23 December 2023 20:56
Was helped by Noor in beauty. Very nice and professional service. She went above and beyond to make sure we were happy and was able to manage to all other clients that need help. Really positive experience we had. My wife Jovi was very happy with everything.
01 December 2023 21:40
Their prices have been insanely creeping up over the last few years and now are ridiculous. I would regularly go there for toiletries, makeup, and other things but then the facewash I was buying somehow went from $19 to $25 within like 6 months! I was so mad when I went to Whole Foods and found the exact product same size for $17. How can this price gap be possible? Toothpaste is more expensive.really just everything. Would not recommend this place unless you NEED something late at night and everything else is closed. Do comparison shopping research first.
28 August 2023 7:35
Not very happy with the service provided by the pharmacy team, particularly the Manager, Annette and the pharmacy assistant, Peter.

They both need to be retrained on how to service customers.

They both are extremely condescending. Please leave your negative attitude at your home.

After +10 years of having to deal with this horrible pharmacy, I'll be switching to Costco/Safeway.
17 August 2023 17:59
If you reside in North Burnaby and are seeking a pharmacy with courteous staff, I advise steering clear of this particular establishment. The employees, with their 6-month pharmacy tech certificates, often come across as demeaning in various instances. Numerous alternative pharmacies in the vicinity offer a more respectful experience, where you won't find yourself subjected to such treatment. It's worth noting that this behaviour is subtly executed, likely to prevent direct confrontation. Unfortunately, displaying proper etiquette and ordinary human courtesy does not seem to align with their demeanor.
25 June 2023 5:51
Slowest pharmacy I’ve ever been to they don’t ever seem to answer their telephone and when they put you on hold for 15 to 20 minutes they end up hanging up on you really really lousy service
14 June 2023 14:07
Extremely bad service at the pharmacy. Every time, without fail, they mess up either the prescription or insurance and make us wait 20/25/30 mins or ask us to come back later. They show amazing consistency in being inefficient. This time it has been more than 40 mins in finding a prescription they lost. I've had it and I had to post.
10 May 2023 13:53
I have been going to the pharmacy at Shoppers Drug Mart at Kensington Square for years, but it has been the worst experience for probably the past two years. I am not sure why this has changed, but I am going to ask my doctor to forward my prescriptions to another pharmacy.

When you arrive at their counter to pick up your medication, the staff takes note of you, but leaves you standing there for minutes causing a huge line-up. You almost feel judged by the staff as if they don't like your face. Am I supposed to put makeup on and put a fake smile on my face for a trip that is supposed to take not more than five minutes, only to not be ignored by the pharmacists? I just want to quickly walk in, pick up my medication, pay for it, and leave. That's it!

Speaking of picking up and paying for your medication: After more than 24 hours, it may not even be ready for pick-up. Usually, it took them only a few hours on the same day, but I have now decided to wait at least 24 hours and go the next day, and then I realized, even that isn't enough time. I arrived and was asked to wait another 10-15 minutes. After 20 minutes, I returned to the counter only to be put on hold again like an idiot waiting for anyone to speak to me, knowing they have already taken note of me. When the pharmacist finally arrived, she scanned the item and asked for hundreds of dollars. AFTER that, she asked if I had any insurance with them. Isn't she supposed to check my insurance on file BEFORE she checks out the item? In the past, pharmacists had always checked my insurance before they handed the product to me and the amount ended up to be only a fourth of it.

As they failed to prepare my medication in a timely manner with the right price, my trip the next day turned out to be useless anyways, because now, out of a sudden, the computers weren't working. Not only that, the pharmacist promised to call me once the corrections had been made - a call that, as expected, never arrived. So I am just assuming it's better to wait another 24 hours for them to get their business together.

Also, when you have a question at the pick-up station (where you pay, not where you get advised), e.g. Regarding your receipt, the staff always acts confused or it seems like they pretend they barely understand English.

