are requiring 4 hours to fill a prescription my normal pharmacy would have had in 5 minutes. Im very sick and 2 trips plus all this wasted time is terrible. They are 24hrs because they are that much slower than anywhere else.
30 January 2023 5:27
A guy on medication information is a racist person just don't wanna help and says it's not my job.
15 January 2023 12:46
I was at this shopper’s location last week. I have received a great services from Noemi. She helped me in choosing the fragrances and also, helped in claiming the best store offers.
31 December 2022 21:35
Useless pharmacy tells you that you can call them if there's and issues and I've been calling for 30 minutes. Guess I'm calling poison control because they definitely not answering
30 December 2022 20:10
I would like to thank Noemi for her intelligent & very friendly services to me and my wife. It was store closing hours (cosmetic department) but I do not see her rushing us. She was patient and very professional. She understood our needs and offered us the best customer services. I would definitely go back again to her anytime I need stuff from cosmetics. You are the best, Noemi.

Good luck.
29 December 2022 14:13
They often leave sale stickers on after sale is over, expired deals they are advertising and refuse to honour
12 November 2022 0:59
Horrible customer service, I was given the wrong change back. Apparently the cashier says he remembered giving me the correct change. Why would I lie about such a small amount, like really? I think people should know when accidents happen so they can work on any issues that may arise. I'd rather be aware of my mistakes so I can keep them on the forefront of my mind and make intentional mindful improvements. I am here a lot, so I was quite surprised when I was accused of lying about not getting the correct change back. Some people's kids I tell ya
12 October 2022 6:08
I have used this pharmacy for almost 20 years. I like that you can order refills easily online, and they alert me when the prescription has been filled. Until a couple of months ago I was a happy customer. Then they changed their hours. I can no longer stop in on my way to work (I start at 5 am) to pick up my pills (I pick up at least 3 prescriptions monthly). Now they don't open until 8 am. Now I am forced to stop in on my way home from work at 5pm, the busiest time. This has removed all convenience for it being on my way to work for me. As such, I have transferred all my prescriptions to a different company closer to my home. After almost 20 years, you have lost a loyal customer.

Also, if you need something in a hurry this is not the pharmacy for you. And their dispensing fee is quite high. Just be aware.
10 October 2022 2:34
The absolute WORSE shoppers drug mart you will visit in Canada. 60% of the shelves are always empty, store is filthy, employees walking around with ear pods on talking to friends. What shameful representation of a loved Canadian brand (SDM). I wouldn't even recommend them if they DID have stock. Not recommended.
16 August 2022 12:57
I was visiting the Shoppers early this morning to visit Canada Post, and while doing so was followed around and harassed by a worker named Paul. He made no attempt to conceal the fact he was stalking me through multiple aisles while staring at me and I felt uncomfortable my entire visit here. If this is the environment being portrayed by this shoppers it is simply unacceptable. Hopefully management has a chat with him about this behaviour because I will not be returning to this location.
14 July 2022 0:55
Drove 20 minutes to go here because it was only shoppers open 24/7. Get there and they don’t open until 8! Save your time it’s not 24/7. Update your business hours
12 July 2022 0:22
My prescription for 3 months supply medicines the shoppers drug Mart break down for several pickup with no reason except for charging FEE for fill the prescription to government or me, when I request as written by doctor they had to rewrite and tell me come back for medicine, hassle dishonest in medical ethnics of conduct
01 July 2022 21:57
So unprofessional staff. Just had a worst experience at customer service. Actually it’s 2nd time i received worst to worst customer service. Never ever go there for PASSPORT OR CITIZENSHIP PHOTO they charge me around $40 like seriously for 1 digital photo who charge this much?
20 June 2022 16:46
It’s hard to explain how bad the service is at this stores pharmacy. You could hear stories and just shake your head, then you experience them and your mouth drops out.

I don’t use them myself, but my 83 years old mother would, they treated her so poorly every time she went in. Finally got her to move to SafeWay, best move we made.

Last night I needed a prescription for her, as she was released from the hospital and unfortunately Safeway was closed. So because her paperwork is on file I went to shoppers. The girl told me it would over an hour to get it filled. I told her that was not acceptable and to give me back the prescription and I would go elsewhere. She then said how about 30 minutes. Why lie in the first place. I did it and hope to never go back.

