06 October 2023 23:49
This system is a government protected monopoly. It is a corrupt organization, operated by morally bankrupt people, hiding under the blanket of big business, whose purpose is to take advantage of injured workers.
Do not trust a single thing you are told by one of these professional liars. Contact the Ombudsperson as soon as they begin to abuse you.
Also, keep in mind, that although our government protects this organization and it's workers from prosecution for their crimes of Fraud, acting in Bad Faith, Maliciously responding on Unreasonable Timelines etc.that you can still file a Pain and Suffering claim against them in the Supreme Court. Record calls and take notes, so you are armed to write affidavits later.
Good luck Injured Canadians.
29 September 2023 11:31
It is quite the goose chase to get things done. It's ridiculous, we need a new system overhaul.
10 August 2023 6:22
Worst experience ever
They keep delaying and delaying over and over for 2 years. They just sitting in the office and judging and not trying to help no matter how injured people are still outside and make the money for surviving. I cannot believe that. Worst and worst. What is the word worse than 'worst'
06 August 2023 14:44
They are all losers working there. No respect for this organization. There is heavy collusion in case managers.they have a condescending attitude towards workers. They don’t wanna retrain you. They wanna get rid of your claim.
13 June 2023 17:04
Dealing with worksafe has been a nightmare from the beginning. From getting wrong information at the beginning to having my claim passed around to 4 different people. I got injured on the job almost 2 years ago now and have still received no compensation. They have always rushed me to get information to them and take months to get any information back to me. Dealing with worksafe has been more stressful than the injury itself.
09 June 2023 21:52
I got hurt at work and left homeless and no money because Bosa doesn’t cooperate and worksafe couldn’t do anything I am without work need help
28 April 2023 21:05
Has worksafe improved in the last 10 years well we will find out soon
same injury had 10 years ago
so far delays total 35 days or about double the costs of resolving the injury but they have lots of time because previously the final costs exceeded 5x the cost of the same injury

they still have a chance but that chance is quickly diminishing the key factor are delays in process caused by employer dispute of essentially an insurance process they have not improved or reduced that time period over the last 10 years it appears anyways lets see.same injury same issues have they actually made any difference in the last 10 years?

we will find out very soon.truly the ability for the employer to dispute in this case will increase the cost about 3x the cost of the total medical cost for the injury to be repaired which you would think might make worksafe consider eliminating or reducing such delays and cost increases to our workplace mandatory minimum insurance.well so far looks like things have not changed in about 10 years I noted the outdated medical description of this injury hasnt been updated so it appears there haven't been any real progress made but lets see.will keep u posted
05 April 2023 23:30
Disability department is an absolute joke. 6-8 months wait after an assessment? You have got to be kidding me. The gentleman that I spoke to said he was 6 months behind…Don’t hold your breath waiting for these guys. If they can find a way to go slower I am sure they will. No wonder people despise dealing with you
04 April 2023 23:41
Experienced and professional medical doctors with extreme care. Any workplace injury in BC will be taken care of by the WorkSafeBC. All staff are extremely welcoming and present. Very good and free parking available on the site.
14 March 2023 3:55
Its unbelievable that work safety is left to this incompetent group. 2-4 weeks after filing a complaint you get a call from someone on the moon who doesnt know anything of the major projects in bc.
Sites are completely unsafe and it takes these idiots 4 weeks to find the site on a map. I called every day for 3 weeks and saw nobody but i did talk to 2 people who couldnt find a 3 tower project covering nearly 10 acres and nearly 200 stories.
This must be where competence goes to die!
07 January 2023 15:08
I applied for a job which I was highly qualified for and they rejected it without any real reason. You would think a governmental agency that’s supposed to be more supportive of the underrepresented groups in the workplaces would be at least different in their hiring practices.
30 November 2022 4:31
I fought these horrible agency for 4 years going all the way to their highest so call court Wcat. Then everything that I was entitle to get according to my injuries another manager took away. So I end up with nothing and I still have my work related injuries. Wining at Wcat means nothing they can take it away from you. I was pass from manager to manager often. Horrible horrible people. They are all in my opinion Sociopaths.
I had help from the so call Workers Advisers Office but the workers advisers will not help you unless you provide them with all the home work related to your claim.
26 November 2022 13:13
They gave the very individuals who harassed me full access to my claim file disclosure, medical records and documents.
Clearly they don't care about you. They will humiliate you. So be careful with this corrupt entity.

Please note: The Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal is capable of addressing and applying the Human Rights code. Make sure you describe the issue and add the human rights code in your appeal application or they won't consider it. Also Constitutional questions can be addressed.

Please read the Worksafebc Janet Patterson report, it may be useful to you.

Take care.
02 November 2022 19:19
If you miss their call after you've left a message the day prior, you have to start the process again and call their 1866 number. So ridiculous, playing phone tag like this.
25 October 2022 10:01
Worksafe BC helps injured workers alot. And mental health teams are supportive and they do really care injured workers.
My case manager, Ms Laureen Holland is very caring and supportive, and she encouraged me whenever I was very frustrated but I didn't know what to do with it. She always tries to arrange best therapists to make my recovery reach best possible. She calls every a few week and asked how I am and showed me caring and gives good suggestions.
She really helped me in her mind. I really appreciate her support and encouragement, caring me in my tough journey.
Thank you so much.
22 October 2022 9:56
This is my 3rd unfortunate go around with Worksafe. I wish I had something positive to say as I am a positive person. I dont lie I dont steal and go out of my way to help people. I got Covid in July and my back went out as a result. Its known that Covid causes back pain. My case manager Gareth has taken his sweet time managing my claim its months since a decision has been made on the back pain claim. This is the 3rd time as well my employer has lied to Worksafe about my injury. Worksafe ignores that aspect and still takes their side. This has happened 3 times now. As well for the 3rd time I am on the verge of being homeless. Worksafe will maybe eventually help you a little. In the event that the case manager denies your claim the review board will probably accept it, however why does it have to get to that point. If you know that the claim will be accepted why do we injured workers have to wait so long to get the help we so desperately need. I am frustrated beyond words and cant begin to describe how much worse Worksafe has made my life. Again I am sorry to give this negative review. I hate this and I know that some in you organization have helped me a lot. For them I am eternally grateful. To the rest including the terrrible case managers I have had at this office Gareth and at the Victoria branch Robert Mitchell I cant say the words that you guys deserve. All I can wish is that one day you guys see the error of your ways and help people cause thats all we need and want is help.

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