I'm done with the pharmacy service at Shoppers Kensington Square. Please, do yourself a favor and go to another pharmacy. It saves you time, nerves, dignity, and you'll get your medication when you need it.
06 May 2023 14:31
Horrifically disorganized, save yourself the headache and go somewhere else. Waiting and waiting (30mins+) at the pick-up window to be helped while four staff continue counting pills and the line of customers behind me grows longer. They don’t automatically fill prescriptions that are faxed in, you have to call (if you can get through on the phone) or come in person to tell them you want the prescription filled, assuming they haven’t lost the fax itself it the meantime. I had a 90 day supply of a couple of medications to be filled and when I picked it up they were <5 pills short of each medication—when I explained that I would be travelling for 3 months and needed the full amount, they said they would order more, but on the day I was given to return for pickup the balance of pills they owed me was now 80! They spend another 30 mins scrambling to get me more pills (assuredly from other customer’s orders) and they still could not completely fill it. This pharmacy struggles from a complete lack of leadership and their customers/patients struggle as a result… it needs corporate oversight ASAP.
28 April 2023 5:21
I've gone here for years and it was fine till a few years ago. Out of habit I went here again today forgetting this place is just no longer an option for prescriptions. Doctor faxed prescription 3 days ago and it still wasn't ready. They said they'd have it ready in 15 mins, but I came back 3 hrs later and it still wasn't ready. This has been the norm the last few yrs. Will give Safeway a try from now on.
08 April 2023 16:41
Thank you so much Sidra…. For helping me in getting the elf halo Glow in my correct shade. She is always happy to help. She is the best 10/10
03 April 2023 6:43
This Shoppers is alright except they don't carry Raisin Bran Muffins or bananasso you'll need to trek down the street. It's in a residential area so you must go super early for the deals as some people forget how to share!
11 March 2023 3:46
Terrible pharmacy. Good luck getting your prescriptions filled. They never fill prescriptions sent by your doctors office. And they never answer their phones either. You have to go there in person days later to check only for them to tell you it's not filled yet. This has happened on multiple occasions. Save yourself trouble and just go somewhere else. They don't deserve any business.
08 March 2023 17:58
I have been compelled to write a review after receiving a few subpar pharmacy interactions. The most recent was on March 15,2023. I went to pick up my prescriptions and the pharmacy team could not find one of my prescriptions. The drawers were checked multiple times by three separate staff members. I told them that I am out of this medication for 3 days now and need it today. The male staff member states that they couldn't just refill it again as it says it was filled. Meanwhile, the line up behind me was growing and I could sense people's frustration with the moaning behind me.

After waiting patiently for 15 minutes, I said I only have 6 more minutes before I have to pick up my daughter and have to go. I need this prescription. The man behind me said the med is obviously not in your cupboards as the staff members kept going back to look over and over again in the same spots. In the end, my prescription was refilled again while I was waiting.
The staff members need to have some empathy and understand that in these hard times, it is a struggle to even make it in to the pharmacy and with gas prices, I said I can't come back another day for this particular med. I feel like if they had some skills in comforting people, it would help but when you are attacked and made to seem like you are being difficult, for asking for your med to be refilled, it just really sucks. The incompetency and disorganization and lack of communication is obvious.

On previous occassions, I have been told that they haven't received my doctor's faxes. Because of this, when I see my doctor, I ask a copy of the script that she faxes so I have a copy for my own records.
Another time, my medication for eye drops were Latanoprost and they added timolol. The pharmacy changed my eyedrops to add timolol. I brought that into my doctor and said my opthamologist only asked for Latanoprost and she said she never requested timolol. This was an error in filling the proper medication with a wrong med.

I truly hope that the owner of the pharmacy reviews this and the staff are educated on some people skills. Also, there should be a better protocol to figure out how to properly store medications so that medications don't go missing. There is a lack of checks and balances in this place. How is that even possible. This is not the first time that my scheduled and controlled drug - Adderall has been supposedly filled according to their records but is nowhere to be found. Are staff members stealing the meds for themselves. Like this needs to be looked into.