If there is a winner for the worse service in the Shoppers chain, this store is a sure winner, hands down.
28 May 2022 16:30
Wow, just wow. Insulin diabetic here, I use upwards of 100 units of insulin per day, enough to kill a healthy person, maybe two. Anyways, I ran out of bloodsugar test-strips (Ithought I had another bottle in cupboard). Needless to say a bit of a medical emergency.

It's amazing that shopper's drugmart could not supply test-strips due to me 'not having a new prescription. '. Apparently incapable of checking pharmanet, apparently unable to comprehend a standing order at my regular pharmacy for many years (closed due to easter).

Again, WOW! Literally turned away a diabetic in need of such critical tests. Shameful, I will struggle to ever come back, I see other poor reviews too so its obvious I'm not alone. News flash people, you are in health'care', you don't 'care' quit the biz.

Just about every review is 1 star, this tells you all you need about how horrible Shoppers drugmart is from the execs down. A business can't fix problems when the whole structure is ignorant. Successful businesses don't ignore problematic behaviour.
16 May 2022 8:00
Pharmacy needs to step up there game. They promise you a time for the meds to be ready at drop off time but they aren’t ready even when you go 2-3 hrs later from the promised time. Nor they call you or leave message so the patient don’t have to waste a trip which leads to disappointment. This place is busy but the owner needs to do a better job either by hiring more staff or staff shouldn’t false promise the pick up time when they actually can’t meet it up. So far the staff members behaviour is good but this pharmacy always disappoints with there quality of service as a business. Not the first one with this review looks like majority of the public is dealing with this issue. Time to move on to a different pharmacy.
12 April 2022 12:55
I dont understand why it is so hard to get in contact with this pharmacy over the phone. I mean literally just to talk to one of them for random question it takes hour of waiting time. Insane
01 April 2022 6:34
The Sales person said to me today that, We are one of the Top brands and Hence our Fee is 10.60 whereas other Pharmacies may charge 3 or 4$. It is better to enquire near by pharmacies which may have a lesser User fee.
I had to pay 7.5 dollar extra for 1 prescription E.g, It was 47.50 at the Shopper's and 40$ for the pharmacy within My doctors office and similarly for 1 more prescription. Hence I had to Pay 15 dollar extra to boast myself that I purchase my prescription from SHOPPERS DRUG MART
I have been purchasing my Prescriptions with this company for the past 2 years plus. I did not know that Max Price of the drug varies depending on the user fee within pharmacies.
I am not sure any person would prefer to pay higher price for the same drug but I cannot or Does the Quality of the drug vary within different pharmacies and Shoppers give the high quality drug
25 March 2022 22:35
Very bad pharmacy poor service was on hold for over an hr and no one would answer. Meds they gave didnt match names on my prescription so wrong so i called to clarify do you rhink they would answer there phone and especially when its an emergency. Very bad service wait was long my sone went 2x to pic up prescription that wasn't ready. Would never return back to this pharmacy hire more people. Was in tears by being put on hold for over an hr and finally gave up and to research the meds online. Very shocked with the awful service
27 February 2022 3:59
Very rude and unhelpful staff in cosmetics. I wait so long, they didn’t help me. They are stocking, stocking is I think much important for them than customer service. They have short staff. Showing negative attitude to customers.
02 December 2021 22:40
Went to the pharmacy during the night. Just came back from the hospital and had a bandage on my ear which was very obvious. The pharmacist is just yelling at me and very rude. He was a male Indian older man working on oct 27th. He should be fired. And honestly I’m so surprised with the amount of bad reviews about the pharmacy how shoppers drug mart has not reimburse customers or dealt with this situation properly however after having so many complaints i will be taking this further as I don’t even feel comfortable getting medication from here but I had no choice as I needed it and it is the only one open 24 hours in my area.
29 November 2021 14:04
My experience is always great.
I appreciate the advice given in the pharmacy. An always helpful staff makes my visit most enjoyable.
09 November 2021 10:26
