26 May 2023 19:56
How do I begin! Coming to Dr. Randal Trester was a life changer for me.

At 23 years old I felt as if I was trapped in an old man’s body. Since coming here I’ve gained a lot of my flexibility back, got to do the things I enjoy the most like walking and running which was totally unimaginable prior to coming here. I really appreciate coming here not only because of Shalene’s s warm welcome when you check into the practice, but also Dr. Treater’s great attention to detail during my adjustments! Coming to my appointments is my favourite day of the week!
Thank you so much for giving me a lot of my life back and supporting me through this journey!

Definitely a lifetime customer!

P.s at first I was horrible in making it on time to my appointments and I really appreciate it the follow up from the practice defineltly helped keep myself accountable to my goals!
18 April 2023 6:53
Regular visits to West 1st Chiropractic Wellness Centre have been a game changer for me. As someone who enjoys sports and pushing their body to the max I cannot imagine my life without the help of Dr. Trester. My energy has improved significantly and I no longer experience daily headaches.
I am thrilled to continue my health journey and experience all the benefits come with it.
Thank you Dr. Trester and Shalene for the wonderful experience.
30 March 2023 22:13
I’ve noticed an overall improvement of quality of life since seeing Dr. Trester. My whole experience with them has been professional, friendly, and very efficient. It’s a pleasure to see them every appointment.
29 March 2023 10:36
I first met Dr. Trester at the Planted Expo in Vancouver in the summer of 2022 where he was providing free assessments. As someone who has suffered from long-term chronic back, neck, and hip pain I was curious to see what he would say. After a quick evaluation he quickly spotted several issues that I had already been aware of and assured me that he could help. His initial assessment gave me the confidence to give the West 1st Chiropractic Wellness Centre a try and they have not disappointed. From my initial visit onwards the care I've received has been first rate. Dr. Trester takes the time to not only provide treatment but to educate his patients thoroughly regarding the treatment they're receiving and how it works. He has a great bedside manor and puts patients at ease. Appointment bookings, re-scheduling, billing are all incredibly easy and create a worry free environment that allows you to focus on the treatment. I have been receiving treatment for the past 7 months and went from having chronic pain to enjoying a mostly pain free life! While I have completed the bulk of my treatment, I will continue to go to Dr. Trester and the West 1st Chiropractic Wellness Centre on a periodic basis to ensure I maintain the wonderful progress I've made!
23 February 2023 10:00
I’ve been seeing Dr. Trester for a couple months now to prevent my scoliosis from getting worse. I didn’t really notice major differences at first, but after a couple of visits, I started being more flexible, and my body is less tense. At the end of my first treatment plan which was about half a year, the x-ray showed promising improvement - the upper part of my neck was straighter compared to my initial xray (before treatment).

In terms of service, Dr. Trester and his wife are very welcoming, friendly, and they’re clear with the direction of the treatment that they’re going with, which I appreciate.

If you’re looking to improve your overall well-being, hesitate no more and come to Dr. Trester’s office!
06 January 2023 8:02
In month of June I couldn’t help myself to walk straight, and my feet dropped every 5 steps and I got tire after one kilometre of walk, now in month of Dec After 38 appointments with Dr able to walk 80% straight and my feet drops much less, more important I’m feeling much happier now, thank you Dr
30 November 2022 6:32
They changed my life.
Wonderful, kind and professional people. Would absolutely recommend to anyone.
Give it a try. You won't regret it!
15 November 2022 5:05
I spoke to a friend today who was explaining the growth in physio & Chiro practices that insist to sell their treatments in packages & do very short frequent appointments. It reminded me of years ago when I went to Dr Trester. Which is why it made me write this review even though I haven’t been in years, as he was constantly pushing for everyone to come multiple times per week it felt like a pyramid scheme.

I had a sore neck & used to visit Dr Trester a couple of times per week for over a year. It never got better until I moved & visited a different Chiro. Her appointments were so much longer & more thorough & so much more effective. And she told me to NOT come back unless I needed her. It felt so unusual to have a Chiro not constantly trying to push me to visit all the time.

Dr Trester and his wife are very friendly but I didn’t like how I would book an appointment, & they were always running late so I had to wait for ages to be seen & then my appointment would last less than 5 min.

