10 January 2024 19:03
They won’t stop sending you emails, even if you block them. Don’t even try to get a quote or you will get tons of nonstop emails
08 January 2024 18:32
Terrible service. Have to jump through hoops to cancel a policy, especially if you live in Quebec. They either need to improve their customer service or add more "licensed" staff who can process policy cancellations.
12 November 2023 22:09
Trupanion has put their cost up $35 every year. Their excuse is they don't raise it because your pet ages but that is what they have done. In 11 years we have only recently put in claims and of course they keep putting it up! Why? It's not okay!
08 November 2023 22:11
! My fully vaccinated one year old indoor cat who have 42.25 Cad/month insurance premium with Trupanion vomited and showed sign of illness, I booked urgent appointment for next day with vet. Turpanion refused claim, the cat ended up having worms and according to smart A. Trupanion adjustors this is not illness and could have been prevented.

Wake up guys! This is 2023, you cannot go away with stealing people who pay premium for emergencies like this. I will expose this every were and follow with government regulatory authorities so people know what kind of service you guys are!
07 October 2023 20:11
Enrolling was easy, the gentleman was very knowledgeable and patient, as this is my first puppy I knew nothing about pet insurance. Let’s hope their coverage, and customer service continues to be satisfactory.
05 October 2023 6:52
I received a 30% increase after my dogs first year with trupanion after never claiming anything. For context, you can't claim anything the first year anyway. They claimed that so many people were claiming insurance (which is what it's for) that they had to increase it. After reading the same thing over the course of a few years, it's clearly a bait and switch. So what's the best option you ask; lower your monthly rate to match what was originally agreed upon, but with an increased deductible so you rarely, if at all reach a level where they'd pay you anything.

Fast forward a few years to where my dog actually could of used the insurance. Seeing as I've paid 3-4k, surely they could pay the 500 bill with ease. "No, your deductible is too low, you should of paid us more". Alright, we'll I could of had 3-4k saved up, used that and had money to spare. I discussed this with a vet and they said their personal experience has been trupanion will try they're very best to avoid paying. And yes, it was trupanion, not a mistake. They said your best option is to put money aside.

Now, let's talk about trying to cancel. Obviously annoyed with the service and hearing from first hand experience in dealing with them. I had zero doubt I'd be cancelling and saving instead. I called to cancel and instead of being helpful with the process. I had to listen to a sales pitch about how important it was to stay. I explained my situation and said if nothing happens, I'm wasting my money. He said well we could talk about hypotheticals all day, but what if your hit with a 70k bill. So he didn't want to hear my hypothetical, but then proceeds to give his hypothetical. Great sales pitch. So instead of being helpful with the process or even explaining issues my breed of dog may have in the future. He kept trying to put the fear of a 70k bill in me. Great management by whoever trained this person to use fear tactics to get you to stay. No, sorry our service hasn't met your standards. No, better rate offered. No incentive to stay what so ever. I'll never use trupanion ever again, I'll never recommend them. I hope they go out of business.
16 September 2023 4:17
I went from $67CAD per month for my dog to $115CAD per month with zero justification. Absolutely insane increase of close to %50. Buyer beware. Do your research.
12 September 2023 3:14
My wonderful 2 year old puppy was recently very ill. Not only did Trupanion help with money to see that he had very best medical care that was available to him, but every one that I delt with was so kind and super helpful durring this tough time. My puppy is now doing well. I appreciate every one I delt with and thankful I chose Trupanion for the coverage of my very special pet.
10 September 2023 12:55
Have had multiple claims with them and they always came through with little or no hassle. Highly recommend them and easy to deal with.
09 September 2023 0:02
Awful company. Just because my dog was getting older they increase monthly cost, not just by $10-15 dollars but by $60. I now pay $165/mnth for my pet insurance. My dog is 14 yrs old and I have never claimed anything. Trupanion is aware obviously I have no options and so I will have to pay whatever the price increase is. I called to speak with them and they gave me some unrealistic excuse of why my price was increase. I get due to inflation the price is increased by a few dollars, not a jump to an additional $60. This company is a scam in its own way. I will never use Trupanion EVER again.

Similar situation happened to my family dog where Trupanion refused to continue to provide service because the dog was getting sick a lot. We were paying monthly and they said ". Sorry, we cannot continue to have you as our customer. " The only way we could continue to be a Trupanion customer is if a stipulation was included stating the current condition will not be included, and anything caused because of this condition will not be covered. This was a newly diagnosed condition that was diagnosed after we had insured our dog with Trupanion for over an year. Awful. Pet insurance scam.
Seek elsewhere would be my recommendation.
Thank you.
01 September 2023 10:25
They raise the rates constantly, I am currently going from $88/mos to $104/mos AGAIN in the last year, unacceptable, from Trupanion: "We recently reviewed our data for pets in "enter hometown" and for all "insert dog breed" in BC, and we found that the average cost and use of veterinary care has increased. So, starting Sept 04,2023, we'll be raising "insert dog's name" monthly cost from $88.40 to $104.61. My dog has not even been to the vet's since 2020 (I am posting this in 2023)! Unimpressed.
01 September 2023 9:12
Easy to send copies of invoices with claim request. Still figuring out a few ways to get info from my computer onto the request form. Helpful progress notices. Understand that staffing and increased business means claims processing is not as fast as previously.
26 August 2023 21:12
I have been using Trupanion for many years, for several successive cats. It has always been useful, but now I unexpectedly find myself in financial difficulties. Were it not for Trupanion's help with his vet bills, I would have to give up my diabetic senior cat, something which would be heartbreaking for both him and me.
14 August 2023 4:48
Awful experience with Trupanion. They don't care about the pets or their owners and are more than happy to descriminate against animals to weasel their way out of paying out claims. Glad all the money I put into this plan just will go to lining some rich dude's pockets instead of helping animals!
10 August 2023 2:23
The worst decision for someone who just moved to a new country with a senior dog. Plus, their customer service person is rude! I get that it would be a long process to check the medical history esp that we are from another country, but you should update your clients if you were having difficulties in reaching the clinic from another country to save time! I call to follow up for 3x and they dont have feedback just because they were calling a wrong number! Had they called to update me, i would’ve helped in getting the correct number and I wouldn’t have to wait for more than a month just to let me know that they will not cover my claim! I just waited for nothing! Definitely wouldn’t recommend getting Trupanion.
03 August 2023 20:55
Trupanion has been the best thing we did for our new puppy. We have never had a problem with trupanion paying any of our vet bills. We will define get trupanion with any of our future pets. Thanks trupanion staff for all your help
03 August 2023 7:38
They used to be great! They paid out claims so quickly before!
My baby has collapse tranchea and has ongoing issues.
Now absolutely terrible They claim system upgrade is affecting their claims " 2 months later, Get a new IT company!
It's been 3 weeks still nothing back

