11 June 2023 22:49
Together We Can is built on community, they love you until you can love yourself. I have seen several friends come through the program and build themselves a new recovery life. I am grateful that organizations such as Together We Can exist. They are helping to rebuild lives, heal families and strengthen our community.
05 June 2023 22:06
I am beyond grateful for TWC. This organization saved my brothers life and provided us with education on addiction and support via.the family group throughout the process.
25 May 2023 23:44
Hello my name is Daniel P. What can I not say about TOGETHER WE CAN… it safe my life.
TWC employees, counsellors and volunteers were incredibly helpful, never have I experienced care as I did from them.
I am completely grateful to this wonderful place and full of gratitude.
To all of friends at TWC, thank you for giving me my life back.
Love you all.
23 May 2023 6:43
A genuinely great program that shows men going through a tough time the love and compassion they need! Highly recommended. I'd definitely recommend TWC to anyone struggling.
19 May 2023 22:39
I would not trust these people! They have a very closed door policy! And not good professional business operations! They ghost you and stop communicating altogether. In my experience with TWC I felt bullied when it came to payment, expensive recovery house $7,500.00 (Robins Nest) per Month, run down facility heated with space heaters and served donated food. They justify double dipping and charging Social Services for date’s that where already payed by family… very shady work, Manager said SS only pays $1,200 a month so they had to try and get as much $ as they can? This house doe’s not do their job or follow up’s! They allowed my daughter to leave the facility for a weekend with out contacting her Probation Officer or her family, even after I shared my concerns of the risk’s, still no drug test on her return, they well not keep your loved one safe and they are not monitoring whats going on in that house. REWARE! Find a treatment/recovery centre that is professional.
They helped feed my daughter’s addiction and she is back on the streets.
14 May 2023 13:30
I was in seriously bad shape from drugs and alcohol. A friend got me a bed here and i was able to seperate myself from them. I was determined and focused, with the help of the counselors and TWC first and second stage programs, i have been clean and sober ever since. This place changed my life and i still keep in touch to this day. I cannot recommend TWC enough. Thry saved my life. That was over 12yrs ago. #ODAAT
26 April 2023 22:34
My experience at TWC was positive overall. In 2 weeks I'll be celebrating 2 years of sobriety. That isn't to say there were no shortcomings, my needs weren't always addressed automatically and I butted heads with some of the staff but in the end I think those quirks helped me advocate for myself. Treatment is always going to be what you make it, I thought I would be cured by going here but I learned TWC could only guide me towards a better life, not walk that path for me. Everyone here, from staff to other clients, respects you when you respect them. I loved that the vast majority of staff are recovering addicts themselves as it really breaks down the separation between the them and the clients. I could trust what they were telling me to do was really in my best interest and not just some detached academic reciting words from a text book. People here are genuine, darkly funny and an inspiration to be around. If you want a better way of life, TWC can help you get there.
07 February 2023 12:49
I gave 2 stars for 2 reasons. 1) This place lacks professional help. 2) The staff were horrible execpt for maybe 2 of them.
The house I stayed at had pest problems and clearly the house was falling apart (like really falling apart) mold in the ceilings and bedrooms.
This place need a major upgrade and needs to address the actual problems.
My eperience there was 5/10.
Woyld not reccomend this place to anyone.
04 December 2022 13:14
My brother went to this rehab centre they were amazing in the beginning. I joined their family counselling and learned a lot. After 30 days my brother was was on a free pass because he completed 30 out of the 60 days. He was drinking in the rehab facility I didn’t know until he returned home. I understand rehab takes a few times. When he got home I reached out for counselling because this is something they offered. I needed support and nobody ever returned my email. I suggest find somewhere else that supports them the whole time your loved one is there.
06 November 2022 12:14
If you have money …. You have their attention. 45k for 3 months…. 3500 2nd stage… Staff are prior clients…. Trained/experienced staff lacking at each level. Family paid well over 50k….
We cannot recommend TWC…
Family member clean and sober without organization. Snapshot of our family’s experience with TWC…
19 August 2022 5:57
The truth is you get what you put into treatment. This place helped me immensely. I fought the process quite a bit at the start but when I finally surrendered to the process and listened to the nice people trying to help me and got out of my own way it was great. I would recommend this place to everyone battling addiction they don't give up on you here and they truly understand addiction as almost everyone who works there is in recovery themselves.
So many options to continue long term sobriety through there many programs they offer.
01 August 2022 22:10
This place quite literally saved my life. I know many people write that on places they've been to, but they went out of their way for YEARS to help me get well. If you're actually looking to set yourself up for success outside of the recovery world, you need to be exposed to others living sober in society. TWC allows for that to happen while providing a supportive environment while doing so.
20 June 2022 12:48
Went to TWC back in 2016/2017 and I can safely say that they ruined my life.