I read all the other reviews before writing this and noticed how Dr Trester always responds to all the negative reviews so I’m fully expecting a response.
29 September 2022 9:32
I have been seeing Dr. Trester for over a year for some serious neck issues. Not only is there major improvements, but he is the kind of person to go above and beyond to support you in your journey. I could not be more thankful to have randomly found his clinic on instagram. If you care about your health and want to take good care of yourself, as the spine is one major component in having a healthy body, he is your guy!
05 September 2022 11:17
Unfortunately, did not work for me. Was wrong diagnosiss, was pushing to a minimum 6 appoitment and always rushing? (very expensive) for 15 min if you are lucky $$$$
Eventually I give up! Few weeks after my
Cityscan show different thing!
27 January 2020 16:36
I was a vendor at the Zoomer conference in Vancouver last spring when a colleague came to me and told me about this booth for Wellness Chiro. I have always been skeptical about "bone crackers" but out of curiosity went to check it out. I had for some time been having lower back pain and was having trouble sleeping due to tossing back and forth, so, I booked in for appointment. I went to my initial consultation with Dr. Trester, he did a thorough exam with x-rays. Then I had to go back for results, I thought ok, this is where I get told how much it'll cost. I went back the next day. Dr. Trester reviewed what he found and without telling him a whole lot, he hit the nail on the head. I was advised of his recommendation and cost which seemed I thought, very affordable. I've heard from many friends they pay same or more. I started with my first adjustment that day, May 2. Oh and by the way, Dr. Trester doesn't do the so called "bone crack" method for which I was very happy about. That very first trigger, shot to my feet, which was sort of neat. I however was still pretty skeptical. He told me to walk for a bit before driving home and drink lots of water which I do anyway. I did a block walk and got in the car and off I went. As I am a sales rep, I drive a lot, till feeling a bit of ache I drove home. Went to bed that night and got up the next morning I got out of bed and realized I didn't have any soreness, aches? Was very strange I thought, then thought well I will wait for it. I have to say, I have never had that pain or ache again! I continued my 6 weeks and had a review of how all was going and was getting so much better, I thought well, have to continue. I have more energy and sleep really well. I still go on a monthly basis just because I feel so GREAT! My walking friend also noticed that when we walk now, she noted that I no longer complain about my feet. I used to get burning pain which I would have to kick off a shoe to stop the pain! I hadn't even noticed but she was right, I no longer do that! Bye bye to all those bad SUBLUXATIONS and thank you Dr. Trester and Shalene for your great care and flexibility with my crazy schedule!

See you in a couple weeks)
26 January 2020 21:33
I was walking along West 1st and happened across West 1st Chiropractic Wellness Centre. Timing was perfect as I was dealing with chronic lower back pain, and was in need of help! I was greeted warmly by Shalene and Dr. Trester and immediately felt welcome and cared for. Over the course of a few months and regular visits, I have been amazed at the progress I have made and have feel so much healthier, happier, and pretty much pain free. Thank you to Dr. Trester and Shalene for their help, and can't say enough great things about the treatment, it has been a game changer in terms of my quality of life. Highly recommend to those in need of Chiropractic support!
24 December 2019 13:54
My life has completely changed since seeing Dr. Trester. For years I have had chronic pain as a result of an accident and tried everything to deal with it. The day I met Dr. Trester and Shalene and made my first appointment, all that changed.

Immediately after my first appointment, I noticed a big difference, there was definitely less pain in my neck and jaw.

After my second appointment, the following day I was walking down the street, and my gait changed. I began to walk properly without favouring my right side which I had done for many years.

I continued to see Dr. Trester and began to sleep well, something I hadn't done for a long time. My appetite improved. My energy increased. I feel better emotionally. The pain in my jaw and neck and back is being treated properly and that has affected everything else.

When I first came to see Dr. Trester I had limited range of motion, less than 40%, and now that's improved to over 70% in a very short period of time and continues to improve with each appointment.