We are keeping trupanion for this dog as if I go to another insurance company it would be pre existing - we have a new puppy and have now enrolled him with another insurance company!
I do not recommend this company!
02 August 2023 0:41
We’ve been with Trupanion since 2012 and every year the fee’s go up astronomically. Our vet had submitted a quote for my dog’s dental and it came back pre-approved and 90% covered. We ended up going to the hospital instead of our regular vet and the pricing was very similar and when submitted—-it was not 90% covered! They didn’t even cover 50% of it. We were not happy campers and we haven’t used any benefits until recently with dental and some other issues my 11 year old dog is going through. They covered some diabetes testing which is great and hence the two stars but In my honest opinion start a saving account for your pet and add $50 a month for emergencies. This way you can increase the amount if you want and your hard earned money is used when you need it and know you have the funds in your account.
01 August 2023 0:58
I am grateful every day for the amazing service we got from Trupanion when our 2-year-old dog needed expensive diagnostics and complicated surgery. They were there for us every step of the way. I recommend this company every chance I get. <3
29 July 2023 14:23
Our little Chloe Belle was diagnosed with high liver enzymes at 1 1/2 years old. She had numerous tests done as well as a liver biopsy which ultimately diagnosed her liver problem. Of course this was highly expensive and our thought process is if you take on the responsibility of being a pet owner then you do whatever is necessary for them. I can’t stress enough how thankful we were for having gotten her a Trupanion policy from the day we brought her into our lives. The process of sending in a claim was simple and fast. In the beginning people would look at us and laugh when we told them we purchased pet insurance from Trupanion but when we tell them the cost of her diagnosis and treatment all they can say, as well as us, is thank god we have Trupanion pet insurance. I can’t stress enough how grateful we are for having it.
28 July 2023 19:28
They constantly increase cost with no good reason. I started at like $60 per month and now I am at $130. Happy to say my dog has had no issues so I don't understand why my rate has more than doubled.
Just giving my money away.
Fees are not affordable, and they don't cover the examination fee.

They always reply with typical jargon as you may see on this post or others below.
26 July 2023 2:24
Buyer beware. You'll hear heartwarming praises when this company saves a pet owner from a large bill. In actuality, YOU are paying for their large vet bill.

Trupanion has insured our dog for roughly 8 years since he was a puppy. Our monthly fees have continuously risen every year and WE HAD NOT MADE ANY CLAIMS. At this rate, by next year, their monthly fees will have doubled since we started.

When asked how premiums are determined, the answer has varied. Today was a new reason - I was told it is due to "5 factors" that they review every year. Here is their canned reply:

"The first factor is location, we look at the overall cost, access to and utilization of veterinary care within your zip code. The second factor we look at is breed, we look at overall how many claims were received for your pets breed that are enrolled with Trupanion. We also look at deductible amount, age at enrollment and gender of the pet. If any of these factors have changed we do adjust accordingly. We do not increase based on individual claims filed for your pet or them getting older. "

Hmmm.they look at "age at enrolment" but they don't increase based on "them getting older. " In our case we had no claims prior to last increase and my dog has only aged. Monthly rates have continued to rise annually (around an extra $20 extra every month per year). When asked if they can provide specific LOCAL, BREED-SPECIFIC evidence based on their "5 factors" to warrant my rate increases, I was told that it was "proprietary. " Dodgy.

If you are looking for pet insurance, I encourage you to shop around. Over the years, I have found their customer service to be combative and defensive.

My experience with this company has been poor. Just a large insurance company that really doesn't care to justify its actions when challenged. I will stick with them for the life of my dog given the large "investment" I have put into them over the years.we are done after that.
22 July 2023 2:32
I'm not sure how to feel about Trupanion insurance for pets I haven't needed it so far so I'm kind of on the fence about having it can anyone tell me why it's worth it to have other than the obvious getting hit by a car and needing surgery right away please someone enlighten me
26 June 2023 18:34
My Insurance has gone up significantly for my older dog, which is frustrating, but the experience I had with the people answering the phone calls and elevating my concerns has been reassuring. The explanations are fair and thoughtful and when given the opportunity to understand their justification I agree with them. This is not to say I enjoy an almost 50% increase in my premiums, but I do appreciate the attention to my concerns. I still recommend these guys to my clients as well as friends. Insurance is not cheap, but neither should it be.you get what you pay for.
16 June 2023 16:28
Thank you for giving me peace of mind! I have Trupanion for all three kitties and it’s been so easy with the direct billing.

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