Perhaps they need to hire more staff members to go over things. The owner should have a hard look as to what is wrong and look and troubleshoot to make it better.

I thought this only happens to me. I told my daughter that I get so nervous and full of anxiety when I go to pick up my prescription. It's like I have to be on the lookout to make sure the correct dosage and medication is filled. I feel bad for people when your energy levels are low and your health problems are severe.

There is no apologies, no accountability or transparency. I hope it gets better for all the people that are suffering with their health and rely on proper administration of their meds.

Shoppers Pharmacy team, do better.
03 March 2023 7:20
The pharmacy staff is so incompetent and negligent that it's genuinely very impressive.

Being this bad at something isn't accidental, it's an acquired skill and this place has perfected this art.
21 February 2023 21:51
Twice now my doctor has faxed in prescription refills and I’ve gone to pick them up 5 days later. Twice they have not even been looked at or processed because the pharmacy “has been too busy”. This is NOT customer service. It’s also a big inconvenience to have to constantly go back to pick up my prescriptions. I am not happy with this pharmacy and considering transferring my prescriptions to another provider. Can’t even get through on the phone in a reasonable time. No one picks up the phone!
17 February 2023 8:50
Absolute joke of a pharmacy wait 15+ minutes on hold only to get cut off. Call back no answer back on hold for another 15 minutes. Unorganized. Customer service level 0.
22 January 2023 11:02
They take their time at this place. They told me that my prescription would not be ready for 24 hours. I told them that I could not wait that long because of my illness. They apologized and told me that it was not possible for me to get my prescription on the same day. I would just have to deal with my pain. I heard another lady complain to them that her prescription was one week overdue. I was so fed up that I went to the counter at Safeway and ordered my prescription there. They were able to get it ready in an hour. Don't go to Shoppers unless you're willing to put up with unnecessary delay and disappointment. It's way too expensive as well. Save up your money for a nice vacation instead.
12 January 2023 9:39
The pharmacy service is very poor. Even my doctor asked me to change pharmacies. He had to call in several times to follow up since they lost my prescription 2x. They managed to spell my name and type my birthday incorrectly despite using my care card. They’re in a great location so I understand the volume but in terms of service or competence, I’d rather drive 10 minutes and bring my business elsewhere.
15 November 2022 4:40
I bought "Ageless Bath Exploiting Mineral Scrub" at here today.and I just opened the lid to use it now.but what's going on? Why do I have to pay to buy what others use? I think I spent quite a lot of money in here for last 3 months.but I'm so disappointed. I'm from Korea.but in Korea, they always give new products to consumers.this is a given.why should I pay for "a tester"? Even if other consumers have tested the product at their disposal, it's obviously your fault.why do you have a staff or security guard?
22 August 2022 5:12
Zero stars for the pharmacy. Five stars for the folks at the post office. I still frequent this location often as I have a PO Box here. However, I transferred all my rx's to London Drugs two years ago. This pharmacy is a total joke and you can tell by their generic replies to comments that they do not care. My last visit to the pharmacy at this location was when the pharmacy manager had a bit of a hissy fit because she couldn't locate my prescription. She became confrontational and said maybe I had made an error. After years of bad customer service, I wasn't going to remain silent. I told her it's not my fault she can't find my prescription and that she needed to calm down. Well, that set her off. She finally did find my meds and as I paid for them, we continued to exchange words. After paying for them, she would NOT give me my meds! She kept them behind the counter. I have NEVER encountered such childish and unprofessional service anywhere. I told her she better give me my meds or I would call the police. Only then, did she give them to me. Trust me folks, take your money elsewhere.
11 August 2022 17:01
I'm sick of the TERRIBLE service at this pharmacy. They constantly act too busy and unwilling to help. I literally just got off the phone asking them to transfer my prescriptions to a new pharmacy and they hung up on me as I was about to say thank you. No acknowledgment that the call was over, just a click. It has been like this for far too long.
04 August 2022 11:47
If you want an efficient and friendly pharmacy experience, then turn around now!