The day I met Dr. Trester and Shalene, I had no idea how much things would improve for me. I am so glad I became a patient, and just wish I had done it sooner. Thank you so much, you've made such a difference in my life!
06 November 2019 5:55
I have had posture and overall tense/weak back issue fixed and never sought help for it. I was introduced to Dr. Trester at the 2019 Vancouver Outdoor & Adventure show and that turned out to be the moment at the right time and place. My treatments to date have vastly improved my overall body wellbeing, all day comfort, and allowed me to pursue much desired physical activities with more ease. Dr. Trester's office is clean, friendly, and attentive. His advice more or less matched my progress. Thank you for your support in helping me feel better.
27 September 2019 0:58
I went to Dr. Trester because of limited flexibility in my lower back and hips, and headaches due to stress and neck pain. I had received chiropractic care before so I knew that it could help increase my range of motion and alleviate my headaches. I have been seeing him for about 9 months now, and the difference is amazing! I have far less stiffness, a greater range of motion and my headaches are gone! I was able to get back into the gym after only a few visits and have been able to increase the duration and intensity of my workouts since then. A great side effect of this is that I sleep better and overall just feel better!
05 September 2019 22:44
I first met Dr. Trester and Shalene at VegExpo in the spring with my sister and from the very start I knew that I was led to this amazing duo for a reason. There were many other chiropractors at the show that day, but something about the energy that Shalene and Dr. Trester radiated felt comfortable and right.

My whole life I was told that I was a little lopsided but there wasn't much anyone could do about it; that I should just avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities. Over the past few years I started developing pain in my left leg that I attributed to the varicose veins that were forming on my calf. This pain would either prevent me from participating in any activities that included walking or standing for longer than 10 minutes altogether or result in discomfort and pain later in the evening, wearing compression socks in an attempt to alleviate the aching. At this point I thought that I would need to just accept the cards I was dealt and refrain from dancing, hiking, going for walks, and basically anything that involved being on my feet.

During my first appointment with Dr. Trester, I could tell that he was discovering multiple subluxations by all of the hmms and okays followed by notes scribbled into my file. Once we looked at my x-rays together, it was quite obvious that I was not "a little lopsided" like the other doctors had misdiagnosed. My hips were twisted and there was a very apparent curve in my spine from the front view. I don't think this is the type of curve gentlemen yearn after. We started a treatment plan right away to help realign my shapely vertebrae and potentially fix some of the other issues that were on the sidelines waiting for their turn to surface.

I am halfway through the treatment plan now but I can already feel the magic Dr. Trester has been working. There are a few days here and there where I will have some aches from long days of dancing and strolling through the forest, but I no longer have to worry about being in constant pain and suffering after doing the things that I love most. Not only does my body feel ten years younger (I'm 25, so this speaks volumes to what those subluxations were doing to me), but my mind feels free and inspired to create! When Shalene first handed me the questionnaire about my mental health and outlook on life as part of the initial patient paperwork, I struggled to see how it had anything to do with aligning my spine, but now it all has come full circle. Your spine is an extension of your brain and they work together to provide you with an experience that is uniquely yours. If something is out of place, it causes a chain reaction throughout the rest of your system.

During one of our appointments, Dr. Trester said to me "if you're prescribed something that doesn't align with who you are or your values, you don't have to take it. " Those who see value in their health and their quality of life, will realize that Dr. Trester's care plan is an investment in a better you. It might take multiple appointments and some time out of your schedule, but the returns on this investment speak for themselves. Thank you Dr. Trester and Shalene for giving me a peaceful getaway from my daily rituals and creating such a positive and healing space. You both deserve every ounce of praise for the magical work you do!
01 September 2019 17:55
Becoming Dr. Trester's patient has become a decision that changed my life for the better. My wife was suffering from strong pain in her left shoulder when she decided to have a consultation with him. Her experience was so good that she agreed with the recommended treatment and suggested I have the same evaluation along with our children.

After attending the treatment all family is feeling great. My wife's shoulder pain has decreased and my lower right back pain is a thing of the past. Coming to the Chiropractor together as a family has become an activity we all enjoy. The office is full of enchanting details and the warm service makes every visit a fun experience that we all enjoy.

Do not think twice to come over and put your health in the best hands.

