01 May 2023 1:45
My daughter started at SMS in Kindergarten and is now finishing her Grade 9 year. Our experience with the school has been top rate. The teachers have always had the time to provide personal guidance and support for my daughter throughout each and every school year. The school provides a wide array of academic and character building opportunities both within the curriculum and in its extracurricular offerings. This year alone, my daughter has participated in World Scholar’s debate, outreach performing service to others, rugby, band, and track & field, experienced a week of outdoor alpine hiking at Strathcona Park, and competed on behalf of the school in the Westmont Prize design competition. Over the years she has had the opportunity to take piano, compete in robotics and triathlon, run cross country, play basketball and soccer, participate in choir, and have various leadership roles in the student council and through activities focused on the school’s motto “Servite in Caritate” (Service with Love). The school does its utmost to tailor each student’s experience to their individual needs while continuing to focus on the long term goal of obtaining a post secondary education upon graduation from SMS. The academic focus on STEM and a current move towards the International Baccalaureate Program at the school keep us very optimistic about the school’s continued evolution focusing on what’s best for our girls. My daughter and I are so happy with our experience at St. Margaret’s that we intend to continue here until her graduation in 2026.
27 April 2023 21:31
We love SMS! Caring and knowledgeable staff, great programs and extra supports for students where needed. So many opportunities available for the girls; we are very happy here.
26 April 2023 9:05
We are very impressed by this school. In addition to great education they are really preparing the girls to be future leaders.

Our daughter has gotten a lot of care and resources to help her catch up as she has transferred from a French emersion school.

She loves going to school which is a great indicator of how well they are doing.
23 April 2023 6:52
Amazing culture of belonging and support. Teachers are invested and caring. It’s been a wonderful first year for my grade 8 girl. I love how young people can grow and gain confidence when they feel safe and supported. Excellent communication with parents.
03 March 2023 12:37
SMS is a fantastic school for any girl, whether starting preschool or later on. Their STEM-X focus ensures that girls are prepared for the future of work and will stay ahead of their peers. It gives me peace of mind to know how educated the teachers are, and how diverse and inclusive the school is. Every girl is very supported here!
02 March 2023 8:37
Congratulations on 115 year of quality education for girls! SMS laid the groundwork for our daughters success and future accomplishments!
27 February 2023 11:19
I attended this school years ago and I had the most traumatic years of my life, until now it still haunts me. Since I went there I have been losing sleep, having severe depression and mid to severe level anxiety, also another mental health disease which may be caused by this experience. And I decided to break my silence today.
This can be the last thing your daughter needs, or a paradise if you're loaded with cash because it's corrupted to the core, just three or four years after I left the school I heard an English teacher was fired for marking students with marks way higher than they deserved and was exposed when the students took provincial exams. Don't know if this is true but from my experience, I consider it very authentic.
Long story short, I was bullied and discriminated thereby many girls, not saying they're all bad but many were. The teachers totally ignored it. Instead of protecting me from being bullied, they forced me to admit that I was misbehaving because of things that happened at home, they also forced me to admit I was lying about being bullied many times. I was also often scolded by teachers for refusing to do things I did not want to do or even hated, such as band, choir, meaningless assemblies and such.let me give an example, one time a girl stormed out of the classroom crying when we were in a class and were given the assignment to introduce each other, I didn't say anything inappropriate, I was talking in English, the teacher heard everything I said but told the lady in charge of our behavior and all other bureaucratic things that I offended the girl, and like how other stories ended, I was forced to admit that it was my fault and everything.
Things like this did not only happen once but many many times. Around once per week. Besides ignoring my pain, the teachers also ignored my talent and potential, I am talented in many fields and I was trying my best to express it. However thanks to the ignorance of the teachers, I felt like I was useless, meaningless and do not deserve anything. Until years later, after I left this school I was finally given equal opportunities and able to stand out at some of the most prestigious organizations and competitions.
Anyway, it is too late now to cure my trauma, perhaps some of those people would laugh off it today, but I hope my story alerts you so you can make a sensible decision for your child.
10 January 2023 6:57
We are very grateful for the wonderful experience our daughter is having as SMS. This school provides extraordinary support and opportunities for girls.

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