Why would a pharmacy accept and sit on a received prescription for three days, and only when I go to pick it up do they tell me it's not in stock and will be a few more days? Who knows why! I wasn't offered any alternatives either, after mentioning I am now out of said medication, just an "oh.okay". This is not the first time this has happened to me this year, let alone all the issues I've had before this. Despite constant issues, I've been hanging on to this pharmacy solely for the convenience of the location, but I'm never returning after this and I want any prospective patient to know what they'll be dealing with.

I want to make it very clear, I put a majority of the blame on the management involved and not the clerks behind the counter dealing with pick-ups. Prescriptions are overflowing behind the counter they are so clearly overworked and backlogged, it's unbelievable anything even gets done.
14 July 2022 13:41
The most incompetent pharmacy I have ever experienced. Don't bother using the automated system to order a prescription. They cannot handle a two day time window. Once you get to the counter you will get terrible customer service from the staff, especially from the one with the pink/red dye job. They will start by being confused them move on to belligerent once their incompetence is called out. Avoid them if you can. They're complete garbage.
11 July 2022 8:34
Don't even want to give one star! The photo centre is NOT professional at all! Spent 50 min even though no one in front of me. The lady in the photo centre was super slow and always cut in to do something else. And the stamp at the back messed up because of too much ink. Redo the photos several times. Worst photo centre staff and worst Shoppers staff even seen. Never return!
08 July 2022 21:39
Is the phone broken? Waited 1.5 hours on hold during business hours to speak to the pharmacy. And they never picked up
01 May 2022 12:54
Don’t buy food, MILK, for a place that I supposed to keep people healthy having MILK that goes BAD on the 13th but doesn’t EXPIRE until the 20th, NO ONE checked the other MILK after feeling ill for a week because of it.
25 April 2022 13:23
Worst customer service ever! Refused to return an unused product and told me to return it at the location I purchased from. Ridiculous!
24 April 2022 9:00
Michelle made the shopping experience really uncomfortable, she kept on pushing me to finish quickly, and pay for it. I agreed on a couple things and wanted to grab more things from the store and she kept on telling me to pay for the cosmetic items in the cosmetics section. I did not like it, I will shop the way I want to shop. Please donot tell me how to spend my money. Thank you. Also she mentioned later that she will miss out on her commission if I didnot pay with her, okay well the service I experienced, I just left the store and went to a different location. Sad.
15 April 2022 19:57
It never ceases to amaze me how incompetent and rude the pharmacy staff are at this location. Without fail over the last 10 years I've had the misfortune of having to visit the staff have either been indifferent, rude or clueless
13 April 2022 13:09
I absolutely love Shoppers Drugmart, though the pharmacy at this location is terrifically frustrating. Most of the staff are unfriendly, the service is always slow and when you call to speak to someone, the phone is rarely answered.the call seems to keep transferring back to the main switch board. The rest of the store is amazing though:)
28 March 2022 23:21
Worst customer service, if I could give zero stars I would. You can't call because they disconnect you befor you get anywhere near a real person. The automated refill system is garbage. Also everyone is on there lunch break all the time a ghost town for service
15 March 2022 4:51
Staff is incompetent. I live in Victoria but get procedures done in Vancouver bi weekly. I use this pharmacy to pick up medications when I'm in town. Every time I come to this pharmacy they make me pay for my medications, but when I'm at home *magically* those same prescriptions are covered.
I'm on plan C (pharmacare) and have insurance- but just got in an argument with the Pharmasist saying I was only covered by plan G, something I'm not on. Absolutely ridiculous I have to pay for my prescriptions here but not at home. I'm on PWD and shouldn't have to pay extra when recovering from surgery. This has been happening for 2 years now and shoppers is USELESS. The woman today told me"youve never gotten lenotec" when it's something I've been on for over 2 years, and get filled every 10 days.