For me, happy wife and happy kids with no back pains mean a happy and healthy life. Thanks so much to Shalene and Dr. Randall for your wonderful job! You guys make a great team!
27 August 2019 9:51
When I first came to this place I had pain on my shoulder and neck but now there is no pain and I’m feeling so much healthier than ever. I really recommend this place and for sure it will help you live more happier.
06 August 2019 15:00
I am very impressed with the progress of my Back pain (Sciatica) and neck pain.
I have been suffering my pain since last 2 years. I would recommend anyone to go there for your treatment.
Your body will appreciate the treatment.
Clean and friendly staff.
Stay pain free.
30 July 2019 19:37
The Team at West 1st Chiropractic Wellness Centre are extremely personable and friendly. They are able to accommodate busy schedules and last minute changes when needed and always put the patient first. Dr. Trester is very thorough when explaining care practices specific for your needs and Sholene is always kind and courteous and greets you with a smile. They make a great team!
04 July 2019 14:20
I have struggled with neck and shoulder pain throughout my adult life. It got progressively worse after I had my daughter. My husband was seeing Dr. Trester and he was feeling better each day, so he gifted me a free session with him because he knew I was struggling with the pain. I’m so thankful that he did because I feel like a new person. When I first started my chiropractic care, I wasn’t very flexible and could barely touch my hands behind my back. 8 months later, I am more flexible and no longer have headaches. Thank you to Dr. Trester and Shalene for giving me a new lease on life!
25 June 2019 20:51
This is my first experience with Chiropractic care and I have been very happy with the results. All the recommendations and treatments by Dr. Trester have yielded tangible improvements. I wish I had seen him a few years sooner. I have no hesitation in recommending his care to anyone.
06 June 2019 17:58
Clean, short wait times, nice people.

I originally came in with lots of back pain from carrying my new baby around hoping for a quick fix. Dr. Trester set up a treatment plan for me that took away my pain and improved my overall mobility. He has treated both myself and my new baby daughter for the past seven months. Thanks for the Trestastic treatments
01 June 2019 17:44
I had issues with my posture as well as lower back pain for most of my adult life. I finally decided to see a chiropractor and I'm glad I did. Dr. Trester has improved the health of my spine, reduced my pain and improved my posture. Thanks!
11 April 2019 6:36
I was experiencing a lot of back and neck pain which made me feel tired every day. My best friend, who had excellent results recommended Dr. Randall and I decided to book an appointment.
Since my first appointment, I felt more aligned and less pain. Over time I experienced less stress, I had more energy, and the pain was nearly there.
What I really like about Dr. Randall is that I was educated on understanding not only how to improve my spine alignment but my overall health. Also, my appointments were very easily organized and I always had a remainder the day before.
I feel that going to the chiropractor was one of the best decisions I made to improve my quality of life!
04 April 2019 7:18
The good reviews on here must be fully paid for, because all the bad reviews are absolutely bang on. The experiences is extremely poor, they waste your time making you wait for 30 - 45 mins every single appointment, and as far as the treatment, it is basically a sham. You pay for 15 mins increments, you're lucky to get 5 mins of actual treatment time, AND IT DOESN"T WORK! I did 12 visits here, spent over $600 and felt worse after. NOT WORTH IT, BE WARNED!
03 April 2019 22:58
I was referred to Dr. Trester by my husband. At that time, I had been dealing with really bad neck pain, digestive issues, anxiety and lots of brain fog for almost one year. I felt like I was falling apart, inside and out, my body had reached its max. I felt utterly helpless, which isn’t easy when you are a mom of two children and work full-time. I was willing to try anything at this point to get my life back on track.

Dr. Trester determined the possible problems, and so my treatment plan began! It was a little overwhelming at first because I was going to see him three times a week. But I started to see a noticeable difference even after the first couple weeks. So I was committed to stick to the plan he had mapped out for me.

I have been going to this clinic since August 2018, and I feel like myself again. I still go in for treatment once every week or two and am so thankful for how much he has helped me. THANK YOU!
14 March 2019 18:30
Dr Trester and his wife seem like very nice people, but their practice is not one I'd recommend. Despite the negative reviews - along with a couple unprofessional responses I saw - I decided to give them a shot because they were in a very convenient location.

