18 January 2024 5:14
Excellent selection of used books. Can easily spend hours there exploring. I always leave with more books than intended and never disappointed.
06 June 2023 15:06
What a great book shop!
The piles of books stacked everywhere makes it even more magical. It is like you stepped into an adventure!
So many great old books and the proprietor and his lovely assistant knows where each and every book can be found.
I was lucky enough to get three hardcover mystery books from the 1950's!
09 April 2023 13:16
If anybody knows their stuff it’s this guy, William Matthews! Such an intelligent man! His daughter Alex and him are there 7 days a week, running the place on their own.very inspiring, interesting, and kind people!
27 September 2022 3:04
What a fun spot, so much to see! I found some old favorites and new additions for my bookshelves. I love searching through the stacks and hope they don't mind when I organize the books a bit, the sci-fi especially needed a bit of tlc because it is just bursting with great reads

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