Embarrassing for you guys! Hopefully you don't kill someone
07 March 2022 8:49
Very poor and bad customer service especially in the pharmacy department. The lady who answered is very abrupt and rude. The best one is Shoppers Sapperton who are very friendly and pleasant. I will go back there.
14 February 2022 20:09
Poor stocking & merchandising and customer service is horrible. Love the location and convenience.
10 February 2022 17:55
Just called them asking for info on Covid test, and the attendant (Aseef, I believe) was super rude!
21 November 2021 5:59
Extremely poor customer service. The pharmacist abruptly hung up on me, and impatiently answered my question regarding an error in their side. I will not use this pharmacy again.
27 July 2021 0:35
Awesome pharmacy and friendly overall staff. There will also be unhappy customers with unreasonable expectations. But our family experiences here have always been wonderful.
22 July 2021 18:11
I have been going to this Shoppers for many years now. The staff are all friendly and the store does have a decent selection of product for its size. The store carries President's Choice and No Name products since Loblaws bought Shoppers a while back. I do think there needs to be at least one floor staff as the shelves don't always seem to be organized or faced. Also, the pricing does seem to be a bit higher than some other stores, but sales can be found. There seems to be a lot of bad reviews in regards to the pharmacy department but I always happened to find the staff friendly and haven't had any problems really. Some people may be bothered by the smell when entering the store but thankfully it doesn't last for too long.

Edit: The Canada Post here is very good. Sally is always a pleasure to talk to and is great towards her job.
07 June 2021 9:15
The pharmacy team, for the most part is inept. I have had miscounts, wrong meds, prescriptions go missing.sadly they are closest pharmacy so I'm kind of stuck with them. The manager never comes to the counter when asked for and whoever they are, they do not return calls.
21 May 2021 13:02
The staff are all great but the pharmacy and till are understaffed. Not the staffs fault but I think it leads to some misconceptions that it is the staff acting badly when they are having to act in weird ways because they're understaffed. It's common that shoppers drug marts are understaffed.
30 April 2021 17:08
I am not the one who writes reviews usually but yesterday I was shopping at this location late night and saw security guy was struggling alone with two shoplifters to recover back the stuff. I felt pitty for him. He was doing his job perfectly.
03 April 2021 9:16
PRICES ARE DOUBLE what they are at Safeway at the other end of the complex. For example: 500mg, 100 tablet acetaminophen are $15 here and $7 at Safeway. Claritin is $38 here and $22 at Safeway.
01 February 2021 7:28
Don't bring your children!

Every other pharmacy on Earth will sell you insulin over the counter. I'm now walking an hour in the rain to the nearest competent pharmacy where they do that, AFTER calling in to check and cabbing there, because the near-teenagers running this place can't help themselves or anyone else. I could have explained my situation to a dog with less confusion.
07 January 2021 1:20
Amanda at the Pharmacy was rude and inconsiderate. I contacted multiple times re: my prescription. I phoned early today to ask them if they need my benefits plan info to expedite my check out for when I arrive, because I was in a rush to get back to the hospital to care for my grandma (I dropped the prescription off a week ago and all my info is on file as I've picked up prescriptions from here before). The man on the phone was helpful and even called me back after confirming info. He said it would be ready at the counter when I arrive just show her my Benefit card. I came from downtown and after lining up to pick up my prescription (that was already bagged up and ready to go) Amanda told me to wait 30 minutes for her to enter my extended health benefits number. I tried to ask if it could be done sooner because I already phoned multiple times to have it prepared and I was in a hurry to get back to the hospital. She dismissed me rudely without even considering what I was saying and waived me off with her hands. I had to leave to care for my 90 year old grandmother who is hospitalized with pneumonia and will have to make ANOTHER trip to this pharmacy AGAIN. It should not take 30 minutes to ring me up for prescriptions that are ALREADY READY TO PICK UP. I also phoned and spoke to a man TWO times to let him know I am on my way in so I could give adequate time to enter my benefits plan number (which is already on file with them). The man seemed helpful I wish I encountered him instead. I dropped off the prescription off over a week ago. Amanda has horrible service and did not even consider my situation. The interaction seemed so unprofessional as she had an unfriendly attitude. Shoppers Management really needs to address the NUMEROUS bad reviews regarding pharmacy customer service at this location.
28 December 2020 18:39
Always a nice visit. Considerate pharmacist (persian man). This pharmacy is usually busy so I understand that requests might take longer.
20 December 2020 5:47
Their customer service is horrible. It's impossible to get to the pharmacy via phone. You can get better service almost anywhere else.
10 December 2020 9:14
This is the worst store to put yourself in
I send out to the manager
Actually make themselves known
To walk through the store