I had read and was warned by others that chiropractic practices that demand you stick to long term care plans may be more interested in your money than your well-being. I was reassured by Dr. Trester to "give it time" and that his method "requires patience. "

Since I had a tight budget, I told the clinic that I would only be able to do visits that were covered by my benefits package. Shalene said she would talk to her husband, but that this wasn't advisable. I continued my treatments for about 2 months. I felt so guilty about having to cancel my remaining 5 or so visits that I ended up leaving a voicemail, notifying them that I wouldn't be able to complete my treatment in 2018. When they called, I clarified I could come in the new year right away and continue my treatment. Aggressively she said this was not possible, and I then asked if I could have a refund for my pre-payments. She never got back to me, but instead I noticed a refund on my credit statement. They dropped me as a patient.

Along with other patients, I also found it strange how long I would have to wait for my appointments - either in the waiting room or when I was in the exam room for just a couple minute treatment. I was often late for work days I came in for treatment.
07 March 2019 5:59
My experience here was fantastic.
Dr. Trester is very knowledgeable and skilled. I felt very confident and comfortable during the entire process with him. I always felt welcomed there by Shalene, how is very kind and always has a smile.
By the end of it, I felt wonderful, and the results speak for themselves.
I highly recommend it, Five Stars!
03 March 2019 13:25
Dr. Trester office is very friendly. The receptionist is always so cheerful when I come in for my appointments. I had headaches for years when I was little and every since I started going to see a chiropractor; my headaches has started to improve. Now I can go some days without having any headaches. It feels great. I would highly reccomend Dr. Trester.
26 February 2019 20:51
I have been using the services of Chiropractors since the age of 18 when I hurt my back as an apprentice. Eventually having partial disc removal in 1988 so I was well versed in back pain as my spine would go into spasm and 1 hip would drop almost 3" I couldn't stand and my spine looked like a question mark.
We moved to Canada in 2003 where I sought out a chiropractor in Coquitlam but he didn't suit me. I did have some years of relief and persevered. However in 2016 I was having a continuous bad time before retiring so my son booked me an appointment with Dr. T and things got better and better.
Although I started with twice a week appointments I was seeing improvements and sleeping better. I was still being very careful in my last 6 months but I retired without pain - that in itself was bonus.
I cannot thank Dr. T enough. There has been a financial layout obviously getting this far but I think I'm worth it, If I can travel as we do 1 month at a time and come home on 9 hour flights, staying different beds for nights on end in different places and still walk and not ache something is working and I for am extremely grateful.
So to all you detractors out there and I have read the reviews don't come once and moan about time and cost - persevere he is here to help you using new Chiropractic methods, he's not a magician this will take time.
He is also not a bone cruncher like the ones I used for 30 years in the Uk his methods work - I don't fully understand it but I do fully appreciate it.
The whole visit is helped by the addition of the lovely Shalene, his wife, who efficiently runs the office / reception for him with ease. Always welcoming, always happy - makes me happy just being there.
So thank you both I am a convert and a pain free convert at that.
25 February 2019 1:58
I discovered West 1st Chiropractic Wellness Centre last summer after a year and a half of physio and massage for back and neck pain from a car accident! My headaches were daily and I was completely overwhelmed with chronic pain. I had also experienced a tragic loss in my life and needed desperately to reduce my daily stress and find comfort and joy again.

The kindness and care I received from Dr Randall Trester and his wife Shalene has been life changing! I no longer have daily headaches and my neck and back pain has almost completely subsided. More importantly is my understanding of self care and prevention!

Thank you Dr Trester for your knowledge, support and care in helping me move to wellness! Thank you Shalene for your warmth, kindness, and great conversations about New York! It has truly been a pleasure!

Sheri B
10 February 2019 17:25
I met Dr. Trester and his wife Shalene at his stand at the Outdoor Adventure and Travel Show last year. At that time, I had really bad lower back, and leg pains. Sometimes, the pain would just come out of nowhere which would cause me just stop and I couldn't move.when we first met, Dr. Trester determined the possible problems, and invited me to his clinic for treatments. I did not know wether to go or not, but decided to give it a try even though I live all the way in Port Moody, which is about an hour of driving away. I have been going to this clinic since March 2018, and i have been loving it there. After a couple of sessions, the pains that I used to have went away and it never came back again.

Thank you, Dr. Trester for your professionalism and knowledge to help me overcome the problems with my physical and mental health. Thank you Shalene for a welcoming and warm atmosphere in the clinic.

Ella B

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