02 January 2024 14:38
The school is ok but they are poor as shi, the kids there are rude. I get that schools busses are expensive but I don't want to walk to the pool and back. Some teachers are strict and scares me. But teachers like Ms. Kim and some others make me feel like I matter. My mental health has been drained from this school though. Also tell the people in the school to actually flush the toilet because they legit don't flush it
15 December 2023 12:42
I extremely recommend this school for someone thats not taking french immersion first of all the staff is the nicest you’ve ever seen, they will help you with anything you need of course sometimes there are supervisors that dont understand some things and occasionally dont do the right thing but the staff is still amazing. Even though you might see reviews saying that the staff education is hot garbage, it’s definitely changed over the years, the teachers are much more helpful and they have explorations where you basically get to try a bunch of new things like art, cooking, music, textiles (sewing and knitting), and more. And i know how people say how they spent thousands of dollars for a rock but what actually happened is the school voted for a piece of equipment and it turned out to be a rock plus it only cost 1200 not 12000 how some people say. Even when you look at the rest of the field and playground its an actually fun playground and if you dont want to go outside theres also too many clubs too even count, most of them just come out in October so trust me, if you actually try, you wont be sitting around doing nothing there.
The only bad thing i would say is that it’s built on a hill and its hard to get through there when theres a bunch of other parents trying to pick their kids up, but i understand that its not the schools fault, whoever decided to build it probably wanted to build it there.

In conclusion i really recommend this school because even of its bad past its changed and its now a really good school for anyone who wants to have a good time learning middle school.
27 August 2023 18:48
Bad school. See other reviews for details. Poor management, ignored chaos in the school itself, neglect of actually learning, false punishment, the list goes on.
19 August 2023 0:32
I no longer attend this school, but this school is incredibly poor and the education is absolutely horrible. I can’t blame the school for being poor but at least give a decent education system. You barely learn anything new every year. They will teach you about mixed and improper fraction in SEVENTH grade.
I enjoyed my years a lot in Summit middle school, but I can’t give anything higher than a two star.
21 December 2022 8:10
Summit is okay I guess, the teachers are really nice but GLENDA SPEIGHT IS A NONO
She was hyping down students while we were being nice and hyping people up
Emu Otori Out~
02 July 2022 17:32
Only a couple good teacher. Most the time I get in trouble for just talking with my friends during lunch time. I have been jn the school for almost 2 years and still no lockers.
24 June 2022 14:07
Summit Middle School, like many other schools, restricted student experience through horrible policy and an artificial school spirit. However, many teachers made student experiences engaging, to the implicit dismay of the school's management. The shortcomings of the school can, in part, be blamed on the school district, rather than the school itself. However, the school had control of inner affairs and at least part of the school budget. For example, as many have correctly stated, the school raised money to waste on an outdoor classroom (circa 2018-2019), which was rarely utilized by students or staff, the only reason for its existence was to either virtue signal to Aboriginal Peoples or to meet the self-centered shared persona of the school's management. Both reasons may have contributed to the school's purchase, with the latter being the most influential in combination with the former. Again, the school's attitude towards Aboriginal Peoples may, in part, be blamed on the district which may have forced all schools to acknowledge Canada's shortcomings regarding the inclusion of Aboriginal Peoples. Yet, the number of 'acknowledgments' the school pursued was completely the result of the school's management, which went beyond the minimum criteria the district provided. Case and point - the outdoor classroom. To add to the virtue signaling, the school consistently mentioned Canada's wrongdoings at every opportunity, beyond acknowledging the Aboriginal land claims. The school's management pushed the Aboriginal signaling too far, thus highlighting the artificial nature of said signaling. The apparent mishap was ignored, and the school continued to pursue ridiculous Aboriginal apologia, such as forcing students to pay homage to (and at times coercing them to create) Aboriginal blankets. Rather than creating artificial messaging, the school's management should have pursued a more reasonable acknowledgment. The outdoor classroom was a failed projection project and the overzealous virtue-signaling resulted in the fake school spirit.