To walk as a customer
In the door to see
The cosmetic

2 women who love to do nothing but talk and stand
With the
Security to make you feel aweful
Dont think one person opinion is nothing it is something
I'm waiting til my prescription is up and wont ever go back
This store is horrible makes you feel bad
People pay attention to what others say
Stop going there are many many other shoppers which are way way better
I will be letting the pharmacy know I have been a customer for over 12 years and will let as many as know be careful in this store it is a
Bad customer service store you go in not feeling well you will feel worse and the cosmetics go to new west
Go to coquitlam
Dont go to this store

20 November 2020 22:11
Extremely rude and condescending pharmacy staff, tried to put blame on me for not having the prescription ready when I had simply asked when it would be filled. I have already filled my prescription here but after this one I will never use this pharmacy again.
16 October 2020 1:38
The worst pharmacy experience ever, and it wasn't my first visit, but after so many times of poor services, I gave up and will never visit here again, now I get my prescription elsewhere, half an hour drive to Vancouver instead of Burnaby, but the service was always excellent.
18 April 2020 21:45
Is price gouging legal? Tried to pick up a box of masks for construction use and the male cashier wanted to sell them individually out of an open box for $10/each “due to demand”.
16 March 2020 2:14
AWFUL CUSTOMER SERVICE! This location sold gift cards and the cashier didn’t activate them.to top it off this was during the holidays. The gift cards were purchased as gifts and now this particular shoppers is shrugging them off and saying they have the “inability to access the gift cards” to allow for reimbursement for the money that was stolen. To top it all off there are bank statements and video surveillance of the cashier completing the FRAUDULENT transaction. Now due to Shoppers incapability of taking action of this matter, it has been escalated to a fraud investigation through the bank. I sure hope this location gets what they deserve.
05 March 2020 17:34
Unprofessional. Manager won’t fix a mistake that was CLEARLY made on their end. They did not activate my friends gift cards and are refusing to give them their money back or fix the issue.
It’s 2020.u can tell if a gift card has been used and it has not.scccaaaaaammmmmmmers
21 February 2020 4:45
My sister was scammed and no one is helping to resolve the issue. They stole money from her and no one is helping.very unprofessional.
18 February 2020 4:50
AVOID THIS SHOPPERS DRUG MART AT ALL COSTS and especially do not buy gift card from them. My friends purchased gift cards, for Christmas presents, but the cards were never activated. After bringing in the receipt and a bank statement the problem was never fixed and the location has no intentions to. It’s been over a month now!
17 February 2020 5:22
This place sold gift cards and the cashier didn’t activate them for my friends that got them for gifts and now this shoppers is giving a huge run around so any of the gift cards purchased from there are no good and they aren’t doing a thing to make it right! Shoppers drug mart is usually pretty good with their customers.maybe this one doesn’t have the same idea as the rest of them and they should. I will never shop here.
13 February 2020 4:22
If I could rate this location a ZERO I would This place is APPALLING a friend had some issues after purchasing gift cards and the cashier failing to activate the said cards. NO ONE is taking responsibility or any course of action to rectify the situation. AVOID THIS LOCATION AT ALL COSTS
10 February 2020 23:09
WATCH OUT FOR GIFT CARD SCAM AT THIS LOCATION. This location charged us for gift cards and did not activate them and now we are out the money and the store manager, accounting department and customer service are giving us the run around. Do not buy gift cards here without calling the number on back of card directly to make sure the money has been loaded and card is activated. We provided receipt and banking verification that we paid for the item and it’s been over a month and Shoppers has not amended the issue. - Starbucks & Aldo Gift cards-
07 February 2020 1:38
Terrible staff attitude and aggressive security guard work at this location making people very uncomfortable, my wife is extremely upset with the way she was treated by the staff at the makeup area. We will never shop here again shame on you all for your negative behavior.
04 February 2020 20:29
BEWARE OF THIS PLACE and do not buy gift card from them. My friends purchased starbucks and aldo gift cards, for Christmas presents, but the cards were never activated. After bringing in the receipt and a bank statement the problem was never fixed. It’s been over a month now!