I had a horrible experience at this shoppers drug mart this morning around 8am. It was nothing to do with the store, but rather the security guard working. I work in that complex and often run in to grab things I need before my shift starts, which is what I was doing this morning. I was in my work clothes with my apron on and headed for the makeup section. After a few minutes of contemplating prices, I decided not to buy anything. However, I noticed the security guard had followed me there as he clearly thought I was a risk of shoplifting. After I left the store he returned back to his post at the front door. I found this to be extremely disrespectful as he had no reason to follow me like that. When I left without buying anything, I felt guilty for not having proof of purchasing something. It was an awful experience and I wont be back to this location.
05 November 2021 22:15
I hate the pharmacy here. People who work here need to learn basic manners and learn how to listen to a customer. They never make the visit easy. Especially the lady with grey hair and glasses. The only reason I go here is because of the timing and the tall lady who works at the beauty section. She is amazing and knows her stuff! (5 stars for her)
28 August 2021 6:36
The customer service is worst for pharmacy team.whenever asked any question regarding medication they always respond rudely.they just dont listen.i guess they should be given training first how to deal customer politely and more patiently.always respond badly and rudely
22 August 2021 0:47
Such a rude lady named Maya.not helpful, zero customer service skills, and show her anger on customers.
17 August 2021 22:32
Pharmacy staff is so rude.not helpful or approachable at all.asked for help and was completely ignored and told the obvious.
03 July 2021 10:13
I thought the pharmacy was 24 hours. I called and it just rang endlessly and no one answered. So I called the main line and they advised me that the pharmacy was indeed open. So I asked to speak with the pharmacy and they put me only hold for over 10 mins. This was at 1: 33AM so I they weren't THAT busy. They should have their phone system ring again if a customer is put on hold for so long
22 June 2021 6:51
Horrible service! Been going here for over two decades and if I could have given a negative stars rating, I would have! Based on my experience today, I felt a review was warranted. The pharmacist who took my call was so incredibly rude that I actually had to stop the conversation to remind her that there was no need to talk to me in such a horrible tone! It wasn't the first time but it will be the last! Perhaps they are too big and customer service doesn't seem to be important anymore. Either way I'm switching to London Drugs for their friendly service and caring staff.
10 June 2021 13:44
Wish I can give no star for this location, my family been filling our prescriptions with Shoppers for 20 some years in another province. We moved to this neighborhood couple of years ago and been using this location ever since. Weren't very happy with it but been using them hoping they'll fix the issues them self but I'm tired of the treatment we receive from here. You'll be treated like family only if you can speak Panchabi or Hindi. I'm looking for alternative. ….
19 January 2021 6:26
Hi we are regular customer, we went there tonight around 1am the indian guy working was so rude, his name starts with J i guess i don’t remember hes a chubby guy and they did not remove the product pricing, we were scanning items and we asked him the product is on sale but its not showing up but instead of listening to us he started explaining us how to do self checkout, i told him i know how to do atlast it was store fault that they did not remove sale tag, instead of apologizing he gave us so bad attitude, we usually come here morning staff is so cooperative and nice, everytime we go at night this guy gives such bad attitude, he need to improve his customer service skills
28 December 2020 3:46
People at the pharmacy are very slow and one female in particular will ask you 10000 questions before giving you your prescription and it's very annoying she is the most annoying person I've met.
12 December 2020 12:12
They run it like its India. That tells you a lot. NEVER bring your script here. They only care about their money. They work slow on purpose. Expect to wait 45 mins for a script when they are not even busy. On top of that, very miserable staff. Especially the female staff. They prove the stereotypes here. Typical depressed staff.
25 November 2020 21:22
I Ask to send over a prescription by email or fax. I was basically told to F off by this really rude staff member. Called around 10: 30 pm Nov 18th 2020. Terrible Customer service.
31 October 2020 13:05
One the clinic front desk worker are very rude and gave me attitude when i asked a simple question.
26 October 2020 18:01
It's one of the handful 24 hours Rx pharmacy in the area. I got out of hospital ER past midnight with prescription in hand. The nurse kindly told me there is a 24 hr prescription pharmacy at this particular Shoppers.