Lost my job, my ability to work, my girlfriend, everything after entering their programs.

This is a warning to anyone entering this program, enter at your own risk.

If you are a Christian, run, don't walk away from this facility.
28 March 2022 4:34
Unprofessional the staff newly sober people which will cause issues with clients. If you pay over 15g you will be treated with respect but you are met with newly sober people with problems I was pulled over on the side of the highway because my staff member could nott drive. I would like more professionals if you pay the price. Do. It put someone who is 4 months sober handing people medication. No folllowup if I am struggling I tried to reach but nothing.
13 September 2021 4:49
Saved my life today. I came in a shell of a man and it has given me structure and a solution I am so greatfull to TWC for helping me get back to every day living clean and sober and helping me see that I am capable of being a contributing member of society
27 August 2021 14:35
Not for profit ya right. Everyone at the top make good money all the bottom staff that work around the clients are uneducated and volunteers. I seen some slimy move by TWC staff, anyhow I would really get clear with these people what your getting for your money.
13 July 2021 14:00
Amazing place. Amazing people. By far one of the best experiences of my life. The support and education, in my opinion, are unrivaled. If you're thinking about joining the TWC family you definitely won't regret it.
20 May 2021 1:00
Highly recommend. Very well managed. This is the place to go if you are looking for help in recovering from alcoholism and or addiction.
01 April 2021 8:33
2 1/2 years ago I came to TWC-Alliance program very lost, broken and scared. My plan was for 1 month of treatment just to get my head clear, well that turned into 2 then 3 months and then another 8 months in their volunteer and second stage program, this was something I had never experienced with other treatment centres. It gave me the confidence and a safe a secure place to learn the skills to succeed in my recovery something many other centres don’t offer. You can not learn how to live life sober simply by showing up to treatment for a few months and walking away, it’s a life long process and TWC continues to be a part of my recovery still today 2 1/2 years later.
12 March 2021 13:05
I am so greatful for Together We Can and all the staff volunteers and donating partners. I first went into TWC in January last year after being defeated by addiction. I was broken, scared, alone, I had no purpose. Today I live an amazing life surrounded by true genuine friends, I'm present with my family I have joy in my life and true happiness. And most importantly I'm a productive member of society again with purpose. Thank you again to everyone at Together We Can
04 March 2021 3:13
I came back to TWC for a second time this year. What made me consider them over other facilities was because of the counselling staff. Each Counseller has something different to offer and you can take valuable information from every class. The second reason is that the staff are very helpful and approachable, they have helped me in many ways when I was unsure on what to do in situations and had no direction. The family program really help support my family and how to deal with me being away and gave them really helpful information on my disease and on my addiction recovery.

After my stay as a client I had no career to go back to and no plan on what to do next with my life. I decided to stay and volunteer to keep connected and TWC has given me an amazing opportunity to give back by working along side staff to help them out. I am very grateful for the information they provided and opportunity to give back. Together We Can has helped me gain a sense of purpose and the ability to help the newcomer.
24 February 2021 23:45
I am a Super Fan of Together We Can aka TDub aka TWC! This, not for profit organization has given me new perspective in Life and education on addiction and recovery life. I had my personal struggles and was suggested to reach out to TWC for two weeks and then decide for myself. I have been part and parcel of this organization for in some way, shape or type since 4 years and can’t stop talking positive about TWC. It reshaped my Life! Hope it reshapes yours.
23 February 2021 1:51
I would highly recommend TWC if you or a loved one is struggling with the disease of addiction. I have attended other- more expensive- rehabs in the past, however TWC exceeded those facilities in terms of the following: one-on-one time with staff, integration with family and external supports, a genuinely empathetic environment, and the extensive post-recovery resources of the organization. Thank you, TWC!
12 February 2021 16:38
TWC has, the hugest heart that beats, which all can hear when walking through its doors.