Beyond virtue signaling and wasted capital, the school's management's greatest blunders were the policies and attitudes towards students. To preface, the management was primarily to blame for the unhappiness of many students, not the teachers. Yes, some teachers may have been authoritative, but the school's management molded them to be the way they were. With regards to eating areas, the school's management banned students from eating in the halls, despite the abundance of benches, by suggesting there was far too much congestion. The assertion that there was far too much congestion throughout the lunch period is logically inept and a blatant lie. The one-piece of truth to the statement was that on the second level, congestion rates were quite great at the beginning of the lunch period, however, most students did not eat in the hallways on the second level as the Learning Commons (library) was often, open. The school's management decided that the five-minute congestion of the second floor was applicable to all the floors when from a basic layout perspective, the second floor was the only floor with elevated levels of congestion. Despite the logic, the school's management further pursued pseudo-intellectual policies. Instead of creating a policy unique to the second floor and only applicable for the first five minutes of the period, the school ruthlessly limited the eating areas of some students. To add insult to injury, the school's management, for inept reasons, disallowed students from eating in the learning commons. Citing that students were messy, which was an extreme over-exaggeration, as students threw away their trash and unbelievably (to the school) had proper etiquette. By coincidence, more teachers left their classrooms open during the lunch period, meaning even most teachers found the school's management's claims to be absurd. After the restrictions, only one area was consistently open - the cafeteria. The congestion in the cafeteria rose as a result.ironic, is it not?
10 October 2021 7:49
I attended this middle school for a year and a half. Honestly, I don't feel as if it is good anymore. During grade 6, I usually hung out with my friends in the small forest next to the school, however in grade 7, the forest became overgrown with prickly plants. They also purchased 10 concrete blocks during grade 7 for over 6000 dollars, which is not what concrete blocks are priced at. I really disliked the school spirit assemblies, as they felt sort of artificial, I didn't feel the school spirit, and they mostly divided the school further down the lines of the 6 teams. The principal also got mad at half of the clarinet section of the senior band for moving around because of a fly during a school assembly. I wasn't there for grade 8, as I had transferred to a different school for the MACC program, however I heard from many friends that students were banned from staying in the hallways during lunch.
05 April 2021 21:52
Overall the school is a good school with good students and teachers but some things they do like spending 1200$ on rocks and even more money on useless chairs in a place that we aren't even allowed to go. The school can do better in that regards but obviously overall great school
03 January 2021 14:29
Best school ever love the building and the teachers are really respectful and put there lives on us.
16 December 2020 22:59
Reflecting back now, I think the school did a good job balancing work time and breaks. The teachers who taught exploration courses and extra curricular programs, were well educated and experienced. The only two things that I had a problem with was the forest and the way the schools money was spent. In sixth grade the forest was tidy and groomed. However, going back to visit now, it is overgrown and there is no space to run around anymore. In grade seven, I noticed a ridiculous amount of spiders, mostly on the bottom floor and in the staircases. Spider eggs were rumoured to be laid on the floor of the school gym. The solution was not to call an exterminator, but to hot glue the eggs down. They then spent money on rocks. I have great memories there, but I am happy I moved on when I did
16 December 2020 3:51
Instead of solving real problems, the school decided to spend 12000$ on useless rocks. Every single time when the teacher says be quiet, the students yell louder. This shows that no one cares about the school. 0/5 rating. Also, I never got a top locker once and this is unfair. We need a change. We must start a revolution.
03 November 2020 13:48
The School is great, other than the people that join your Minecraft Education edition world, and blow everything up JOE >: (
30 October 2020 1:02
I attended this middle school for a year and a half. Honestly, I don't feel as if it is good anymore. During grade 6, I usually hung out with my friends in the small forest next to the school, however in grade 7, the forest became overgrown with prickly plants. They also purchased 10 concrete blocks during grade 7 for over 6000 dollars, which is not what concrete blocks are priced at. I really disliked the school spirit assemblies, as they felt sort of artificial, I didn't feel the school spirit, and they mostly divided the school further down the lines of the 6 teams. The principal also got mad at half of the clarinet section of the senior band for moving around because of a fly during a school assembly. I wasn't there for grade 8, as I had transferred to a different school for the MACC program, however I heard from many friends that students were banned from staying in the hallways during lunch.
10 November 2019 9:54
Garbage school, i hope that i never come here again and i got depression from it. And i know the "owner" is some student or a 50 year old man still living in his mom's basement that doesn't have the balls to fight me. Pussy
02 August 2019 5:57
I am very disappointed in what this school has become. We had a project were we had to make a tree house in Mine craft and i built Shrek. Then some kid blew it up and I cried a lot. At the moment I am suffering from depression, PTSD and Bipolar disorder because of this traumatic experience. This event has impacted my life greatly and I am very sad.
30 July 2019 0:02
So does ksi go to this school? If so can he follow me on insta. We have to learn about deji and his big nose. Red banas are god. So I really like that deji is a teacher in this school he is very sexy. I have a crush on him. Ksi should be the principal, Mr bob is a good indian scammer he scammed me for my apple watch he is also very rude. He called me saying you have 3 days to pay your taxes in an indian accent. Oh yeah Mr ballsack is kind of hairy like harry potter. So there is one more person ms sprite is the most OP person in the school. She beats even Deji the best teacher. She helps the Mr bob by giving him sprite to scam people with. He sells sprite for $100 each. So I give this school 3 stars so ms sprite does not hurt me.
08 July 2019 1:51
I give this school five stars for being the best at being the worst because they made a fake Deji without a big nose and a skinny Logan Paul instead of a fat one
21 June 2019 22:49
I got bullied at this school and teacher's didn't really help, and teacher always assume and profile students because of their skin, and assume they do drugs or are "suspicious"
17 March 2019 11:44
I heard a lot of good things of this school back then. But people have started to feel less happy at schools. Friends of mine say that when they were in grade 6 the school was calm and everyone was happy to be there but now people don't really like the school anymore. So that was disappointing, and i have noticed that students have started to slack a little and have been stopped meeting due dates, ETC. Also, some teachers are unorganized and make the students do the work and forget about it in less than a week. But, the school is very friendly and has a lot of nice people
16 March 2019 19:57
This school makes people addicted to devices and to play. The noise levels are ridiculous and every time the teacher leaves the classroom, it gets even louder.

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