03 February 2020 18:13
If I could rate this location a ZERO I would! A friend had some issues after purchasing gift cards and the cashier failing to activate the said cards. NO ONE is taking responsibility for a cashier scamming a customer, especially during the holidays. This is sickening considering Shoppers Drug Mart is a multi BILLION dollar corporation. AVOID THIS LOCATION AT ALL COSTS, or even this franchise completely!
01 February 2020 19:11
This place is AWFUL a friend had some issues with paying to load gift cards and not actually having the money put on and NO ONE is taking responsibility or doing anything about it
26 January 2020 7:49
This place is very unprofessional, I have been dealing with a scam over a gift card that was purchased over a month ago and have not had help from customer service or the store managers at all. No one will help or take responsibility regarding this matter. I was told I had not purchased the gift card when I have proof. The cashier never scanned my gift card purchase. I highly recommend not visiting this location! I am very disappointed that NO ONE will respond.
06 January 2020 19:22
Most of the staff working in the pharmacy either hate their job or act like they hate their job. The wait is always longer than necessary and they often pretend they don't see you waiting in the pick up line. Their rx storage/organization system needs work. Stuffing multiple rx paper bags into a few drawers is NOT a good way to do it. It always takes them a while to dig through the drawers to find your rx. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's sitting up at the top in baskets and sometimes it's in the back. Do what london drugs does. Store all the filled rx's in clear bags and hang them on a rod. London drugs never has issues locating my rx.
29 October 2019 13:49
Good pharmacy nice staff. Except I bought a few things in store and used the cashier NOT the self checkout. The girl told me to pack my own bag and her job is just to scan items. Very strange, she was nice enough otherwise.
20 August 2019 5:21
I switched to this pharmacy because I required a "compounding" prescription, and my previous pharmacy did not provide compounding services. I spoke with the manager, he seems top notch, but a manager is only as good as the people under him. The staff made me feel very uncomfortable several times, speaking loudly about my prescriptions, voicing my affairs anyone in the vicinity. Thanks. Thanks for the privacy you say you provide your clients. Then next time, I try to pick up a simple refill, but the pharmacy tech won't give it to me without going thru a consultation of all my existing prescriptions and questioning me if I really need them. Thanks HERO, (named Hope, avoid this numbskull) but I think that is between me and my doctor. 1 hr later he is finally willing to give me my prescription, reluctantly. Fyi, it's a common antidepressant that millions of people take, often for long periods of time. Its not like I was looking for 300 oxys or something else narcotic. Then the next time they question me, treating me like a junkie looking for a fix. I don't understand why Vancouver area has so many pharmacy techs and pharmacists with attitude problems. Your job is to fill my order, you are a McDonald's drive thru cashier basically. What a joke.
19 August 2019 13:30
Understaffed especially in the pharmacy. I suggest moving your prescriptions elsewhere. Impossible to get ahold of and their online system is not sufficient. I thought I had signed up for auto renewals of a prescription. It apparently didn’t work, so I had the pleasure of calling multiple times and wasting an hour of my time. This has happened more than once. The redeeming quality is that once I get through they are knowledgeable and often apologetic.
14 July 2019 6:30
Their security was laughably bad - some skinny bloke in a black tshirt playing on his phone the entire time. Doubt he could stop a shoplifter even if he tried.
09 July 2019 9:05
Spent $20 on a pair of fake eyelashes because you can wear them 30 times. I misplaced the receipt and one fell apart before I could even take them out of the package. They wouldn’t exchange or anything. Better to shop at stores with decent return policies.
30 June 2019 5:45
This locations pharmacy and post office has been great. We usually like to only give excellent ratings with positive and constructive feedback. Its unfortunate that one staff member can tarnish the reputation of a whole store, but its possible. I write this review not to single out who at the post office is our of line, but so that management would handle this in the most encouraging way possible.