The pharmacist was able to help me get prescription and I was ready to drive out in about 15 minutes after I entered the store.
16 October 2020 19:07
Oct 14 around 7 pm went to pharmacy she Very rude.not just me even other costumer too I useing this pharmacy more than 15 years I think time to change now
14 September 2020 6:35
I guess 12 am closing means 11: 50 am. Wanted to stop by for a quick snack, but the extremely rude security guard wouldn’t let anyone in. Maybe hire a security guard company that treats people with respect and has a watch. Won’t be returning.
27 August 2020 6:37
Rude pharmacists here. Also, I call to say if they have -50 eye glasses the pharmacist says yes. I go there and they give me a different story. Not calling them for anything anymore. I also won’t step foot. This place is a dump and too many crack heads come in here. It’s a big turn off if you ask me.
19 June 2020 5:12
Three weeks ago they dedicated 8: 00-9: 00 a.m. To seniors and those with disabilities. Two weeks ago, the same thing. Saturday I go and I'm informed that because their hours are cut that they "can't afford" to dedicate the first hour to seniors and those with disabilities and suggested I go to White Rock! HOW DARE THEY! Money is so important to them? Well I think I'm going to start going to London Drugs instead. At least they care more for the people then the almighty wallet!
I'm a senior AND I have a compromised immune system so I'm not wasting my time with people who just don't care.
This place "used" to be the drug store I went to and I had been going to it for the last 6 years when I moved into the area.
25 April 2020 11:33
Very upset My son is potty training and they told me he couldn't use the washroom. I go to lots of store that dont have public bathrooms but never get told to go someone else for my 3 year old son to use the bathroom.
22 March 2020 12:08
Good employees, never busy.
13 March 2020 21:01
We have been coming to this location for about three years now and have found it clean, friendly, etc. Today I went and the area outside the store was strewn with litter, carts blocking the sidewalks and garbage in them, inside the store items off shelves were laying on the floor, bits of garbage laying around, lineup at the one cashier. Hoping this is a one off day for them.
09 March 2020 8:28
The stuff at the pharmacy give me an opened box product with box damaged and refused to exchange another one for me and accused it was open by me. I didn't even leave the counter. The box was opened because it's a OPENED BOX, that was damaged before I touched it.
08 January 2020 11:49
Amazing place! They have high end makeup, the employees are always so helpful and knowledgeable. Love this place
09 December 2019 17:41
Today I went to get the prescription drug for my son. The lady on the front called Jolly was very unprofessional and even don’t want to listen to what I am saying. She told me to wait for an hour. I asked it isn’t the compound medication why do you take time? She didn’t care. Then I went to the pharmacy at Safeway just behind this store, they were very professional and gave me the medication right away. Even the shoppers drug charged me 4$ extra than the pharmacy at Safeway for the same medication. Please beware of the unprofessional and looters. Go to the Safeway pharmacy cheaper and faster at least they respect the customers.
06 December 2019 23:57
They will not give people heart medication needed a few days early to go on Vacation for Thanksgiving. Both I and a very elderly lady had our new prescriptions turned away. Not a problem at any other pharmacy.
03 December 2019 12:29
Poor customer service, not enough cashiers with long slow lines frequently.
The constant theme in many reviews is that this is unfortunate by the owners responses. Nothing will change until the management culture does.
17 November 2019 2:25
Order medication.call on the phone.confirm to pick up in 2 hours.get there 5 hours later.still waiting
27 September 2019 1:34
They do not price match with superstore. It's their parent branch but the manage told that only at top level it has been collaborated but Sdm has its own rule of not price match.
25 September 2019 5:21
By far one of the worst shoppers in this area. The only good pharmacist theres Lee, Billy, Sonia and Allen.

Depending on the day l. That ranjit or curly haired pharmacist will not treat you like person rather as something above.
My advice if you need to go hear for a long time stay clear. Other shoppers pharmacies tend to be better.

Sorry Allen your staff is great but you have a self appointed dr. In your team
02 August 2019 23:42
Horrible customer service at the cosmetics counter. I had placed an online order for a product that was advertised as 50ml but only 30ml was sent. I had asked for a reduced price as almost half the size was sent. Rio, at the cosmetics counter seemed to be to lazy to look into getting me a reduced price, made me wait for an hour while she tried to find manager. She finally called the manager and for some reason he did not come to the counter but she went to him, keeping every one waiting in line. In most stores the manager will come to the counter. I don't think she even bothered checking with the manager. People like Rio should not have a job because she is too rude, unhelpful, arrogant and to lazy to do the job she is being paid to do. Do not shop at this Shopper's Drug Mart location, especially for cosmetics and if you do make sure you do not deal with Rio.
11 July 2019 15:49
Don't know the name of who I spoke yesterday evening from pharmacy but he was so helpful on the phone and answered all my questions honestly. Thank you
05 July 2019 14:46
The 24-hour pharmacy,The goods here have a good price. Some daily groceries are also sold here. But sometimes the salesperson here is not very enthusiastic.

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