The professional, empathetic, and compassionate approach to myself, when I was a client, saved my life.

I came in a desperate boy, with TWC paying great attention to everyone of its clients, I now get to walk as a sober, grateful, present man.

Thank you TWC.
12 December 2020 11:06
I'm extremely grateful to Together We Can for changing my life. I struggled most of my life with addiction, and recently celebrated a year of sobriety.

Between the excellent care, amazing counsellors, and aftercare, I honestly made the best decision to come here for treatment from Alberta.
02 December 2020 20:14
This place failed two family members, my brother in law, my step dad. The victims. My Mom, my sister, my nephew, myself. My step dad went to TWC and remained an addict. My sister's husband has been at TWC twice and failed both times. He continued to use drugs etc and steel money from his family members. The real bizarre thing is TWC hired him to become an employee. An uneducated addict to work in the facility. I don't recommend this place.
10 November 2020 1:25
I sent my now ex partner to this facility for the second time in two years in March. Upon entering the facility the yoga teacher employed there immediately started an intimate relationship with him. Not only is this morally wrong and unethical. It’s also an abuse of a position of trust to engage in a relationship with the clients especially those who are new in sobriety. In the event he relapses who is liable?

Prior to sending a son or spouse to this facility please be aware this was my experience which was completely unprofessional. Treatment centres should not allow staff to date the clientele as it poses a significant safety risk to the clients sobriety, physical and mental well-being. I don’t wish for any other family to have this kind of experience due to the clear lack of professionalism and ethics displayed by this organization.
12 October 2020 23:50
Fantastic place. Surprisingly made my my meth cravings go away. Fantastic place fantastic program fantastic people.
22 May 2020 15:24
Have nothing but good things to say about this place and still do today I went through in 2005 and it was a great experience and have not looked back since do the program like they ask and you will not have any problems or get kicked out of the program like Jeremy Braun did non comply goodbye.
02 April 2020 1:25
They said they were non 12 step and lied.and took as much money from veterans affairs as they can. They have no morals. Ask them about they run oceanside residence.
23 September 2019 20:37
I just completed my primary treatment stay at Together We Can
and I am extremely grateful to the organization.
The community here is prodigious as an example of how to live not just a sober life, but a life worth living.
Thanks guys!
16 September 2019 9:42
I have heard about TWC through the recovery community, and it was all positive, it made coming to TWC an easier decision for me to make. I am very grateful for the understanding, supportive and compassionate staff.which not only teach recovery, they live it in their daily lives, I couldnt have done this without their support.ive met alot of really great guys here. I am confident that I will be able to do anything that I set my mind to, by staying clean using the tools that i have learned here. If anyone you know is struggling or yourself is, Please do yourself the favor of reaching out and taking the right step towards changing your life. This place has helped me majorly and it can help you too!
11 September 2019 11:08
My experience has proven to be quite challenging, due to my lack of commitment and spirit, after getting over those hurdles. I have begun to experience many rewards of recovery. I feel weight has been lifted off my shoulders, Im happy, starting to love myself. Enjoying the freedom of being sober. The staff here are very supportive and very helpful. They have become my pillar to lean on when im in a dark place.
09 September 2019 22:33
I found TWC to be very helpful, all the staff are friendly and accommodating.i spent 60 days and got a lot of knowledge from the classes.
27 August 2019 12:06
First time here. It was a great experience. You just have to be willing to follow rules and do the steps. I fully committed to everything i was told.
14 August 2019 11:24
This recovery centre is the place for any man who is done with suffering in addiction. The facilities are adequate. The food is delicious. The programming and community are at the level of places twice as costly. I have, and will continue to recommend this solution for men who want a better life.
11 August 2019 4:45
TWC changed my life. And I'm so grateful to have completed the program and moved on to second stage to stay close to the program
05 August 2019 3:04
I came in with no idea what recovery or treatment was. My experience here with everyone including staff was super welcoming, my experience with clients and staff was over-all amazing, everyone is willing to help with whatever I needed to reach all my recovery goals. All in all, it was an amazing experience here. I am very grateful I came, I learned the tools I need, to live the life that I've always wanted to!

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