I myself had a bad experience in the post office with the same employee. I was told I cannot have reciepts and to leave prepaid items behind without being scanned. Also that It is not possible. I was met with a defiant defensive response that made me feel unconfortable. I grabbed a manager and asked him to please show this employee how to correctly perform this task and he was happy to show her in front of me. I did not want myself or the employee to have a negative experience, only a positive one.

My hope that this employee had learned from management and customer interventions. This assumption was invalidated today when my partner went in to send packages and came home perturbed and disturbed. This is what happened!

When my wife dropped off prepaid packages the employee insisted that she leave her packages unscanned and off to the side for later. My wife replied" may I please get receipts for those". The employee stated that they do not print receipts for these and that they just get dropped off. My wife replied that she always gets receipts when she asked for them and explained the rationale for doing so. That being previous packages she dropped off were not scanned and did not reach their destination and she was out hundreds of dollars both for shipping and products loss. It was a mess. She decided to make sure she got reciepts and made sure I got them too so that humam error on our end would be decreased. The employee stated that if my wife did not trust them that she should go to a different post office! As a matter of fact, this is the other post office, we have been happy getting our prescriptions here and sending packages for 5 straight years with no concerns until now. The employee then proceeded to scan the parcels with reciepts but then stated '' its just a waste of time". My wife was perturbed. She felt this employee is being paid to scan items and all other post office related duties outlined in her job description and is being paid to work. My wife was the one standing there waiting and arguing for the proper service to ensure a package does not get lost. Wasting HER time.

So we did not complain or write a review for the original 2 lost packages. We are more diligent now to avoid error. I have personally got management involved to enhance learning of this particular employee to prevent others from receiving poor service and lost mail. Yet, this employee has not learned nor do we beleive wishes to learn.

This employee is disrespectful despite being treated with kindess and respect. We understand people have bad days but the bad days out weigh the good in our eyes and I am sure many others have noticed this trend as well.

Our hope is for management to review with their employees the services they are to provide to Canada Post customers. Is it management or someone else telling employees not to scan packages when requested? Are they told to tell customers just a waste of their time? We would gladly change our rating from a 4 to a 5 if the next day we walked in (which could be very soon) this employee was more helpful and their attiude towards customers was respectful, kind, and helpful.

Thank you very much for reading this review, and thank you very much for the great customer service over the years. You guys are great. We refuse to beleive that one bad apple ruins the rest!
23 May 2019 15:29
Good selection of prestige beauty brands and fragrances. The lady working in the cosmetics department (Suzanne) was friendly and helpful. Post office and pharmacy can sometimes be slow so make sure you are not in a rush if you are looking to use those.
25 April 2019 21:02
When the post-office staff are there, they get things done, but when the non-regular staff are there it can be *very* slow. The pharmacy also tends to have quite a long wait.
16 April 2019 1:12
The pharmacy at regular hours seems to be chronically understaffed. Even the beauty/makeup department has more people working their area than the pharmacy does. Having said that, they were competent under pressure (promised wait times for prescriptions easily double resulting in some customers get verbally abusive), and the pharmacist made sure to cover every single detail with my prescriptions before sending me on my way. If possible, only go during non-peak hours like in the evening and things go much quicker (at least in my experience).

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